Kosutemi Seieikan - Intro, General Info and Basics

Thanks for responding oh so quickly, Navarre. Actually, not long after I posted, I did a search on your style and turned up the site for your dojo. Lots of good info!

There is a Seieikan tournament coming up down West Virginia way. I haven't decided on attendance to this next one or not. I may wait until later in the year and see if there's any others.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I did a search on your style and turned up the site for your dojo. Lots of good info!

You may have come across my old web page by mistake. The new web page, unfortunately, is having some issues that I need to resolve so it may not come up at all. The information is largely the same except the older one is out of date. I really need to get this fixed.
Try entering this address into your browser. Don't click on it because that will just load the parent directory and be confusing:


and then manually type any of the following extensions after it. It's the links that's broken.


Hopefully that'll come out okay. The whole site is like 2 yrs out of date. Sorry.

I'm the one who put together the page but it's my partner who runs all the schools now (thanks to moving with the wife). He and I aren't in touch as often as I'd like so I haven't kept the site up to date. Makes us look pretty unprofessional.

I'm working on some ways to get this back up and going though. It's largely just for ppl in our area but it's still our internet face to the world.

Let me know what you think of it. Thanks, Egg.
hrm...that's the site I was at earlier. I had to view source in order to see what was in the java dropdowns. I may be able to do a thing or two to help. Gimme a bit of time.

The tourney in WVA that I mentioned is linked here.

Edit: Nope, I take that back. The page I was at was phoenix.htm. Same directory, though.
phoenix.htm is the first page that loads up when ppl go to aze-ki.com
It is supposed to load the visit counter, link buttons, and our phoenix logo is supposed to rise up onto the screen. The buttons are not loading though.

As for my rank being incorrect, I believe it is correct here. I am second degree in Ko-Sutemi Seiei Kan and 4th degree in Manabi-Masho Ju-Jitsu and Shoo-Jin.

But my original style is Seiei Kan. I just haven't been able to train under anyone since 1997.
Try putting the fphover.class in the next directory up. If I read the code correctly, it's looking for it there. Maybe the fphoverx.class, too. I read:

meaning that the codebase is in the next directory up. That could be the problem

Edit: Wait...strike that. I may not be able to see what's happening because that class file is blocked by our fire-flippin-wall. Lemme look at it from home.
OnlyAnEgg said:
Edit: Wait...strike that. I may not be able to see what's happening because that class file is blocked by our fire-flippin-wall. Lemme look at it from home.

Okay, will do. Thanks, Egg!
Navarre said:
Okay, will do. Thanks, Egg!

You're welcome :) It's what I do.

Now...let's get this topic back on track!

I get my yellow belt as soon as I pay the Union Dues. I should be green by February, at the latest. I have to say, though, it's been fun to present myself as a white belt. I get to surprise my opponents that way.
OnlyAnEgg said:
I get my yellow belt as soon as I pay the Union Dues. I should be green by February, at the latest.

What happened to blue belt? Isn't blue still between yellow and green?
Navarre said:
What happened to blue belt? Isn't blue still between yellow and green?

erp! I don't honestly know or else I'm brainlocked with the TKD heirarchy. I should be (how's this) Post-Yellow by the beginning of February.
lol That'll work.

The progression of belts (back in the olden days) was:

White, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Brown, Brown (2nd degree), Black (and degrees thereof).
Cool. Thanks, Navarre.

Yesterday, at work, I was out in the RADIAC building doing some updates. I knew one woman out there competed in TKD for some time; so, I started her talking about it. Turns out she practiced ATA TKDfor some 11 years and was only to ready to brag about it :) A little later, another coworker came in and, as it turns out, he is involved in karate, as well! He knows my sensei and my sensei's sensei,too. He took the time to explain to me the three levels of blocking/striking and how to move off-center when my opponent is closing the gap along the center. I was ready to try this out at class last night. Unfortunately, sensei didn't seem to get the memo and was attacking me off center all evening.
It was a nice, small class. I got to sparrwith sensei and another black and there was a lot more detailed information as there were fewer people attending. Moreover, I was introduced to the bo. I made sensei happy by knowing that the weapon was an extension of my hand. He took some time to talk about striking along the center and holding the bo properly. He also had me promise to take him with me when I buy mine.
I got to show off my trophies to our two classes this week and sensei bragged up a storm on me :) Too right, eh? Now, my next step, seriously, is to get the rest of my classmates to tourney, too. There's little or no tourney involvement. I don't get it.
Last night's class was amazing!

Typically, I'm in a class with several many kids. Lately, though, Sensei's split the Thursday class into kids and big kids :) Last night, we had the addition of four karateka from a nearby Shotokan dojo. 2 adult BB, 1 junior BB and a young red.

As we were all adult, or mid to late teens in the class, we warmed up as we do normally; then paired off and worked on techniques. This may not sound strange to many of you; but, with all the little ones, class tends to be mostly basics and kata with sparring. Doing techniques was both strenuous and educational. I felt I recieved a lot more from class than usual.

I was fortunate enough to pair with a Shotokan BB about my age and build and learned quite a bit as I got pummeled. I am hoping this trend continues.

The Sensei of the visiting school also invited me (us) to visit his dojo, which I will do.

Man, I hurt today. That is good ;)
First of all, Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan is not an off shoot of Shotokan,even though there are many elements of Shotokan that have been added over the years. It is an offshoot of the Koei kan style. Which Soke Madden Studied in Japan. Not Okinawa. During the 1950's and 60's.
Also with so many style being part of the organization, these styles have been blended in to develop the style further. I have been in the Ko Sutemi Seiei kan system for 25 years. I have been a student of Soke Madden for 17 years. Now, The original style that Ko Sutemi seiei kan comes,(Koeikan) comes from Okinawa originally. the Founder of Koei kan (Eizo Onishi) was a student of Kanken Toyama,from Okinawa. Soke Madden studied with Onishi directly and later with other masters in the Koeikan style. Then went his separate way for one reason or another in the late 60's Yes,at Soke Maddens dojo they do focus a lot on sport competition,but not all of the time. And many of us teaching the style teach karatedo as the total package. (self defense,kata,competition,research,etc.).
As far as Soke Maddens Jujitsu goes. His father was a merchant marine in the 20's and 30's and that is where while in Asian ports he studied Jujitsu from different teachers , Japanese and other. Before WWII broke out. He started teaching his son in 1942,along with boxing. Later on Soke Madden while in Japan studying karate do,was able to work on his Jujitsu training further and expand on what his father had started teaching him.
If you have any doubts of his qualifications. Visist his dojo. All of his certifications in karatedo and jujitsu,up to 8th dan were international organizations and Japanese organizations. Later after many years of being the same rank. He was given his 9th and later 10th dans from a group of his master students as well as several international organizations. He is in his 70's and fits the guidelines. He also has a 6th dan in Judo from the USJA. If you have anymore questions about the Ko Sutemi Seiei kan please feel free to ask.
Oh, if anyone has any question of the legitimacy of Soke Maddens ranks. He was cerifited 8th dan by, the World Karate federation,(which he was at one time on the technical congress) , USA Karate Federation(Which he was the head of the USA team coaching staff., Pan American Union of karatedo Organizations. He also has a masters ranking in Shoalin Kung fu. He is well know in the Traditional karate circles. personal friends and professional martial arts associates include, George Anderson(President of the USA Karate Federation), Kiyoshi Yamazaki(Japan Karate do Ryobukai), Teriyuki Mikami( International Shotokan Karate federation), Hidey Ochiai( Wasshin ryu),Ridgley Able (Shuri ryu),Katsumi Niikura (Ryokukai international). All of which are well respected masters in their own right. He spent several years studying in Japan. As far as his student promoting him. It was more of a recognition of rank rather than a promotion. He is well known in the martial arts and karate do community for his contributions to the arts in over 60 years of study and practice. :asian:
More information for all interested.
Ko sutemi seiei kan uses the Pinan 1-5 kata, names instead of the Heian names because the style the Seiei kan comes from Koei kan used the Pinan names. We have members from many different styles of karate, including Shorin ryu, Shoto kan, Goju ryu, Uechi ryu, Isshin ryu, Taekwondo as well as many eclectic systems. Soke Madden has incouraged us to learn from all styles of martial arts. That way we can be more well rounded as martial artists as welll as being leaders in the martial arts community. The involvement of so many styles in the organization also gives us a hugh catalog of kata and training methods to choose from.
Soke Maddens daughter Shihan Heather Madden teaches Jujitsu and Aikido at his dojo, as welll as karate classes when Soke is not there.
Some other great master instructors in our organization are:
George Annarino 9th dan, Lynn Summers 9th dan, Brent Bias 8th dan, Paul Snider 6th dan, Traylon Smith 7th dan. Jim Grubb(not sure about his rank), Jim Cottrell 7th dan, Larry Zahand 7th dan, Chris Nicholas 7th dan. There are several more,but many names I cannot remember.
I went back for my first class after a 7 week break while I cleaned my wife out of my system.

I am sore, bruised, achey and have been pummeled by those older and younger than me.

It is good to hear you are back training. I started a new dojo. It is small. But, I have some dedicated students. I really enjoy teaching.
I love to compete as well. Even though I am not in as good of shape as I would like. I like concentrating on the deeper research of kata and technique. I plan to go to the Bangkok cup in October. I am getting in shape for that. It will be my first time in a long time of traveling. Anyway. Good luck in your training.
Sensei is attending Bangkok, as well. I cannot join them this year. Maybe next? Who knows?

Our dojo is small, too. Many children; but, enough adults had joined, in my absence, to split classes :)

It's a joy to be back.

Where are you located, twendkata?

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