Kooga ryu Ninjutsu Apology

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Now for some real subterfuge. Do not erase the "PM's" I was supposed to have sent you. (Hint: someone else knows what is there)

One thing I will thank you for however, now, at least 4 other people actually KNOW the truth.
Ok lets stop all this "NINJA" games. If you have something to say say it. Do not play games and give hints that something bigger is involved or that a select group knows something no one else does. If you and whomever have something to say put it out here where it can be seen and discussed or else stop making statements you never have any intention of backing up
tshadowchaser said:
Ok lets stop all this "NINJA" games. If you have something to say say it. Do not play games and give hints that something bigger is involved or that a select group knows something no one else does. If you and whomever have something to say put it out here where it can be seen and discussed or else stop making statements you never have any intention of backing up
Why me!!!!? Its your rules that expressly forbid us from reopening locked threads as has been done in this case. I will not go back to the locked thread and discuss it in any way "per your rules." If you want to discuss anything regarding these two threads, try pointing out the rules broken (especially ones regarding individuals not present as I was NOT allowed here). If this is not enough, just have the author post those PMs he says exist and show us where I ever confirmed that I practices his 3 little games. Since the owner here decided not to post and discuss my reply made just after the lying post was submitted, I don't think I should override his decision as well as the individual the originally locked the thread in dispute. Your Rules, not mine.

The Clown.
Ok this is from me as a person not as a mod

Do the words Grow up and stop trolling mean anything to you?

You muck rack then cry when told to stop. You ask question aimed at starting a possible flame war
You make mysterious refrences to secreat knowledge then jump all over the place when asked for any proof.
Make you claims with sustance by giveing names, and information not by playing the he said it first game.
This area seems to run well when you post elsewher(meaning not on MT) so why come here and start stuff just to see what you can stir up
You have been asked in the past to keep the disscussions polite and respectful in the past and failed I had hoped that upon your return to this area you might give some information or have learned from past mistakes . It seems I was wrong
All that being said Lets get this thread back on track or I will ask if it can be locked for lack of new intellegent information
sojobow said:
Why me!!!!? Its your rules that expressly forbid us from reopening locked threads as has been done in this case.
:tantrum: :2xBird2:

sojobow said:
If you want to discuss anything regarding these two threads, try pointing out the rules broken (especially ones regarding individuals not present as I was NOT allowed here).
:tantrum: :2xbird:

sojobow said:
have the author post those PMs he says exist and show us where I ever confirmed that I practices his 3 little games. Since the owner here decided not to post and discuss my reply
:tantrum: :sadsong:

sojobow said:
The Clown.
:fart: PE!
Zanshin - A state of mind which is cultivated by the martial artist of complete awareness and alertness, anticipation of success in combat.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Zanshin - A state of mind which is cultivated by the martial artist of complete awareness and alertness, anticipation of success in combat.
so in the words of ross gellar... "unagi!" hee hee! :rofl:
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