Navarre said:
Congratulations on your kumite victory! And, congratulations on your first tournament.
Tnank you very much.
Navarre said:
I'd like to hear some detail on how you think things went.
Well, it was a bit disorienting, not knowing what to expect; but, we had Sensei, his Sensei and another Black belt doing the judging. I paid close attention to the scoring process and now have a better idea how that's done. It was smooth, start to finish.
Navarre said:
No one commited seppuku d/t shame in the ring. That was good. I did my form well; but, not well enough. I had no fear of my opponent; although, he was a tough one...yes, he was. About 5' 5", 180, maybe and built of stone. Solid hitter with good legs. My legs (now deemed flipperfeet by some of the audience) were faster and a bit more accurate.
Navarre said:
Where do you plan on improving?
Smoothness and relaxation in the ring and in kata are both targets for improvement. I need to develop some fist/arm combinations and rely a little less on my kicks, I think.
Navarre said:
Was anything especially surprising, exciting, or disappointing?
I was not surprised by the kata place. My competitor was skilled, smooth and better practiced than I. I am, however, surprised by the kumite decision. We were 2-2 when the final point came. I was certain he had a body kick that beat my straight punch. Shigata ga na, neh?
Navarre said:
Thanks for all the support and advice.