Kenpo's Own Newsletter/Magazine

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Originally posted by bahenlaura
Greetings From OZ,

Laura & I(Burt) have just joined this forum. We are two of Si-Bok (Tom Kelly)'s Black Belts in Wichita Kansas.
Just wanted to drop a line and say hi. We are reading and watching this forum with great intrest!
We hope we can join in on the talk.
We wish you all a fruitful journey in your chosen art.

We leave you with this:

If Basics, Forms and Sparring make the fundamentals of the art.....
Inegrity, Honesty and Humility make up the fundamentals of a man.

Be careful, you're about to get corrupted!:eek: :) ;)

Welcome !
Originally posted by RCastillo

ROFL! You're an impatient cuss, aren't you? I was pretty close to
ditching the whole thing, because of the politics. But via PM, and
here, I've received a LOT of encouragement, so I'm going to
commit to a first issue, and see how it goes from there.

If anyone is interested in submitting an article, please
let me know!
Originally posted by bahenlaura
Greetings From OZ,

Laura & I(Burt) have just joined this forum. We are two of Si-Bok (Tom Kelly)'s Black Belts in Wichita Kansas.
Just wanted to drop a line and say hi. We are reading and watching this forum with great intrest!
We hope we can join in on the talk.
We wish you all a fruitful journey in your chosen art.

We leave you with this:

If Basics, Forms and Sparring make the fundamentals of the art.....
Inegrity, Honesty and Humility make up the fundamentals of a man.

Welcome! Look forward to reading your posts.
Wow, the page background just got very blue on me between posts. Caught my attention right away.

Laura & Burt - Oss and welcome. Tell Sibok that Michael Billings in Austin said hello and Oss. I changed my website since he, or Tom Jr. looked at it last. I added him on my lineage page, as one of the biggest influences on my Kenpo evolution. There are also some new links he may enjoy. and

Kirk, nasty stuff - I just saw an Ezene button on KenpoNet. No issues yet, but it looks like it is getting ready to happen there also. There are already some Kenpo ones out there, I have read at least two, but cannot find the URL's to get to you. They do not post on the forum, so the audience is more limited. Maybe one was Lee Bauchman, not sure. Have fun, if it is not fun don't do it.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Kirk, nasty stuff - I just saw an Ezene button on KenpoNet. No issues yet, but it looks like it is getting ready to happen there also. There are already some Kenpo ones out there, I have read at least two, but cannot find the URL's to get to you. They do not post on the forum, so the audience is more limited. Maybe one was Lee Bauchman, not sure. Have fun, if it is not fun don't do it.

Well then I'll be there often! LOL

Actually, I've tried to put the wheels in motion already. Talk about
a million obstacles. There's quite a few out there from various
orgs that want NO part in this. So passing on the knowledge of
seniors is pretty much out. This limits things quite a bit. Seems
that since it's not a reputable, established thing, there's not a lot
of willingness to be interviewed either.

I've received more warnings of doing this project than I have
those interested in being a part of it. More and more, this looks
like an impossible venture.

They say the key to happiness in life is to find something you
love, and then figure out a way to make money at it. That's
what this "attempt" was. I dunno .. I don't like giving up so soon,
either, but if people way more qualified than I can't make it
work, what makes me think I can?
Friends helping you out?
Knowing the saying they did it because they didn't know it was impossible?
Being more square headed than them?
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
Friends helping you out?
Knowing the saying they did it because they didn't know it was impossible?
Being more square headed than them?

The friends that most offered to help out were journalists and
printers, not kenpoists.
Originally posted by Kirk
The friends that most offered to help out were journalists and
printers, not kenpoists.

We have talked a lot and Ive put a lot of thought into this. What you tried to start was not a bad thing! It is a good thing and would be good for our art. Why do we need to implode on ourselves as an art? Why do we feel the need to sabatoge something that is in no way negative? You don't need someone more senior then you to do this. Put your heart into it and do the right thing and don't worry about the nay sayers.

How do you know you can't do it if you never even try? Let people sue, you can sue anybody for anything doesn't mean your gonna loose, just be careful and research what you print and how its protected. let people refuse or not participate, ill bet there are 10 people who will help in their place.

So you won't have every senior or org in there.....there are probably a lot of damned good 1st, 2nd, 3rd dans out there at the art who love to teach that would help. The thing about them that nobody realizes is 10-15-20 years from now they are the ones responsible for our art.

You are under Huk Planas lineage right? He wasnt a black belt or senior in the art by any means when Ed Parker, Tom Kelly and him started working on the technique manuals or the "red book". Mr. Parker or Mr Kelly obviously seen something he developed on his own long before that point.

Someday it will be our generation carrying out this art like it or not, we can start to put it on our shoulders now and help it live, or let it feed on itself and die. I was ready to walk away myself not just on others decisions, but stupid actions of my own.

My feeling is that if you assume the role of leadership you should have developed the abilities and qualities needed for that role long before you wear those shoes. Once your wearing them its a little late to learn to dance in them.

I know you got heart, so do a few others. Show the world man.

This is our art, it belongs to anyone willing to take it up and keep it. I say we start convincing people to keep it.

Well despite the warnings, and the possible competition of
kenponet, I'm going to commit to at least a first issue. The
deadline set at this point is May 10th for the first quarterly
issue. I have quite a few things already lined up, I'm psyched
on getting it out.

Now I need a name. The Kenpo Times? The Kenpo Gazette?
The Tiger And Dragon?

Anyone else have any ideas?
Originally posted by Kirk

Now I need a name. The Kenpo Times? The Kenpo Gazette?
The Tiger And Dragon?

Anyone else have any ideas?

How about ........

Schollars and Warriors

or how about ........

The Black and Blue Bugle


Originally posted by Kirk
Well despite the warnings, and the possible competition of
kenponet, I'm going to commit to at least a first issue. The
deadline set at this point is May 10th for the first quarterly
issue. I have quite a few things already lined up, I'm psyched
on getting it out.

Put me down for a copy. As long as it's not going to cost me more than 5 bucks! I know how you Kenpoists work...
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Put me down for a copy as well.

Aren't you supposed to be at the Planas Instructor camp right about now?
Originally posted by GouRonin
Aren't you supposed to be at the Planas Instructor camp right about now?

I was going to ask you the same. BUT I had scheduled my two older children to have doctor exams this morning and these were sch. 5 months ago. I couldn't back out of their dr. appt.'s and would have felt uneasy showing up to the seminar many hrs. late. My wife's uncle died earlier this week she was busy with that & I didn't feel right going to a Planas seminar and leaving her with everything to deal with.
This is one of those times I'm trying to better the entire family thingys.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I was going to ask you the same. BUT I had scheduled my two older children to have doctor exams this morning and these were sch. 5 months ago. I couldn't back out of their dr. appt.'s and would have felt uneasy showing up to the seminar many hrs. late. My wife's uncle died earlier this week she was busy with that & I didn't feel right going to a Planas seminar and leaving her with everything to deal with.
This is one of those times I'm trying to better the entire family thingys.

You have my condolences on the death in the family. You're a good man doing right by them staying there and taking care of them.

I would like to go as well but I have no where to stay and it's a simple economics issue. I can pay the instructor's camp fee but then lodging screws me. Even if I drove straight to the camp I would still need to pay for Saturday night at a hotel. Since I have no one going with me it doesn't even help to split it with someone. I have thought about sleeping in my car but the weather is very cold right now. Such is life.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Put me down for a copy. As long as it's not going to cost me more than 5 bucks! I know how you Kenpoists work...

The first copy is going to be available for free, online.
Should you decide to accept it (Ala Mission Impossible)
is to start up a show on Public Access on cable there. Call it "Kenpo With Kirk!"

What a fantastic idea, you'll be the Media King of Martial Arts!

Since I gave you the idea, you can let me be your Co-Host!:cool:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
What! Ricardo the co-host. Is cable t.v. ready for that.:rofl:

Ready? I think so, I've had 21 yrs of ticking off people in the classroom as a teacher/coach, so I think that qualifies me!:eek:

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