knife fight in real life

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Chicago Green Dragon

I was just wondering how many people on this talk group have had to deal with a knife fight in real life. What happend and how did it end up ?

Also was the attacker an experienced knife fighter and what do you think would be the difference if he was or wasn't with how you dealt with the situation at hand ?

Chicago Green Dragon

Not a knife fight per se, but I was attacked by a homeless man with a box knife back in the '80s as a teenager. I was coming out of a liquor store in a not-so-nice area when a sickly looking man dressed in many layers approached me and mumbled something. I came closer to try and understand what he was saying when he struck out with his right hand and sliced open the down jacket I was wearing from sternum to waist. I guess the guy was just crazy and wanted to cut me because he then started to turn as if to walk away. I took him down with a double leg, which was stupid on so many levels :whip:. I could barely see with all the down flying around, for one, and I clearly put myself back in the danger zone for another. A buddy who was in the liquor store came out at this point and we proceeded to subdue the guy with some kicks. Ok, they were stomps. We should have called the cops afterward, especially since it was pretty obvious he was mentally ill, but we didn't. Most likely because we were underage and buying liquor at the time. I only suffered a small nick near my solar plexus.

Lessons learned:

The knife is a devastating and quick weapon, even by those with a reduced capacity to use it. I'm not sure how much skill plays a role over the intent to use it.

People with the intent to hurt, not threaten, with a weapon will try to conceal it until they use it, so expect anything, be aware, and whatever counter techniques you use, they better be simple, quick, and effective.

Listen to those alarm bells in your head.

Don't focus on one feature of a potential threat. I was looking at this guy's face and didn't see his arm come up until it was too late.

Without my jacket, I could have easily been gutted. If I am ever again attacked with a knife, and it's a prolonged or obvious attack, I want to put as much clothing, metal, whatever's available between me and the blade--garbage can lid, jacket wrapped around my arm, shoe, hat, anything I could use as a shield. I'm not sure how much protection my jacket would have provided against a sharp, slashing 4-inch tactical blade, but I'd rather have some protection than none.

Don't let surprise paralyze you. Make survival a priority and MOVE. If the slasher had pressed his attack, my disbelief and inaction would have made me really vulnerable.

Last but not least: Avoid knife fights if at all possible.
I am glad to hear the only thing hurt was your jacket. I think any fight you can walk away from un hurt from your body that is, is a good one.

Thank you for posting your real life story and your reflections on the event.
I hope some of the other people in the forum will choose to post some stories too.

Chicago Green Dragon

You're welcome, not one of my prouder moments, I'm happy to be able to talk about it.

I hope to hear others experiences as well.
psi_radar said:
You're welcome, not one of my prouder moments, I'm happy to be able to talk about it.

I hope to hear others experiences as well.

I also posted a similar question in the EPAK section for the seniors only.
I wonder how many have had to use their knowledge and techniques when confronted in a real life situation with an armed assailent.

Chicago Green Dragon

"I also posted a similar question in the EPAK section for the seniors only.
I wonder how many have had to use their knowledge and techniques when confronted in a real life situation with an armed assailent."

I'd like to hear that too. I know Mr. Pick has extensive theoretical experience with the knife, it's sort of his specialty. I don't know if he's had to put it into practice. I'm sure Kenpo's knife techniques can be quite effective by those who can execute them at a high level, but the techniques I've been most impressed with and I would rely on come from Systema.

Are you thinking of knife vs. knife altercation or knife vs. empty hand? If you want to hear about knife vs. knife I'd ask the FMA guys.
Actually im open to any of it.

Knife vs. Knife or Hand vs. Knife or any edged weapon.

I think when you bring a weapon into the equation it adds some unexpected tones to the outcome. What do you think ?

Chicago Green Dragon

Chicago Green Dragon said:
I also posted a similar question in the EPAK section for the seniors only.
I wonder how many have had to use their knowledge and techniques when confronted in a real life situation with an armed assailent.

Chicago Green Dragon


Actually while bouncing, I have had a few incidents with guns, I always did what they asked or ran for cover. I have a few knife issues, a single Taser episode, multiple baseball bat and or golf club, and tire iron encounters. I also had people try to use a vehicle or two to bump or hit me.

Sounds impressive until you realize I choose to be there as it was the best paying job I could get while in college, and the risk for any reward or payment was minimal. I do not recommend it. Work else where, enjoy a long and healthy life. It is much better to have respect that someone could attack you and to say that it has never happened.

As to going up against a real knife fighter, I was never able to pull my own knife if I had one on me. If the person was a real knife fighter I would have been assasinated before I knew he had a knife, or been able to react. Just my thoughts, on my experience back in the day of being young and stupid.

Thank you for posting your experiences.

Sounds like a good resume for a stund man with all the different situations you've been in.

I believe that we can all learn something from other peoples experiences too.

Chicago Green Dragon

I agree with Rich, avoidance, compliance, and running away are better options than struggling with someone with a weapon, with few exceptions.

The reality of a knife-duel outside of prison or battlefield is pretty unlikely. Any smart guy who has the drop on you wouldn't give you time to pull your own weapon. And participating in what could be mutual suicide (given the option you could get away) is masochistic if not insane.
The first time I was involved in a fight against a knife was 1984 in Kodiak Alaska and was washing my clothes at the local laundry/bar. After my clothes were folded, I decided to make a phone call, but a lady was using the payphone and didn't seem to be in a hurry. So after waiting a few minutes I grabbed my stack of laundry and left. When I stepped outside, a man who had followed me out pushed my shoulder causing me to drop my laundry. He told me that I had been bothering his girlfriend inside. I realized he must have meant the girl on the phone, so I assured him that I only wanted to use the payphone, but then he pulled a knife. He was Filipino, as were most of the workers at the fish canery where I was working. He flashed the balisong around like he knew what he was doing. I didn't know anything about knife fighting but I knew karate and boxing, so I brought my right fist down hard on the bridge of his nose and followed with a left hook to the side of his head. He was out cold (maybe from hitting his head on the steps, I am not sure). I picked up my clothes, his balisong knife (which I still have) and ran off before he woke up. I assume now that he was just trying to be a big shot and intimidate me, rather than really trying to cut me. But he impressed upon me the necessity to learn knife fighting. If he had been serious, I doubt at the time I would have been able to defend myself against his attack.
No fights. I've been threatened with a knife twice, bat once, and guns three times. 4? Oh, and shot at by a sniper, but not much you can do about that.
In all but one case my untrained "defense" was compliance. I was fortunate in that the immediate consequences were minor, and the long-term outcome was positive - I was inspired to learn self-defense.