Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association

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Post the same thing twice? First time you specify "YOU" should have been more specific. Now the second post says "I" should fully read. Sounds contradictory to me.
Originally posted by Disco
Post the same thing twice? First time you specify "YOU" should have been more specific. Now the second post says "I" should fully read. Sounds contradictory to me.
:rolleyes: Not really.

I should have clarified more on what I meant by how Stern was never formally trained.

The other was that you should read more carefully on how I posted that he did have the certificates to teach in that region.

Nothing contradictory there, but thumbs up on your attempt. :rofl:
I thought this had been put to bed quite some time ago...

Was Mr. Stern convicted of a misd around ten years ago? Yes.

Did Mr. Stern pay his debt to society? Yes...a small fine and letters of apology.

Does Mr. Stern have formal training? Yes, with the instructors he lists. For more years than many here have been alive.

Did Mr. Stern formally hold rank with legitimate organizations? Yes, with at least two that I am aware of.

Is KYHA only for yudo & hapkido? No, it is open to any discipline, any rank.

Does KYHA issue rank? No, it recognizes you at what ever rank you have earned through others.

Does KYHA claim to be the 'official' organization for a particular country or discipline? No, KYHA repeatedly states it is a fraternal organization only.

Does Mr. Stern travel the world teaching seminars at the request of discipline Grandmasters and even Leaders of countries? Yes he does and he receives the red carpet treatment befitting a man of his Martial experience, years of training and commitment to the arts.

Is KYHA a money making business? No, in fact Mr. Stern loses money running it. He lives on a fixed pension and sponsors MA's into KYHA that cannot afford the membership fee. In other words he pays for the underpriveleged MA out of his own pocket.

What does he charge to fly in and teach a seminar? I have never seen him charge a penny and he flies in on his own $. As stated before he has helped GMAST tremendously by giving of his time and knowldge for free. He is the kind of man that would give you the shirt off his back.

I am planning, in conjunction with other members of ILMAM/GMAST to again host him later this summer for a seminar.

Have a wonderful day.

Originally posted by A.R.K.

Was Mr. Stern convicted of a misd around ten years ago? Yes.

So you admit he has a background of being dishonest then.

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Does Mr. Stern have formal training? Yes, with the instructors he lists. For more years than many here have been alive.

But how can he be trusted since he has lied about his background before?

You both seem good at making martial arts organizations on paper to give rank to people but you then say rank has no meaning.

You are the guy that I have been reading about that always says rank has no meaning for you but you are a member of a group that recognizes it.

Sounds like you are cheating people or just lying to them since the organization you belong exists for the purpose of doing what you don't believe in.

Why give rank if it has no meaning? Why even talk about it?

You seem to talk about it alot therefore I think you really care about it no matter what you write here.

Why would you say one thing but do another?

After reading some of what you write on here it seems to be you way to do things.

Based on what I have read I donÂ’t trust him or you.

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Does KYHA issue rank? No, it recognizes you at what ever rank you have earned through others.

What gives them the right to recognize rank?

Why do they recognize rank?

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Does Mr. Stern travel the world teaching seminars at the request of discipline Grandmasters and even Leaders of countries? Yes he does and he receives the red carpet treatment befitting a man of his Martial experience, years of training and commitment to the arts.

Which grandmasters?

Which leaders?

What does he give seminar in?

Originally posted by A.R.K.
What does he charge to fly in and teach a seminar? I have never seen him charge a penny and he flies in on his own $. As stated before he has helped GMAST tremendously by giving of his time and knowldge for free. He is the kind of man that would give you the shirt off his back.

If thatÂ’s the case great!

Have him come to my dojo and teach seminar for free.
When can he come?

From everything you have said, Mr. Stern sounds like a good and decent man, one who is devoted to his art, and one who has a good reputation for both his skills as well his teaching of the art. But don't expect to convince those who are not interested in your views.

Don't you find it interesting how people can become so completely obsessed with a martial artist they have never met, nor even know anyone who has trained with him? Yet they can become utterly convinced of the righteousness of their judgment regarding how skilled or how effective a teacher this person is.

Of course your personal understanding of the worth of this man means nothing to the court of Internet opinion. On the web, slander is cheap and easy for those determined to belittle the worth of a man. Oddly, the relentless disparagement is not targeted at his skill, his teaching, or his years of devotion to his art. Rather, the clamor stems from a completely unrelated issue, whether this person has received ranking in a system that does not pass their arbitrary test of authenticity. If so, then the investigation is begun seeking anything damaging in the person's background. Criminal convictions, are an especially good find to support the ceaseless stream of criticism.

Around the world we have legions of arrogant, self-centered, egotistical martial artists with high rank from "authentic" organizations. Are the arbiters of authenticity one bit concerned with the character, or lack thereof, of these people. Of course not. They have rank from organizations deemed authentic, so they are beyond reproach. There is no need to investigate their backgrounds.

Should you choose to associate with a martial artist who in your opinion is both skilled, and also is a concerned, understanding and caring person, you now need to proceed cautiously. You must first determine whether he has rank certified from organizations deemed authentic by the self-appointed experts. If not, it is highly advised to do a search to uncover any criminal convictions published on the Net.

If not, beware. You yourself just might be swept up in a torrent of criticism and invective. Trust me. It's been known to happen.
Originally posted by Shuri-te

From everything you have said, Mr. Stern sounds like a good and decent man, one who is devoted to his art, and one who has a good reputation for both his skills as well his teaching of the art. But don't expect to convince those who are not interested in your views.

Don't you find it interesting how people can become so completely obsessed with a martial artist they have never met, nor even know anyone who has trained with him? Yet they can become utterly convinced of the righteousness of their judgment regarding how skilled or how effective a teacher this person is.

Of course your personal understanding of the worth of this man means nothing to the court of Internet opinion. On the web, slander is cheap and easy for those determined to belittle the worth of a man. Oddly, the relentless disparagement is not targeted at his skill, his teaching, or his years of devotion to his art. Rather, the clamor stems from a completely unrelated issue, whether this person has received ranking in a system that does not pass their arbitrary test of authenticity. If so, then the investigation is begun seeking anything damaging in the person's background. Criminal convictions, are an especially good find to support the ceaseless stream of criticism.

Around the world we have legions of arrogant, self-centered, egotistical martial artists with high rank from "authentic" organizations. Are the arbiters of authenticity one bit concerned with the character, or lack thereof, of these people. Of course not. They have rank from organizations deemed authentic, so they are beyond reproach. There is no need to investigate their backgrounds.

Should you choose to associate with a martial artist who in your opinion is both skilled, and also is a concerned, understanding and caring person, you now need to proceed cautiously. You must first determine whether he has rank certified from organizations deemed authentic by the self-appointed experts. If not, it is highly advised to do a search to uncover any criminal convictions published on the Net.

If not, beware. You yourself just might be swept up in a torrent of criticism and invective. Trust me. It's been known to happen.
Oh well, whatever suits your boat.

CNN or the word of ARK & DAC who are members of his organization...
And why is it that the people who claim such high ranks yet have never proved it (I believe you ARK as you started your own thing so hence a 10th is pretty much standard) go around liking the man they have never meant :cough: Shuri-te :cough:
Originally posted by Shuri-te

From everything you have said, Mr. Stern sounds like a good and decent man, one who is devoted to his art, and one who has a good reputation for both his skills as well his teaching of the art. But don't expect to convince those who are not interested in your views.

Don't you find it interesting how people can become so completely obsessed with a martial artist they have never met, nor even know anyone who has trained with him? Yet they can become utterly convinced of the righteousness of their judgment regarding how skilled or how effective a teacher this person is.

Of course your personal understanding of the worth of this man means nothing to the court of Internet opinion. On the web, slander is cheap and easy for those determined to belittle the worth of a man. Oddly, the relentless disparagement is not targeted at his skill, his teaching, or his years of devotion to his art. Rather, the clamor stems from a completely unrelated issue, whether this person has received ranking in a system that does not pass their arbitrary test of authenticity. If so, then the investigation is begun seeking anything damaging in the person's background. Criminal convictions, are an especially good find to support the ceaseless stream of criticism.

Around the world we have legions of arrogant, self-centered, egotistical martial artists with high rank from "authentic" organizations. Are the arbiters of authenticity one bit concerned with the character, or lack thereof, of these people. Of course not. They have rank from organizations deemed authentic, so they are beyond reproach. There is no need to investigate their backgrounds.

Should you choose to associate with a martial artist who in your opinion is both skilled, and also is a concerned, understanding and caring person, you now need to proceed cautiously. You must first determine whether he has rank certified from organizations deemed authentic by the self-appointed experts. If not, it is highly advised to do a search to uncover any criminal convictions published on the Net.

If not, beware. You yourself just might be swept up in a torrent of criticism and invective. Trust me. It's been known to happen.


I read some posts here that found out you were lying and pretending to be two people at the same time on here so I am not surprised you wrote that post. You got caught and were given some punishment many people don't trust you because you lied to them.

If I have money problems like bankruptcy or credit card fruad I don't think too many banks will make a line to give me a loan or credit card even if they meet in me in real life and find out what a nice guy I am.

How about a deal, I will share some background about myself, if you will share some background about yourself.

I discovered this board in September of last year. I thought I had something to offer. It is opinion of many that some of my interpretations of kata are much better than what many dojos do. I like to share these ideas. So I asked a simple question, Would anyone like to exchange bunkai.

Your alter ego, RyuShiKan, promptly set to work on me, as he has to so many others on this forum. He challenged all sorts of things about me. He ridiculed the fact that I find great value in going to as many Shuri-te dojos as I can, and that I cross train in grappling systems. He really disliked addressing me as Sensei Mike, and in retrospect I recognize that it was a poor choice of IDs. I picked it for one simple reason. My students call me that, and I wanted an ID where they could easily find and read my posts.

However, your alter ego and his friends quickly made me realize that Martial Talk was not the friendly forum it was advertised to be. I read some of your alter ego's attacks on others, and thought I would give him a taste of his own medicine.

But, as ARK and DAC have learned, there is no winning against a coordinated attack. After the thread was shut down, one of your alter ego's "friends" were questioning the very foundation of my posts. I have over 200 combinations of movements from kata that follow the sequential movements. And they work. But your alter ego has been taught that they can't work, that if you string together a movement ABCD, or BC, or DEF, that you can't have a good technique. But that is flat out wrong. But to "prove" me wrong, a survey was done. "How many people use consecutive movements for kata interpretation" as if that is supposed to disprove my approach, which I had qualified on several occasions as being one of several valid ones.

I learned two important lessons. The first is something your alter ego knows well. You can't describe movements in text in a meaningful way, in a format that is good for this site. It takes too much text to do the job, and nobody wants to read it. I learned the tried and true maxim that a picture (better a video) is worth a thousand words. My thousands of words just aren't the answer. My videos are, and are in process of being posted on the web for all to see.

The second lesson was that at times, MT was friendly in name only. Once your alter ego and his buddy's decided that you were to be dismissed, ridiculed and ignored, you didn't have a chance.

So I left the forum. I had better things to do.

In February, I wanted to gather information on a question that to me goes to the root of why so much kata winds up being useless. I asked the question on Fightingarts.com, and thought what the hell, I would go back to MartialTalk. But, in the intervening 4 months, I had forgotten my password. Not only that, I had forgotten the email account, and password I had created for my MT communication.

I could have asked the admins to have my password reset. But being that your alter ego had ridiculed my ID (student Mike, he called me), I felt it appropriate to create a new ID. I must apologize to the MT admins, and Kaith the owner for misusing the forum. Your alter ego was his obnoxious self, saying I was some another poster (I believe ARK, actually) and demanding me to name the system I got my rank in. But it was fun calling out your alter ego's hypocrisy.

I did slip up though. I replied to an email from your alter ego, and so he had my name. The rest is history. I got a three month suspension for my duplicity.

Your alter ego badgered me in early February with daily email to live up to my commitment to provide a jpeg of my menjo. I decided in May, when I wanted to return, that I would have to prove my background, so I engaged to have a mod do it to validate that I am not a fraud, that I have a valid menjo from a recognized karate master who has devoted 39 years to the art. This master and his students have found great value in my approach to kata, using the sequential movements, and for my great effort to improve the state of kata, he skipped me a rank. You and others had a field day on MT, calling me soke doke and self-appointed "nth dan", just the kind of friendly stuff you are known for. Hence my explanation on the "high rank" thread. I knew the issue would eventually resurface so I decided to deal with it before someone like you had a chance to bring it up.

Regarding the degree to which you and your friends considered me a fraud, please note that, as I told your alter ego via email in February, that my rank is also recognized outside my system. I taught at a gathering of 130 students a couple of weeks ago in a mainline Shorin Ryu system. The only other guest instructor was an Okinawan master with 55 years in the arts, and I am proud to have had double billing with this great man. I taught bunkai to Pinan Yondan, and demoed how the opening can be used against 10 different kinds of attacks, including a bo.

Now share for us.

How is it that you have come to join this forum the day after your alter ego left, and how is it that you have decided to take up his battles. Why is it, out of all the threads and posts, did you seek out this very thread, and continue with your criticism of ARK and his good friend Mr. Stern. And then when I came to his defense, with an old attack on me. Could it be something about not being able to allow sleeping dogs to lie.

And how is it that you shared on the karate forum, a very odd piece of information, the same you did with me in September of last year in a private message, which is likely still archived for the mods to check. Both you and your alter ego told of Teruyuki Higa being arrested for the rape of an Oyata student when she was wearing a t-shirt with Oyata's picture. http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8526
I find it very odd that an Okinawan would bring up such an unseemly fact. All the Okinawans I have ever met are models of decorum. This statement could only have been meant to trash Master Higa, something quite out of character for an Okinawan, and on so new to this board, but something so remarkably IN character for RyuShiKan.

What are the odds that both you, an Okinawan by birth, and Ryu, an ill-tempered American would have such identical interests on this forum, as well as knowledge, and that you would have joined just a day after he departed. Unless, of course, that you are indeed RyuShiKan, and that in this very post, you have accused me of doing the very thing you have done, used two IDs?

In a statement to me, above, you said "I read some posts here that found out you were lying and pretending to be two people at the same time on here so I am not surprised you wrote that post. You got caught and were given some punishment many people don't trust you because you lied to them."

Rick, what are the odds that you are not RyuShiKan?

-Shuri-te, AKA Sensei Mike, AKA Mike Eschenbrenner
Originally posted by Shuri-te

How about a deal, I will share some background about myself, if you will share some background about yourself.

Looks like you are trying to change the subject.

Originally posted by Shuri-te

Rick, what are the odds that you are not RyuShiKan?

Not very good.
You know someone that has met me and trained with me at Ryushikan's dojo briefly. His name is Stafford. Don't you remember him? You said some very bad things about him on here.
I have been reading up on your posts from the past.
After reading them it seems many respectable people don't like you.

Speaking of coming around after Ryushikan left. Didn't you get back on here the day after he left?

I decided to take a look here after Ryushikan mentioned it. It says it's a friendly place but I don't get that feeling.
It seems like a lot of childish people talking about silly things. Sorry it's just the feeling I get from reading some of the things here.
Originally posted by Shuri-te

And how is it that you shared on the karate forum, a very odd piece of information, the same you did with me in September of last year in a private message, which is likely still archived for the mods to check. Both you and your alter ego told of Teruyuki Higa being arrested for the rape of an Oyata student when she was wearing a t-shirt with Oyata's picture. http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8526
I find it very odd that an Okinawan would bring up such an unseemly fact. All the Okinawans I have ever met are models of decorum. This statement could only have been meant to trash Master Higa, something quite out of character for an Okinawan, and on so new to this board, but something so remarkably IN character for RyuShiKan.

You mentioned Higa's name in your post, and as I mentioned in my post The Japan Times ran an article on the case some years ago.

I think you are trying to take the attention away from your own lies on this website.

I wanted to have alook at this website after Ryushikan had mentioned it to me. I think he was correct in leaving.
Not too much useful information on here.
It's like a WWF tag team match. We thought this item had been washed, dried, folded and put in the closet.

How fortutous that this is being reviewed in depth, a dead issue and some are trying to revive it. For what purpose is a mystery. Just out of curiosity, what perked the interest in this thread. Was it the Korean title, the name of the person who started the thread or as a favor to someone else?

This has all the beginnings of another flame war starting up. Do we really need this again?
Rick, or Ryu, or whoever you are:

For someone so new on MT, you really seem to have done quite a bit of research on what has been said on MT in the past.

Regarding Stafford, you said, "You know someone that has met me and trained with me at Ryushikan's dojo briefly. His name is Stafford. Don't you remember him? You said some very bad things about him on here." (Emphasis added)

I would like to you provide a direct quote for what I said about Stafford on MT. Would you please do that for me. I want the DIRECT LINK.

Now, I am going to assume that when you said "on here", you meant on MT. But you are an expert at weaseling out of your words. So I am giving you an out. You can tell us that "on here" really meant something else.

If you choose to avoid answering this post, I will assume that you cannot locate it and therefore it must not exist.

In that case, I would like you to explain just how you came to make this claim about me regarding my words about a wonderful young man named Stafford Smith who trained briefly in my dojo last fall.

I can't tell you how eagerly I await your reply.

Thank you so much for looking into this.

It would seem that either Mr. Tsubota is Ryu coming back under a new screen name to start more trouble or he is his friend and merely trolling.

For a 'new' poster he sure does seem to know quite a bit about past posts :shrug:

For a 'new' poster he sure has picked up Robert's way of doing things :shrug:

Administration has been notified of this situation. We all know whats going on. Simply ignore Mr. Tsubota and his posts till they take the appropriate action against him. He has already violated MT rules in regards to name calling i.e. cheat, liar etc. He has already demonstrated he is uninterested in mature, friendly conversation and seeks only strife. I would surmiss his days here on MT will be few....

Don't let him suck you in.

Originally posted by Shuri-te

Regarding Stafford, you said, "You know someone that has met me and trained with me at Ryushikan's dojo briefly. His name is Stafford. Don't you remember him? You said some very bad things about him on here." (Emphasis added)

I would like to you provide a direct quote for what I said about Stafford on MT. Would you please do that for me. I want the DIRECT LINK.

Now, I am going to assume that when you said "on here", you meant on MT. But you are an expert at weaseling out of your words. So I am giving you an out. You can tell us that "on here" really meant something else.

If you choose to avoid answering this post, I will assume that you cannot locate it and therefore it must not exist.

In that case, I would like you to explain just how you came to make this claim about me regarding my words about a wonderful young man named Stafford Smith who trained briefly in my dojo last fall.

I can't tell you how eagerly I await your reply.

Look at your own writing when you were pretending to be Sensei Mike before he was banned.

I have also seen an email you sent to Ryushikan sometime ago. I think you were pretty mean describing Stafford since he had not trained in Ryushikan's dojo for about 5 years and was a low rank when he left Japan.

How did I find this article you ask?
Ryushikan and I talk about training since we work out together. He told me I f I wanted to see how stupid the martial arts world in the US was like to go here.

So let me see if I get this straight. You have been on this board all of what, a week. And you make the following statement:

"You said some very bad things about him (Stafford) on here."

Now a few hours later, you remember that you didn't read that here, but that this was something that was an email some time ago, shown to you by Ryu, where I was "pretty mean regarding Stafford". (Your words.)

We are supposed to believe that you mistook an email you read some time ago (the post date was over 100 days ago), for something you read on this board in the past week?

Go figure.

Ryu, keep pretending. You look ridiculous. Let's look at this whole Stafford Smith issue.

First let me point you to a post on MT on March 3rd made by your colleague Yiliquan1.

Posted on Behalf of RyuShiKan
Got this in email from him today...

This is from my 6thkyu student that hasn't trained for about 5 years.

He met Mike last time he posted.

"I did meet Mike Eischenbrenner and a class. He doesn't adhere to any style in particular but takes bits and pieces from here and there to suit his lessons. He does seem to borrow heavily from Taika's Oyata's method though."

Do you see any mention of me saying anything bad about Stafford. If I had, wouldn't you have called it out when you sent your email to Yiliquan1 to post on MT.

Before I continue, I must dwell on your email for just a moment.

It is fitting that, Stafford, a very bright young man, quite aptly described my approach to bunkai. Since there are few if any systems that follow my approach, I learn as much as I can from different systems so I can apply well developed fighting techniques to the movements in kata. I use the moniker Shuri-te, because I have trained in 10 or so arts that descend from Itosu, Kyan and Hohan Soken. When I find an idea in these arts, I apply it. But mostly I find nothing, and have to apply principles from Chi Na, JuJutsu, MT, FMA and other more fighting oriented systems. My bunkai are really my own, though, except for some that have been developed in part or completely by my students. 200+ combinations, all with takedowns from the sequential movements in kata. I shared a video with Arnisador that has over 80 from about 10 kata. I am planning to post on the web 25 or so just from the opening of Pinan Yondan as well as 10 bo defenses from Jutte.

What is really special about Yiliquan1's post is the discussion of Oyata. Considering that I have about 4 simple ideas in kata that come from my training with Senese and Geraldi, both senior students who studied with Oyata, and one movement directly from Oyata, in a seminar I attended with him, I consider Stafford's comments that I borrow heavily from his methods about the best praise I could earn. Oyata, until his death, will always be the king of bunkai, and you are well aware of what a great tribute it is to be mentioned in the same sentence. Thank you for sharing that with your friend Yiliquan1 so it could be posted on MT. Ryu, you know it just doesn't get any better.

Back to Ryu. Now there still may be some question about what I actually said in my email to you, Ryu, on 3/2, that led you to email Stafford, so he could reply in time for you to get it to Yiliquan1 for a 3/3 posting on MT.

I asked you for the direct link so we could all read what was so bad that I had said about your student Stafford. You weren't able to produce it so to answer your accusation, I will. When you get a chance, please help me understand how I was "pretty mean describing Stafford." (Your words.) You can skip the beginning. My remarks regarding Stafford come at the end. For you Ryu, this will be deja vu all over again.

(Note to the mods and to Kaith. Some of the statements I make in the attached email might be considered disparaging, and unfriendly. However, given the nature of this discussion, I thought it most appropriate to provide an unedited version of the email in question, however I apologize for any unfriendly language in the following text.)



I still have plenty of questions for the forum and will have plenty of opportunity in the future, once my suspension is lifted, and you know what, my shoulder is actually feeling quite a bit better than expected, so I can leave you to diddle on your keyboard while I get back to "perfecting my character" practicing kata rather than keyboard sparring with you.

You should try it. It works wonders.

And although I had no intention of jousting with you on MartialTalk I did enjoy responding to your ridiculous accusations. Do you have any shame? Nah.

So you noticed the nice promotion I got. Thank you for your compliments. It was a great day. You know the guy I trained with for years moved away from upstate NY many years ago and retired from the art, leaving me stranded at 3rd dan. But I continued to train across every system I could find, as it enabled me to further refine my own art and develop an appreciation for how ideas from one system, say grappling, work hand in hand with movements in kata.

In a seminar I attended last fall, I happen to have demoed a few of the bunkai I have developed during a break, and low and behold, a respected 7th dan in Shito Ryu that I have only met that day invites me to teach a seminar to his 30 black belts. I teach 25 combinations from Pinan Shodan, all with takedowns, all out of the sequential movements of the kata. (as well as one each from three other Pinans and 4 from Pinan Yondan.)

By the end of the 5 hour he and his students began to fully appreciate something you have so willfully dismissed. You see you don't need to break up kata (abcdefg) and spell cab or fab. abc is a great movement by itself. So is bcd and def and so on. But you are too blinded by the "my master says" so prevalent in Newbie karateka, to see the obvious: that the masters actually designed kata to work, "as, is". Practice kata and those exact sequences can be used, and every time the guy winds up on the ground from a takedown. No adding, no jumbling, just kata.

You might be surprised to see what happens when you turn a whole room of blackbelts onto this new insight into bunkai, and kata. They and their Shihan recognize you have personally developed a contribution to the art they practice. When you give someone who practices kata great insight into unexpected uses of their movements, it can be really a surprise. And here is the catch. It is the exact movements they practice in kata, not the Chinese menu approach, (this from the middle, add that from the beginning, finish with that from the end.)

But the surprise was not just to them, as the Master made an offer hard to refuse. He wanted me to become a member of his dozen dojos and awarded me 5th dan Shihan in recognition for both my long study of the art, but more for my contribution. And of course I am schedule to teach again in the future. I can't decide whether to do bunkai from Bassai Dai or Seinchin, maybe Seipei. I like to have a balance between Shuri-te and Naha-te.

And with this 5th dan from a very well known Shito Ryu 7th dan, (known from his many years of AAU leadership). I have credibility outside my own world of my dojo and students. And word has been passed. Now I am scheduled to teach my ideas to a large Shorin Ryu gathering in the summer. And masters from two other Shorin Ryu "styles" have also invited me to share my ideas with their students. Now it is only a matter of scheduling.

Regarding the upcoming seminar, I will be happy to point out the web page to you when it gets posted. It will, of course, list me as 5th dan Shihan (that is master, not teacher). And guess what?, the 8th dan organizing it doesn't need to see my menjo. He has had a long relationship with the 7th dan who promoted me. And there are more seminars in the works. Who knows, you just might one day see a reference to me in some RyuTe context. You never know. :- )

On another subject, I had a wonderful gentleman come to my dojo recently. He had studied in your dojo, and wanted to learn in our kata-oriented, application-oriented dojo.

And despite his being a person of wonderful character, his kata was pretty weak. It was most obvious that he hadn't done near the repetitions necessary even to really remember well even basic kata. But even more distressing, for Pinan Shodan, he had essentially no real useful bunkai. I guess all that time in your dojo didn't really teach him much about kata. Why am I not surprised. You might try increasing the reps to more than 1 per class. It works wonders for both self defense and character building.

One last thing, I wonder if you ever had a passing interest in Star Trek. Just in case you have, there is a memorable and fitting line I would like to quote from the second movie, where Kirk says:

[RyuShi]Khan, we are at laughing at your superior intellect.


Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
Have him come to my dojo and teach seminar for free.

Where is this?

I decided to take a look here after Ryushikan mentioned it. It says it's a friendly place but I don't get that feeling.
It seems like a lot of childish people talking about silly things. Sorry it's just the feeling I get from reading some of the things here.

Well, this is the "Bad Budo" section after all.

Fair's fair. I stepped over the line, and won't again. I have been responding to someone who has stated:

"I think you are trying to take the attention away from your own lies on this website."

but of course points to no lies since there are none.

Choosing anonymity on the web is viewed by many as self-protection, not deception, which I felt was a great strategy when posting on MT with Ryu and his "friendly" friends.

I have said my bit to Rick. I have called his bluff, and I doubt I have anything further to add. If I do, I will keep it courteous.
Originally posted by Shuri-te

Fair's fair. I stepped over the line, and won't again. I have been responding to someone who has stated:

"I think you are trying to take the attention away from your own lies on this website."

but of course points to no lies since there are none.

Choosing anonymity on the web is viewed by many as self-protection, not deception, which I felt was a great strategy when posting on MT with Ryu and his "friendly" friends.

I have said my bit to Rick. I have called his bluff, and I doubt I have anything further to add. If I do, I will keep it courteous.


You lied and got caught.

You don't think I am who I say then talk to Stafford, he met me at Ryushikan's dojo in Roppongi.
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