Black Belt
Oh, if anyone has any question of the legitimacy of Soke Maddens ranks. He was cerifited 8th dan by, the World Karate federation,(which he was at one time on the technical congress) , USA Karate Federation(Which he was the head of the USA team coaching staff., Pan American Union of karatedo Organizations. He also has a masters ranking in Shoalin Kung fu. He is well know in the Traditional karate circles. personal friends and professional martial arts associates include, George Anderson(President of the USA Karate Federation), Kiyoshi Yamazaki(Japan Karate do Ryobukai), Teriyuki Mikami( International Shotokan Karate federation), Hidey Ochiai( Wasshin ryu),Ridgley Able (Shuri ryu),Katsumi Niikura (Ryokukai international). All of which are well respected masters in their own right. He spent several years studying in Japan. As far as his student promoting him. It was more of a recognition of rank rather than a promotion. He is well known in the martial arts and karate do community for his contributions to the arts in over 60 years of study and practice. :asian: