Kiss to Family Denies Student His Diploma

I have been to a few graduations in my day and many times people get out of hand and blow air horns and beach balls like it is a concert. I would just be happy if people would not wear flipflops and tank tops. Really shows a lack of respect to all involved. I can understand wanting to exercise some decorum. That being said, blowing a kiss seems a bit inoffensive.
In hindsight is it really all that hard to just be respectful and follow the rules? Maybe I am just silly though.
That'd be nice...but, I think 'zero tolerance' is the issue here.

How about "- zero tolerance"? Is that allowed? Maybe in cold states. :)

Yeah zero tolerance looks good on paper but rarely works in the real life. I remember a kid getting expelled from school for having a gun shaped trinket on a bracelet that was the size of an eraser on a pencil. Crazy.
God forbid we throw a token of appreciation towards the people who helped us get to where we are.
Education has become full of mindless...discretionless..."zero tolerance" morons. People who want to take common sense, judgement and decision making out of society.

I've noticed when doing exhibitions at schools alot of the teachers seemed to be, well, pathetic. I guess teaching the mundane ‘ABCs’ for years sort of soften the mind. It’s like they really believe Sesame Street is real.

I just couldn't believe this. I mean gee, he was sharing a moment and showing gratitude to his parents.
In a society where failure, dropouts and apathy reign when it comes to school...

I think graduation SHOULD be a party, not some formal stuffy declaration. Those kids that stuck it out and earned it, should be able to blow off steam.

Ya know, back in the age of the Cavemen when I graduated, they tried to deny me my diploma for "Disrupting" the ceremony, because I didn't go. They called my Name and no one went up... OH NOES! SO DISRUPTIVE.

I didn't go because I felt disdain for the Administration, I'm sure you can imagine that their little stunt earned them their respect from me.

And I did get my diploma.

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