Korean Yudo & Hapkido Association

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There are others who have made unverified claims of ranks and capabilities. Some people claimed to have used Dim-Mak (sp), some people claimed to have performed advanced Muay Thai technique when they have only trained for less than a few months. That alone, does not mean much. They are only making a fool of themselves. Problems arise when people go about flaunting their unverified claims to bolster erroneous, misleading, ill-informed opinions presented as facts. If such actions are left unrebutted, that would cause harm to the innocent members who might be taken by bogus claims of ranks and/or credentials. Therefore, people who post incorrect institutional information and/or advice, will be confronted and compelled to substantiate they posts. They have no one to blame but themselves.

People who do not mislead other members would have nothing to be concerned about.
Thankfully that doesn't seem to apply to any one here.

But we'll all keep a sharp eye out Ken.

Whatever. We have always resort to letting the facts and evidence speak for themselves. Let the truth be known and the members will be able to judge for themselves, without the need for "editorialized spins".
You sure do use 'we' alot. At any rate I'm all for letting people judge others on the validity of their posts.
Originally posted by KennethKu
Nice talking to you there.

3. Your master instructor, DAC of Florida, claimed 6th dan in TKD but he has no idea if it was Kukkiwon/WTF or not. Anyone in TKD would laugh their *** off at such bizzare[sp] ignorance. Neither him nor you seem to have a clue about the gravity of such lapse.

I have rebutted your student/master instructor in ARK, DAC. I have refuted others. I have posted info on verification of claims of ranks. If you missed them, that is not my responsibility. Please do not try to make it sounded like there was this conspiracy to "get" you.


If you have a problem with ARK fine but dont use me as a tool against him, ARK was not the one who promoted me to 6th in TKD so why is that his problem!
Originally posted by Don Roley
Ok folks,
Please stop the screaming at each other. Let me sum this all up.

David Schultz is a member of the orginization. Thus his word can not be taken as an objective position. The fact is, he can not provide any proof to back up what he says about the matter. We have to go by his word alone. To most of us, that is not enough.

The facts that we can see are in the court records and such. As Robert Carver pointed out, in those records we can see that Jack Stern wrote this,

So we see this, and we naturally think that the story that Stern merely bought the medal is without merit. If any proof can be presented to counter this, I would welcome it. However, considering the history that David Schultz has had with Jack Stern (as pointed out by RyuShiKan) we cannot take what he says at face value without supporting evidence. That evidence will probably never be made availible to the public and is supposably in the possesion of Jack Stern. If Stern does not wish to make this evidence that he says will clear his name availible to the world, then he and his supporters can not blame the world for not believing it actually exists. So until such proof can be presented, all the snide coments about each other and sources such as CNN does not accomplish much.


why would Jack Stern's past affect wether or not ARK'S word is good or not? Just because he is a member of that organization does'nt make his word not credible?

Maybe Stern made a mistake, havnt we all! Who are you or anyone else to judge him!

Just because he made a mistake does that mean that his organization is any less credible!

My father always told me that people who thrive on belittling others are the ones who have the true issues, does this aply to you don.

Originally posted by DAC..florida

why would Jack Stern's past affect wether or not ARK'S word is good or not? Just because he is a member of that organization does'nt make his word not credible?

Maybe Stern made a mistake, havnt we all! Who are you or anyone else to judge him!

Just because he made a mistake does that mean that his organization is any less credible!

My father always told me that people who thrive on belittling others are the ones who have the true issues, does this aply to you don.

I think him being a convicted felon, him not being trained in any of the arts his organization implies (which is ironic), etc. And no, just because his organization has some hapkido and yudo members should not dictate the name of HIS organization, rather what he trains under which is for all we know, nothing credible.
First, I am not a member of subject organization. Second, I personally find it reprehensible on the medal issue. I was just curious to some of the background.

I've managed to do a little checking. Mr. Stern was a judoka. The USJA stated that he was a member years ago, but is no longer a member. That's all the info they would supply. I was told that he was a NYC detective. I checked with the NYPD, but they would not release any info. They instead sent me a questionaire asking for the same info I was asking from them??

As far as the criminal aspect goes, he is not a felon. What he was charged with was a 3rd degree misdemeanor. If you get a moving traffic ticket it's the same thing. The courts just treat them differently to avoid major overflow within the jail and court systems. Remember, if you refuse to sign a traffic ticket, next stop is jail.

I am a member of KYHA and I dont see what all the fuss is about, so Mr. stern made a mistake who hasnt.

I remember reading somwhere judge not lest ye be judged, and I wouldnt want someone judging me for my mistakes, the man made a mistake and has paid his debt. to society. Does this mean he has no rank? Does this prove he is a liar or a cheat? Does this mean that he has no knowledge to share of his experiences in life?

My answer to all of these questions is NO!

Jack stern is a great man who has acomplished more in his lifetime than most of us will ever accomplish. Perhaps jealousy is the reason so many are so quick to critisize this mans mistake.
P.S. let me just say for those who have nothing better to do than finding the faults of others we all have skeletons in our closets and i hope someday someone finds yours and spreads your name all over the internet, then maybe you will get a taste of your own medicine.
Originally posted by Disco
First, I am not a member of subject organization. Second, I personally find it reprehensible on the medal issue. I was just curious to some of the background.

I've managed to do a little checking. Mr. Stern was a judoka. The USJA stated that he was a member years ago, but is no longer a member. That's all the info they would supply. I was told that he was a NYC detective. I checked with the NYPD, but they would not release any info. They instead sent me a questionaire asking for the same info I was asking from them??

As far as the criminal aspect goes, he is not a felon. What he was charged with was a 3rd degree misdemeanor. If you get a moving traffic ticket it's the same thing. The courts just treat them differently to avoid major overflow within the jail and court systems. Remember, if you refuse to sign a traffic ticket, next stop is jail.
Ok, he is not a felon, I guess making a mockery of the greatest award the country has to offer isn't a felony, even if he confessed it was never issued to him
Originally posted by MartialArtist
I think him being a convicted felon, him not being trained in any of the arts his organization implies (which is ironic), etc. And no, just because his organization has some hapkido and yudo members should not dictate the name of HIS organization, rather what he trains under which is for all we know, nothing credible.

Martial Artist,
Mr. stern spent time in korea and his friend who originally started the KYHA with him is korean i guess that is the reason for the name I got that just by reading the web site why dont you read the entire web site and maybe some of your questions will be answered.

Originally posted by DAC..florida

I am a member of KYHA and I dont see what all the fuss is about, so Mr. stern made a mistake who hasnt.

I remember reading somwhere judge not lest ye be judged, and I wouldnt want someone judging me for my mistakes, the man made a mistake and has paid his debt. to society. Does this mean he has no rank? Does this prove he is a liar or a cheat? Does this mean that he has no knowledge to share of his experiences in life?

My answer to all of these questions is NO!

Jack stern is a great man who has acomplished more in his lifetime than most of us will ever accomplish. Perhaps jealousy is the reason so many are so quick to critisize this mans mistake.
P.S. let me just say for those who have nothing better to do than finding the faults of others we all have skeletons in our closets and i hope someday someone finds yours and spreads your name all over the internet, then maybe you will get a taste of your own medicine.
He hasn't accomplished anything unique in particular. He just seems like the normal charitable guy who goes to seminars, has some training in the MA. Jealousy? Sorry, I don't think I'm jealous of him but nice try. :rolleyes: If I was jealous of someone, it would be with the likes of someone like Musashi, Yip Man, or Gen. Choi. I don't know Stern personally, but facts are facts. He lied about a GREAT deal many things (as listed on the website posted previously), uses terms like soke incorrectly, has never formally trained in the arts that are in the name of his organization, etc. That's the problem there.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
He hasn't accomplished anything unique in particular. He just seems like the normal charitable guy who goes to seminars, has some training in the MA. Jealousy? Sorry, I don't think I'm jealous of him but nice try. :rolleyes: If I was jealous of someone, it would be with the likes of someone like Musashi, Yip Man, or Gen. Choi. I don't know Stern personally, but facts are facts. He lied about a GREAT deal many things (as listed on the website posted previously), uses terms like soke incorrectly, has never formally trained in the arts that are in the name of his organization, etc. That's the problem there.

I have met him and concider him a friend, he has acomplished many things and does have certified rank as ARK had pointed out earlier, I have learned much from him and agree to disagree with you here.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
I have met him and concider him a friend, he has acomplished many things and does have certified rank as ARK had pointed out earlier, I have learned much from him and agree to disagree with you here.

Yeah, you can learn a lot from him, that's all right if it's all right with you.

But the problem is that his organization is iffy, and so is his rank. His usage of certain terms = :rofl: . Never had real formal training from the information his website gives. ARK never gave anything on rank. ARK just defended him on how everyone makes mistakes and how he is a good friend.

According to the source listed above, Stern never visited Asia to train until after his organization.

Stern never set foot in a continent where blood was shed.
Broward Sheriff's Office Sgt. Danny Ciacciarelli
I'm pretty sure he visited Asia, but I'm guessing that was after his organization. If it was before, then fine, but he also stated that he learned MA from the "great masters in Asia" when he has not visited Asia in that time period.

If Stern was never in the armed forces in the Far East, it becomes obvious that the stories of training with the great masters of the Far East is just one more lie. Stern never trained in martial arts overseas. In sounds kind of redundant to say he was never in the CIA and never served with Air America.

There is no data to substantiate Mr. Stern's 50 years in Judo. However, someone that had the certificate in Japanese translated, (which Mr. Stern claims names him as inheritor of a Jiu Jitsu system) states that all the certificate says is that Stern is authorized to teach that system in South Florida.

The cruelest hoax was the one he perpetuated on his own students. While teaching in the Weston school, he charged everyone for membership in the Korean Yudo Association, who issued rank certificates. This turns out to be an nonexistent organization in the State of Florida. It has no corporation papers, no D.B.A. records, no bank account and has filed no tax returns. Certificates were worthless - just as the similar promotion certificates he supposedly got from Korea are worthless.

What Mr. Stern had hanging on the wall in early 1996 pertaining to his rank were two certificates. One for 6th Dan issued by the nonexistent Korean Yudo Association, signed by himself, dated 1995. The other one supposedly came from Korea in the same year for 7th Dan. Basically Mr. Stern's claim to rank based on those two certificates is worthless.

He may be your friend, and he might have something to teach. But the problem still stands. Whatever he gives out is just really expensive toilet paper.
Martial artist,

Things are not always black and white sometimes there are gray areas, if you were to meet Jack Stern you would see that he is very knowledgeable in the martial arts. He could show you the hundreds of pictures and video tapes of his visits with asian masters both in asia and them coming to visit him. Dont believe everything you read or see some people will twist the truth to fit thier needs, even some police!
I thought I already stipulated that Mr. Stern was a Judoka with prior membership to the USJA. To me that means that he has verified formal training. Now just how much, I don't know. The only reason I state this is that this was stated in a prior post and was apparently ignored. I get a little miffed when I take the time to do some research, to try to add some information to a thread and it gets ignored because it dosen't suit someone's agenda for their argument. It makes that someone look foolish to other's when they read the entire thread.
Originally posted by Disco
I thought I already stipulated that Mr. Stern was a Judoka with prior membership to the USJA. To me that means that he has verified formal training. Now just how much, I don't know. The only reason I state this is that this was stated in a prior post and was apparently ignored. I get a little miffed when I take the time to do some research, to try to add some information to a thread and it gets ignored because it dosen't suit someone's agenda for their argument. It makes that someone look foolish to other's when they read the entire thread.
Maybe I should have clarified.

Formal training in the sense where he stated training with the "great masters in Asia". The source that was provided a while back and the quotes I posted stated that he did have the certificate to teach in South Florida.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Martial artist,

Things are not always black and white sometimes there are gray areas, if you were to meet Jack Stern you would see that he is very knowledgeable in the martial arts. He could show you the hundreds of pictures and video tapes of his visits with asian masters both in asia and them coming to visit him. Dont believe everything you read or see some people will twist the truth to fit thier needs, even some police!
I don't doubt that many "great Asian men" were in the vicinity to be able to have a picture with them, or that he has gone to Asia. But did he train the way he stated, with the great Asian super masters for many years? I doubt that, and it stated that he hasn't left the continent. Today, I bet that he has travelled to Asia... But not to train in the way he claimed.

Stern might know a lot, that's great. There are people who know a lot about fighting, about philosophy, and there are people who can quote Bruce Lee or Ed Parker from the top of their head. There are those who can fight, and those who have a good grasp on what martial arts really is (although nobody understands completely). But like I've said, it doesn't change anything. You might train under him, great. If I was impressed with his abilities, I might train with him. But I wouldn't take anything tangible he gives me worth a crap, nor would I believe any more of his stories. But yeah, I'm jealous. My son never won a gold medal in the 1987 Olympics, or any Olympics for that matter. :rofl:
Originally posted by Disco
I thought I already stipulated that Mr. Stern was a Judoka with prior membership to the USJA. To me that means that he has verified formal training. Now just how much, I don't know. The only reason I state this is that this was stated in a prior post and was apparently ignored. I get a little miffed when I take the time to do some research, to try to add some information to a thread and it gets ignored because it dosen't suit someone's agenda for their argument. It makes that someone look foolish to other's when they read the entire thread.
And again, maybe you should try reading the whole thread like you claim.

http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8086&perpage=15&pagenumber=5 - last post on the page
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