Kenpo's Own Newsletter/Magazine

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I for one like the idea of a kenpo magazine. Has consideration been given to an online publication first? Cost would be limited to desktop publishing software such as Adobe or Publisher. Article submissions could be accepted via email. Perhaps a web page detailing submission requirments could be posted. Qualified volunteers could edit submitted material and changes could be made last minute. When enough interest and content support is generated the publication could become a paper magazine. Anyway you have my vote.

don bohrer
Originally posted by don bohrer

I for one like the idea of a kenpo magazine. Has consideration been given to an online publication first? Cost would be limited to desktop publishing software such as Adobe or Publisher. Article submissions could be accepted via email. Perhaps a web page detailing submission requirments could be posted. Qualified volunteers could edit submitted material and changes could be made last minute. When enough interest and content support is generated the publication could become a paper magazine. Anyway you have my vote.

don bohrer

That's where I'm leaning right now. I'm going to commit at least
to the first issue. So if anyone is up for submitting an article,
please PM me!
Originally posted by Kirk
Well fair will be difficult, given the Tracy stuff is under copyright:(

Well, what I mean is that Tracy people get fair representation to submit articles, instructors profiles. and the like!:asian:
Originally posted by Kirk
Gou would certainly be able to create a highly popular
column, but 1) would he even want to? 2) could he do so with
a deadline hanging over his head? 3) could he do it without
pissing off 1/2 the subscribers?

What would be the fun of Gou writing a politically correct article? If a subscriber doesn't want to read it, they can just skip it.
There are several Martial Art magazines already published on the web.

Martial Arts Ezene is one I always recieve, and one other. It seems like they had to get very commercial (lots of advertizing) to pay for their overhead, yeah right. They probably had a server and computer for other purposes, but get paid by advertisers for pop ups, banners, and java script or flash ads.

Keep it Kenpo,
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
What would be the fun of Gou writing a politically correct article? If a subscriber doesn't want to read it, they can just skip it.

But of course! :)
Originally posted by Michael Billings
get paid by advertisers for pop ups, banners, and java script or flash ads.

If at all possible pop ups and any other annoying advertising will
be avoided.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
Keep it Kenpo

Without a doubt. I don't want to do it otherwise. The closest
I may come is in an article of "some other art" vs. kenpo. This
would require a non political, non pissing contest between two
highly ranking people of each art, so don't hold your breath!

If anyone has an article, please talk to me about submitting.
So far, I just have a nutrition column, and art work in the works.
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
What would be the fun of Gou writing a politically correct article? If a subscriber doesn't want to read it, they can just skip it.

I'd be more than happy to provide a valid e-mail address so that disgrunted readers can e-mail me and I will tell them they are an idiot, a moron and to go fawk themselves. That way they can print off my response and and frame it to go on their wall and feel good that they came so close to the greatness of one such as myself via the internet.

I'll even sign their copies of the "The Kenpo Free Press" if they want.
I had someone approach me about $2k/mo to put popups on here... I told him to get bent.

Advertising will be hard to come by at first, as you're unproven, with limited circulation. Once you build your numbers however, you have a very targeted audience that will appeal to some folks.

Offer some 'free' advertizing as a service (say seminar and camp dates), and some folks might just subscribe to keep upto date on who'se where. A thought would be to seed it with a listing from here, and other publications, then contact those whose info you are posting to let them know you gave them a courtisy listing, and to keep you posted on their other events. Offer the basic listing for free, but charge a small fee to 'Bold' or 'Box' their listing to set it apart from the others.

Depending on -how- you assemble an e-version, keep in mind that not everyone has highspeed access, and downloading a 5MB PDF over a dialup will drive folks nuts. Possibly offer a text only version, with a password protected link to the full graphical version, in addition to a graphical version.

PDF would be the best way to go for the e-version (IMO) due to its consistant look across platforms, plus it is also on the accepted list of many printers so going to a print version would be an easy transition.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Offer some 'free' advertizing as a service (say seminar and camp dates), and some folks might just subscribe to keep upto date on who's where.

Those will always be free. I'm not looking to only make a buck.
Never said that. Just tossing ideas out. :)

Would you be limiting them to Kenpo only, or accept other arts that might be of interest?
Was'nt this tried a number of years back? I do recall a magazine, but can not recall the name. I believe Mr.Conaster was featured in an issue or two? It looked to be a good product. I don't know what happened to it? Does anyone recall this?

Salute in Christ, :asian:
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Never said that. Just tossing ideas out. :)

Would you be limiting them to Kenpo only, or accept other arts that might be of interest?

No, I wasn't insinuating that you were, apologies.

I'd like to keep it to kenpo/kempo. I don't want to try to become
another martial arts publication.
Originally posted by donald
Was'nt this tried a number of years back? I do recall a magazine, but can not recall the name. I believe Mr.Conaster was featured in an issue or two? It looked to be a good product. I don't know what happened to it? Does anyone recall this?

Salute in Christ, :asian:

Now THAT I wasn't aware of, and would definitely effect my
decision. I'll email Mr C and find out for sure. Thanks for the
heads up!
Recently Mr Kongaika hosted Ray Dionaldo (a very skilled Filipino Arts Practitioner from what I hear) for a seminar. I would like to read articles or reviews of seminars like these from a Kenpo practitioner's perspective.

You mentioned my name earlier, and I'd be happy to help in the manner you describe. I am not very familiar with kenpo at all, so I can't offer much from that perspective, but I'd be happy to review anything you obtain for reviews. You can reprint anything from my pages that you wish to reprint, too, as long as I'm listed as the author with a link to my site.
That's quite nice of you, and speaks greatly of the man :) Hope more people will be that nice.


PS Kirk, if you're still interested, my offer stands.
Originally posted by Kenpomachine
That's quite nice of you, and speaks greatly of the man :) Hope more people will be that nice.


PS Kirk, if you're still interested, my offer stands.

I fully accept, thank you! I'm still not sure if I want to pursure this
or not. I'm glad I have this forum to discuss the topic.
Originally posted by Kirk
I fully accept, thank you! I'm still not sure if I want to pursure this
or not. I'm glad I have this forum to discuss the topic.

Greetings From OZ,

Laura & I(Burt) have just joined this forum. We are two of Si-Bok (Tom Kelly)'s Black Belts in Wichita Kansas.
Just wanted to drop a line and say hi. We are reading and watching this forum with great intrest!
We hope we can join in on the talk.
We wish you all a fruitful journey in your chosen art.

We leave you with this:

If Basics, Forms and Sparring make the fundamentals of the art.....
Inegrity, Honesty and Humility make up the fundamentals of a man.

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