Surely this is not true as stated -- if it WERE true, then in all one-steps, there would be only the block (or parry, or avoid), and then only a SINGLE counterstrike. This is certainly not the case, though.
In my mind, TKD techniques can levy GREAT power, but as in American Kenpo thinking -- not every strike is a "major" strike. There are "minor" strikes as well -- strikes that do not seek to end it, right now.
Please do not let this thread die until the question is answered. My interest is piqued.
Yes, you are correct as there are things such as hooking blocks, pressing blocks... but the phylosophy of TaeKwon-Do is, "One punch, one kick finish"
Depending on my focal point I can vary what the result of the technique is based on my brain.
Has anyone ever told you that your techniques are tooooo powerful?