Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association

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Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Question yes, pursue from thread to thread, no. Difference.

New information on several individuals claims has stopped flowing a long time ago, instead it is constant rehashing of old stuff.

And that information has yet to be properly addressed by those questioned…….and yet they are allowed to remain and are even protected under the “Bleeding Heart Liberal Law” on MT.

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Deputy...you need to learn how to spell :rolleyes:
You see when words have "....." these kinds of marks it often identifies that they are purposely misspelled
That same "law" also allows you greater latitude than on many other boards. You posted your information. He didn't answer some. Sorry, I cant make him.

As i said to someone 3 years ago, there are other arts besides those you acknowledge. Words do cross cultures.

You have brought a great deal of good information to light. Its the constant 'rehashing' on -every- thread you and your 'target' are on together that is the problem.

ARK has not violated to my knowledge any of the rules of conduct for this board. Why should we ban him? Because he wont answer your questions is not good enough. You have refused to answer others. By this argument, I should boot you both.

I would prefer to do neither.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

As i said to someone 3 years ago, there are other arts besides those you acknowledge. Words do cross cultures.

I am not concerned some much with other arts it’s bogus claims made about rank, title and “dan factories”.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
ARK has not violated to my knowledge any of the rules of conduct for this board. Why should we ban him? Because he wont answer your questions is not good enough. You have refused to answer others. By this argument, I should boot you both.

Let me put it this way……..I have answered ALL questions concerning any outrageous “claims” I have made.
Ok folks,
Please stop the screaming at each other. Let me sum this all up.

David Schultz is a member of the orginization. Thus his word can not be taken as an objective position. The fact is, he can not provide any proof to back up what he says about the matter. We have to go by his word alone. To most of us, that is not enough.

The facts that we can see are in the court records and such. As Robert Carver pointed out, in those records we can see that Jack Stern wrote this,

"I had no right to wear this prestigious medal as I had done nothing of merit to earn it,'' he wrote. "I know that my actions have cheapened the honor of those who have received this valiant award, and my pitiful attempt and selfish quest for family recognition has tarnished the dignity of all the brave men and women on whom this medal was legitimately bestowed.''

So we see this, and we naturally think that the story that Stern merely bought the medal is without merit. If any proof can be presented to counter this, I would welcome it. However, considering the history that David Schultz has had with Jack Stern (as pointed out by RyuShiKan) we cannot take what he says at face value without supporting evidence. That evidence will probably never be made availible to the public and is supposably in the possesion of Jack Stern. If Stern does not wish to make this evidence that he says will clear his name availible to the world, then he and his supporters can not blame the world for not believing it actually exists. So until such proof can be presented, all the snide coments about each other and sources such as CNN does not accomplish much.
However, considering the history that David Schultz has had with Jack Stern (as pointed out by RyuShiKan) we cannot take what he says at face value without supporting evidence.

What history would that be? I have know Mr. Stern for less that one year. I have been a member of KYHA for less time than that.

What I personally know of it what I base my position on. I am not Mr. Sterns public relation officer, but I am his friend. He was convicted yes...of a misd. Who here could not have been arrested and convicted of at least a misd in their life? I am not going to hold something against a 73 year old disabled man that happened ten years ago to which he has made full restitution. And I think anyone that does is merely a hypocrite.

He has rank...fact. He has trained with those he has claimed to...fact. He is revered by many in this country as well as abroad...fact. He did fly in on his own expense and teach in my seminar for free for a children's charity seminar....fact.

He is my friend...fact. Is he pure as the driven snow...no. But show me who is on this or any other board.
Originally posted by Robert Carver
I have been following this thread for a while, and I am amused at the latest "spin" that Mr. Stern and his believers are now trying to perpetuate, that he was convicted for mere possession of a Medal of Honor. However, there is one slight problem with that. You see, Mr. Stern was charged and convicted in a Federal court, and thus he was charged with a Federal Crime under 18 USC Sec. 704 and 32 CFR Part 507. Here are the relavent laws:

18 USC Sec. 704 01/22/02






Sec. 704. Military medals or decorations


(a) In General. - Whoever knowingly wears, manufactures, or sells any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the armed forces of the United States, or any of the service medals or badges awarded to the members of such forces, or the ribbon, button, or rosette of any such badge, decoration or medal, or any colorable imitation thereof, except when authorized under regulations made pursuant to law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

(b) Congressional Medal of Honor. -

(1) In general. - If a decoration or medal involved in an offense under subsection (a) is a Congressional Medal of Honor, in lieu of the punishment provided in that subsection, the offender shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both.

(2) Definitions. - (A) As used in subsection (a) with respect to a Congressional Medal of Honor, ''sells'' includes trades, barters, or exchanges for anything of value.

(B) As used in this subsection, ''Congressional Medal of

Honor'' means -

(i) a medal of honor awarded under section 3741, 6241, or
8741 of title 10 or section 491 of title 14;

(ii) a duplicate medal of honor issued under section 3754,
6256, or 8754 of title 10 or section 504 of title 14; or

(iii) a replacement of a medal of honor provided under
section 3747, 6253, or 8747 of title 10 or section 501 of title



(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 732; May 24, 1949, ch. 139, Sec.
16, 63 Stat. 92; Pub. L. 103-322, title XXXII, Sec. 320109, title
XXXIII, Sec. 330016(1)(E), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2113, 2146;
Pub. L. 103-442, Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4630; Pub. L. 104-294,
title VI, Sec. 604(b)(16), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3507; Pub. L.
107-107, div. A, title V, Sec. 553(e), Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat.



1948 ACT

Based on section 1425 of title 10, U.S.C., 1940 ed., Army and Air Force (Feb. 24, 1923, ch. 110, 42 Stat. 1286; Apr. 21, 1928, ch.

392, 45 Stat. 437).

Section was made to cover the decorations and medals of the Navy Department as well as the War Department.

Minor changes were made in phraseology.

1949 ACT

This section (section 16) clarifies the wording of section 704 of
title 18, U.S.C., to embrace all service decorations awarded to
members of the armed forces whether by the Army, Navy, Air Force, or other branch of such forces. (See note to sec. 5 (of 1949 Act, set out in Legislative History note under section 244 of title


2001 - Subsec. (b)(2)(B). Pub. L. 107-107 amended subpar. (B) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (B) read as follows: ''As used in this subsection, 'Congressional Medal of Honor' means a medal awarded under section 3741, 6241, or 8741 of title 10.''

1996 - Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104-294 amended Pub. L. 103-322, Sec. 320109(1). See 1994 Amendment note below.

1994 - Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103-322, Sec. 320109(2),
330016(1)(E), amended subsec. (a) identically, substituting ''fined
under this title'' for ''fined not more than $250''.

Pub. L. 103-322, Sec. 320109(1), as amended by Pub. L. 104-294, Sec. 604(b)(16), designated existing provisions as subsec. (a) and inserted heading.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103-322, Sec. 320109(3), added subsec. (b).

Subsec. (b)(2)(B). Pub. L. 103-442 inserted '', 6241, or 8741''
after ''3741''.

1949 - Act May 24, 1949, covered all service decorations awarded members of the armed forces by any of the armed services.


Amendment by Pub. L. 104-294 effective Sept. 13, 1994, see
section 604(d) of Pub. L. 104-294, set out as a note under section13 of this title.

And from the Code of Federal Regulations....



Subpart C--Commercial Use of Heraldic Designs

Sec. 507.12 Possession and wearing.

(a) The wearing of any decoration, service medal, badge, service
ribbon, lapel button, or insignia prescribed or authorized by the
Department of the Army and the Department of the Air Force by any person not properly authorized to wear such device, or the use of any decoration, service medal, badge, service ribbon, lapel button, or insignia to misrepresent the identification or status of the person by whom such is worn is prohibited. Any person who violates the provision of this section is subject to punishment as prescribed in the statutes
referred to in Sec. 507.5 of this part.
(b) Mere possession by a person of any of the articles prescribed in Sec. 507.8 of this part is authorized provided that such possession is not used to defraud or misrepresent the identification or status of the individual concerned.
(c) Articles specified in Sec. 507.8 of this part, or any
distinctive parts including suspension ribbons and service ribbons) or colorable imitations thereof, will not be used by any organization, society, or other group of persons without prior approval in writing by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.

Here is the BEST part:

(b) Mere possession by a person of any of the articles prescribed in Sec. 507.8 of this part is authorized provided that such possession is not used to defraud or misrepresent the identification or status of the individual concerned.

Other websites on the internet seem to backup what is on the CNN website:

Mr. ARK, you may continue to believe whatever you like. My children were just over five when they stopped believing in the Easter Bunny. So if continuing to believe in what a convicted criminal has to say over what multiple other credible sources have reported gives you some comfort, then please feel free. Hopefully you are not in an occupation or position in life where your judgement (or lack thereof) could cause someone real harm.

Oh, I would address you by your REAL NAME, but since you are in violation of MartialTalk's rules and have not supplied the required information, I will just have to go with what I have.
Not JUST a criminal but a federal felon.
Originally posted by A.R.K.
What history would that be? I have know Mr. Stern for less that one year. I have been a member of KYHA for less time than that.

What I personally know of it what I base my position on. I am not Mr. Sterns public relation officer, but I am his friend. He was convicted yes...of a misd. Who here could not have been arrested and convicted of at least a misd in their life? I am not going to hold something against a 73 year old disabled man that happened ten years ago to which he has made full restitution. And I think anyone that does is merely a hypocrite.

He has rank...fact. He has trained with those he has claimed to...fact. He is revered by many in this country as well as abroad...fact. He did fly in on his own expense and teach in my seminar for free for a children's charity seminar....fact.

He is my friend...fact. Is he pure as the driven snow...no. But show me who is on this or any other board.
I have a clean record (excluding traffic tickets), same with most other people on this board. However, everyone makes mistakes. I made mistakes, especially in my younger years. Never did drugs or anything like that, but I did the normal kid stuff in high school such as racing, etc. My high school friends and I were among the first people in the area to tepee houses. I don't deny that.

Everyone makes mistakes, some people get charged for things such as assault and battery, harrassment, etc. But what Stern did was a FELONY. It is NOT the common mistake. Not all of us are felons. What Stern did was worse than 100 years of tax fraud. Is it forgivable? I can personally forgive him, if he stops all that nonesense, but looks like pappasan is back on the street not missing a beat.

You know what? Charity doesn't make you a good person. Look at some of the celebrities and politicians, some who do charity work are only doing it for the image. Is Stern doing it for the image? I can't say. But who exactly has Stern trained under? He never gives the instructor's name, or the style he trained in really. All he says is "I was taught by great masters in Asia". :rolleyes:

Oh please, don't use the disabled sympathy card. Him being old and disabled has NOTHING to do with what he did.
I have a clean record

Not my point. You and everyone else at one time or another has committed a crime in which they could be arrested, tried and convicted of...everyone of us. I'm glad you have a clean record, hopefully it will stay that way. But only because you were not caught.

I can personally forgive him, if he stops all that nonesense, but looks like pappasan is back on the street not missing a beat.

Back on the street? He never left free society. He paid a small fine. What nonesense is he commiting? He founded a martial arts club house. He doesn't claim anything for KYHA other than it being a fraternal organization. Last time I checked that was still legal.

You know what? Charity doesn't make you a good person. Look at some of the celebrities and politicians, some who do charity work are only doing it for the image. Is Stern doing it for the image? I can't say.

No you can't say. But I can since I know him persoally and was actually there in person. The seminar was a success and he was a hit. Since there was no media present how would that help his 'image?'

But who exactly has Stern trained under? He never gives the instructor's name

Really? I thought it was pretty much straight forward...

"Grandmaster Jack Stern founded KYHA in 1960. Originally KYHA only existed in the famous "Paja Dojo" in Brooklyn and was formed with its Hombu in Korea. The original Dojang was under Grandmaster Tae Ju Chung (deceased) and its liaison officer was Grandmaster Gun Yi Choo. At that time it was predominantly Judo students that registered their grades and ranks in Korea and their certificates were accepted and accepted and approved by the United States Judo Association (USJA) and in earlier days by the Armed Forces Judo Association (AFJA). They were also recognized by the New York Yudanshakai, the International Judo Association (IJF) and the AAU, an amateur Judo association.

After the loss of Grandmaster Chung, KYHA was moved to Seoul in South Korea and with great assistance from our liaison officer KYHA managed to establish a link with Grandmaster Kangs Dojang. In June of 1998, Grandmaster Stern made a return visit to Korea to meet Grandmaster Kang and also to revisit the sites from the Korean conflict, as the DMZ, the Pamunjon and a few other cities were setting up good will relations. After a series of meetings it was decided to unite the disciplines of Martial Arts worldwide in the non-profit, non-politics way in which they were designed. A brotherhood worldwide, or so to speak. So with that in mind KYHA networked and as of today we are still growing rapidly with branches in over 25 countries. We are a independent branch in the U.S.A. and with WOMA (Saudi Arabia). We use the name KYHA, but we are a independent brotherhood not with KYA or any Hapkido association.

In 1964 Grandmaster Stern hosted the famous Mas. Oyama at the Paja Dojo, for which he received a special plaque which he still has today. Also at this time Mas. Oyama held a big Karate tournament in Madison Square Gardens in New York. In 1964 and 1965 Grandmaster Stern appeared with a special demonstration team, under Grandmaster Naraki Hara, at the New York worlds fair doing two shows a day at the Japanese Pavilion. During that very busy year Grandmaster Stern also hosted, at his Paja Dojo, the Korean team from the Yudo college as they trained en route to the Pan American Games in south America."

In my opinion, to hold something from his past against him that he has atoined for is hypocritical.

My opinon.
Originally posted by A.R.K.
In my opinion, to hold something from his past against him that he has atoined for is hypocritical.

I think the problem is that he was forced to write letters of apology, but now he seems to be saying that he was not guilty and that it was all some sort of plot against him. If he fouled up, admits it and learned from the experience then forgiveness is called for. But if he is now denying guilt in what he did, then he does not show much remorse, learning, etc.

Which is it? The records say he confessed rather than chance a public trial with all the burdon of proof the prosecution would have to present. But now the story he seems to be telling is that he was not guilty. Attonement means that you admit what you did was wrong. I do not see that with this story of a police officer combining with various orginizations and CNN to destroy his reputation.

Can you provide proof to these sotries.? Or, for that matter, can you provide proof that we can view for ourselves to back up what you cut and pasted from his website about his training. For example, I have seen pictures of him with Mas Oyama and read a story about how he trained with him. But all the photo proves is that they were within picture taking range of each other. Everything else I would have to trust the word of Stern, and he has a criminal record for lying. Or I would have to trust David Schultz's word, and he is a Florida representative of Stern's orginization- not the most objective or trustworthy in my book.

Again, if independently verifiable proof can be presented, fine- let's see it. But to just argue and make snide comments about CNN and various members of the board is not going to solve anything.
Interesting how you would comment about snide remarks....

At any rate, I have stated my opinon. Believe as you wish. If you have any further questions then contact him directly.

BTW, I learned about an hour ago that legal action is pending against several parties for defamation of character. We shall see...
Originally posted by A.R.K.
Not my point. You and everyone else at one time or another has committed a crime in which they could be arrested, tried and convicted of...everyone of us. I'm glad you have a clean record, hopefully it will stay that way. But only because you were not caught.

Back on the street? He never left free society. He paid a small fine. What nonesense is he commiting? He founded a martial arts club house. He doesn't claim anything for KYHA other than it being a fraternal organization. Last time I checked that was still legal.

No you can't say. But I can since I know him persoally and was actually there in person. The seminar was a success and he was a hit. Since there was no media present how would that help his 'image?'

Really? I thought it was pretty much straight forward...

"Grandmaster Jack Stern founded KYHA in 1960. Originally KYHA only existed in the famous "Paja Dojo" in Brooklyn and was formed with its Hombu in Korea. The original Dojang was under Grandmaster Tae Ju Chung (deceased) and its liaison officer was Grandmaster Gun Yi Choo. At that time it was predominantly Judo students that registered their grades and ranks in Korea and their certificates were accepted and accepted and approved by the United States Judo Association (USJA) and in earlier days by the Armed Forces Judo Association (AFJA). They were also recognized by the New York Yudanshakai, the International Judo Association (IJF) and the AAU, an amateur Judo association.

After the loss of Grandmaster Chung, KYHA was moved to Seoul in South Korea and with great assistance from our liaison officer KYHA managed to establish a link with Grandmaster Kangs Dojang. In June of 1998, Grandmaster Stern made a return visit to Korea to meet Grandmaster Kang and also to revisit the sites from the Korean conflict, as the DMZ, the Pamunjon and a few other cities were setting up good will relations. After a series of meetings it was decided to unite the disciplines of Martial Arts worldwide in the non-profit, non-politics way in which they were designed. A brotherhood worldwide, or so to speak. So with that in mind KYHA networked and as of today we are still growing rapidly with branches in over 25 countries. We are a independent branch in the U.S.A. and with WOMA (Saudi Arabia). We use the name KYHA, but we are a independent brotherhood not with KYA or any Hapkido association.

In 1964 Grandmaster Stern hosted the famous Mas. Oyama at the Paja Dojo, for which he received a special plaque which he still has today. Also at this time Mas. Oyama held a big Karate tournament in Madison Square Gardens in New York. In 1964 and 1965 Grandmaster Stern appeared with a special demonstration team, under Grandmaster Naraki Hara, at the New York worlds fair doing two shows a day at the Japanese Pavilion. During that very busy year Grandmaster Stern also hosted, at his Paja Dojo, the Korean team from the Yudo college as they trained en route to the Pan American Games in south America."

In my opinion, to hold something from his past against him that he has atoined for is hypocritical.

My opinon.
Funny thing though is that all the sources on Tae Ju Chung and Gun Yi Choo all fall back to the KHYA. Grandmaster Gun Yi Choo... Grandmaster at what? Never heard of Kang's dojang, so I can't comment on it. The entire organization just seems to connect with people nobody really has ever heard of.

Naraki Hara is known, but the ONLY OUTSIDE SOURCE that associates his name with their organization is the KYHA.


Hmm, in 1998, he went to Korea where he was promoted to 8th dan. 8th dan in what?
Thanks for answering ARK for me, Robert.

ARK, FYI, NONE of us have bought a medal and pretend to something that wasn't true. Please don't compare us to Jack Stern, a convicted felon who is talking from both sides of his mouth.

Seriously, I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish by arguing with just about everyone, insisting on calling a tail a leg, in almost every topic or thread. Haven't you been causing nothing but argumentative stuffs ever since you join MT? You keep arguing that everyone and everything under the sun is wrong, except you and those you are associated with, happen to be the only ones who are correct. Insisting on calling a tail a leg, and defending the indefensible, is not going to accomplish anything. I am sure you knew that already.

You keep telling people to research this and research that about you or your associates. And people have done exactly just that. What people have uncovered, only proved that people have been right about you all along. The evidences are overwhelmingly against you. The facts are overwhelmingly against you. What makes you think by constantly arguing the same old stuff is ever going to change what people already know about you and your associates? What makes you think you can regain people's respect by arguing against them on the same on stuffs? You are just wasting your time at a lost cause. JMHO.

You want to present yourself like you are well educated and well-informed in MA, yet you haved posted opinions such as claim of rank is not verifiable or rank is arbirary, etc. FYI, people in the MA community have long figured out how to go about in handling those problems. Yet the answers are still lost to you, as evidented by your posted opinions. How do you expect people to take you seriously, when you do not know the answers to issues that some one of your rank should have known? By being argumentative is not going to cut it, sir.
Uh Ken, just because you say something doesn't make it true. Here is a concept you should warm up to, I can post my observations, experiences and opinons just like everyone else here. Many others seem to be satisfied and even appreciative of my contributions thus far. If your not one of them, employ the ignore feature. I can assure you I will not be offended.

In case you've missed the topic, it is about something other than me. I have posted my position and opinon. Feel free to do so as well...about the topic. If others wish to use this thread to once again rehash their unsubstantiated trash perhaps you should begin thinking for yourself and not jump on their bandwagon. For all their whinning and crying and temper tantrums and tirads and obscene email....I'm still here and nothing has changed. Except as a positive for me. But I'm sure that doesn't interest you.

But hey, if you are unable to think for yourself, if your incapable of doing anything besides riding others coattail....please continue. I'll miss you when your gone....well, not really. :shrug:
Note to the moderators. Let the discussion between me and Ken slide a bit. This is the proper forum for this, and since they are determined to continue to bring it up everywhere else on the board, despite your rules and warnings, let Ken and I hash it out right here and now. Lets get it over with. Thank you for your consideration.

You keep telling people to research this and research that about you or your associates. And people have done exactly just that. What people have uncovered, only proved that people have been right about you all along. The evidences are overwhelmingly against you. The facts are overwhelmingly against you. What makes you think by constantly arguing the same old stuff is ever going to change what people already know about you and your associates? What makes you think you can regain people's respect by arguing against them on the same on stuffs? You are just wasting your time at a lost cause. JMHO.

This is called in debator's language hand-waving. There of course is not one shred of proof to anything in your paragraph. You have either deluded yourself or you are a liar. You pick which is appropriate. NO one has contacted me in reference to my LEO background. I have waited patietly for anyone interested to do so, so that I can provide them with enough documentation and verification numbers and supervisors to choke a horse. No takers...imagine that.

No one has contacted any of the associations which recognize my various ranks...not one person....not one person. So how could any of my claims have been found to be in error? Let me answer for you, since I know you won't...Since no one has check...no one could post to the negative. Well not in any honest fashion. But honesty doesn't seem to be a big problem with some posters here in there comments...imagine that.

Your buddy Robert allegedly called an organization in Okinawa [that probably doesn't exist anywhere except in his mind] to find I was not a member. Wow :rolleyes: Since I never claimed membership in an Okinawan organization that proves exactly....zip. Your buddy Don stated that if I could show him where I stated that prior to Robert's alleged phone call he would be convinced. I showed him the exact qoute with the date and time 2 1/2 months prior to the fake phone call...not once but three times. Each time I asked him if he was convinced. He never had the courtesy to respond...not even once. Suprise, surprise. His only purpose here is to bolster Robert's sagging grudge against me.

Problems with Mr. Stern? Fine, doesn't effect me, my rank, my training or my experience. Not in the least. I knew of problems before any poster here, and have proven it. Despite anything else, my credentials don't hinge on KYHA. As I've stated for quite some time, KYHA is a fraternal club house. I didn't get any rank from them in any way, shape or form. They recognized what I already had...big deal. Anybody can recognize me to their hearts content. Doesn't add to or take away from my teaching.

So what else ya got Ken? Where is all the evidence thats been uncovered? List it ALL here Ken so we can ALL take a look at it.

Well? Lets go Ken. Prove I'm not a member of every organization in which I've claimed to be a member. Prove I don't hold the belts that I am recognized at.

You want to present yourself like you are well educated and well-informed in MA, yet you haved posted opinions such as claim of rank is not verifiable or rank is arbirary, etc. FYI, people in the MA community have long figured out how to go about in handling those problems. Yet the answers are still lost to you, as evidented by your posted opinions. How do you expect people to take you seriously, when you do not know the answers to issues that some one of your rank should have known? By being argumentative is not going to cut it, sir.

I'm not arguementative Ken, only annoyed at continually having to defend against baseless, exageratted, unsubstantiated arguements. Don't like my posts Ken? Better go back and reread the threads again. Seems like quite a few people do like my posts and hold similar or the same arguements. Funny, I don't see you attacking them for their posts in every thread ole man...imagine that. Seems alot of other people realize, and have posted that NO, you really CAN'T verify anything to everyone's satisfaction in the martial arts. Funny that you haven't attacked them for stating what has obviously gone over your head.

So Ken, show your evidence that proves I don't have training in Shuri Te and paperwork to back it up. Prove I don't have training in Pangainoon with paperwork to back it up. Prove I haven't developed my own system and recieved international recognition from the organizations that I have listed. Prove I am not a member of the organizations that I have claimed membership in. Prove I am not an FDLE certified Police Instructor. Prove I'm not employed as an adjunct intructor at SEPSI. Prove I'm not a Detention Deputy. Prove I'm not a military veteran.

I've offered everything to anybody that has asked via email, PM and Chatroom. Since none of you have contacted me to get numbers and names etc then AND you have already made up your minds then you MUST have evidence of your own which proves the above in the negative.

So put up or shut up....ALL of you.
Originally posted by A.R.K.
I've offered everything to anybody that has asked via email, PM and Chatroom.

I am getting tired of your constant attacks, slander and disruptions on these boards. If you have any proof to back what you say about Stern, please post it in such a way that anyone can check it for themselves.

And as for the above quote, that shall serve as an example, out of many possible. Ok, so you have offered to prove what you claim- who gave you your ranks and what orginization is it under? RyuShiKan has been screaming at you about this for a long time and you refuse to give any answer to anyone I know or trust. The quote above is patently false. You made a claim, actually several but I am making it simple by choosing one, and have refused to back it up. You have not given the name(s) of your teacher(s) for the ranks you claim on your web page to "anybody that has asked via email, PM and Chatroom."

Now can we get back to Jack Stern and his orginizaition?
I am getting tired of your constant attacks, slander and disruptions on these boards.

Gosh Don, I could say the very same thing about you. Your only purpose here is to run interference for Robert. It's so transparent it's pathetic.

who gave you your ranks and what orginization is it under? RyuShiKan has been screaming at you about this for a long time and you refuse to give any answer to anyone I know or trust. The quote above is patently false.

you refuse to give any answer to anyone I know or trust.

Oh Don...are you REAL sure about that? You might want to run that through a couple more times first...never know when you'll have to eat those words or do your usual ignore dodge. Nobody knows that you trust? I've talked to quite a few people here in the media I've mentioned...sorry you weren't in the loop. And I've offered for quite awhile for people to contact me personally...nobody yet. So you just continue to whine about it.

And I'll repeat what I posted earlier Don in case you missed it...

I've offered everything to anybody that has asked via email, PM and Chatroom. Since none of you have contacted me to get numbers and names etc then AND you have already made up your minds then you MUST have evidence of your own which proves the above in the negative.

You came in here already hot for my blood. Since my rank is not on my profile and I have barely mentioned it before you became a member and I don't think I've mentioned it at all since you've been a member AND you already had a hard on for me...whats your problem or whats your proof? Your a shill for Robert plain and simple Don. Don't pretend your not.

So I repeat Don, since you have not checked out my background, contacted the organizations that recognize my rank, verified my employment status or work history by contacting me for information...AND you have a hard on for me anyway...you must have gathered information....

that proves I don't have training in Shuri Te and paperwork to back it up. Prove I don't have training in Pangainoon with paperwork to back it up. Prove I haven't developed my own system and recieved international recognition from the organizations that I have listed. Prove I am not a member of the organizations that I have claimed membership in. Prove I am not an FDLE certified Police Instructor. Prove I'm not employed as an adjunct intructor at SEPSI. Prove I'm not a Detention Deputy. Prove I'm not a military veteran.

So WHAT IS YOUR PROOF? Don't whine about me being less than forthcoming, my email is quite easy to obtain. Just ask your buddy Robert about his love notes on my email. So since you had a burn for me from the starting gate you MUST have something against me in terms of evidence WITHOUT the need for me to provide anything for you. So what is it? Why the stall. Post it here and post it now. You already had your preconcieved idea so you don't need anything from me. Post it or shut up.

Oh and by the by, since your here, again, You posted that you would be convinced if I showed you that my post on Pangainoon preceeded Roberts fantasy phone call. I have shown you proof three times now and asked if BY YOUR OWN WORDS you are convinced. You have refused to answer every time. So I ask you again...are you convinced? To say YES of course means you lose face and to say no means your own words are worthless. Which is it going to be? I suppose you could just ignore it again...that dodge is a lot easier and its been working for you great so far.

This has become a moot point. ItÂ’s pointless to continue.
Far too much valuable time has been wasted on this subject as it is.
It has gone round and round like a dog chasing itÂ’s tailÂ…Â…Â…and quite frankly IÂ’M getting dizzy just from watching all of itÂ…Â…Â…Â….time to move on????

Originally posted by A.R.K.
Â…Â… Chufeng, I've got no problem with you. RSK your an idiot. Mods forgive me, but enough is enough...he's an idiot. Â…Â….
A.R.K. I don't have any beef with you, you're not -my- instructor.
If your students are happy, fine. I haven't attacked you in any
way, I'm sincerely curious. Potential students can come here,
and read all the posts here ... why not post a scan of your cert
here for all to see? I don't get it.
IÂ’M getting dizzy just from watching all of itÂ…Â…Â…Â….time to move on????

Does that mean your gonna knock off all of the crap? Does that mean your gonna stop emailing me profanity? Does that mean you don't have squat to justify your endless snide remarks?

Yeah, maybe its time to cut your loses.


I appreciate your inquiry. And it is a point I've been taking about for several months now. You CAN'T prove something to someone that doesn't want something to be proved.

Take a look at Ryushikan's post above. Where he quotes me calling him an idiot. Is that how I felt, yes it is. Is that how I feel now, yes it is. Was I out of line for saying so here, yes I was. And I issued a humble public apology for saying it. That was a LONG time ago. But poor Robert got his feelings hurt and he's been bringing it up ever since. He has followed me around with snide remark after snide remark. He has emailed me obscene email stepped with hate. Would you like me to forward them to you? It might be important to see what Robert is really like when he is 'off stage'. What kind of man he really is. He has held his grudge for months now.

He has wrongly accused my of being another poster. Proven wrong and earned him a suspension for running his mouth.

He has stated I'm a fraud becuase I don't belong to an Okinawan organization....that I NEVER claimed to be a member of.

He has flamed me about everything from wearing a belt in a photo to pictures on the wall behind me in a photo...that didn't even have anything to do with me.

He enlisted Don and others to e-mugg me. Every chance he gets he drops some snide inuendo...that isn't valid, in the hopes of painting me in a bad light that doesn't exist.

Thread after thread gets shut because they come into the middle of a good discussion and hijack it to flame me.

So here we are in the right forum, again off topic, but in the right forum and I'm saying post the evidence I don't have what I claim to have or shut up and what do we get from the ring leader? "I'm dizzy...time to move on Don ole buddy?"

Pathetic :shrug:

I could post a cert...he'll just say I faked it. I could post the name of my instructors...he'll just say they're my buddies covering for me etc etc etc and on and on it goes. He's not looking for REAL answers...he's pissed and wants to get his 'pound of flesh' from me for standing up to him on poinits in which I was both right and wrong.

And Kirk, everyone that has actually taken the time and interest has come away satisfied that I'm a good guy, a good teacher, have experience and have my background. This isn't a search for answeres...it's about personal vendetta on Robert's part.

Sorry it's had to go on for so long in so many places. The only people that can stop it are Robert, Don and Ken by letting it rest. We'll see if they are actually going to 'move on' won't we?

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