Kenpo School on Wife Swap?


Senior Master
Anyone catch the show Wife Swap last night? My wife watches the show and yelled for me last night when she saw a painting on the wall that matched my kenpo crest (first I am amazed she recognized that. :)). I did not catche the scene in time, but she tried to give me a description of the school. She said it was in PA and the head instructor had "two red stripes", but she said the stripes did not look like mine, they were wider. So I assume the instructor was a 10th (two wide bars).

Anyone catch the show or now what school it was?
I was flipping around and saw the part in the school. Unfortnately I didn't notice the style (Just got in from class myself).

Anyone catch the show Wife Swap last night? My wife watches the show and yelled for me last night when she saw a painting on the wall that matched my kenpo crest (first I am amazed she recognized that. :)). I did not catche the scene in time, but she tried to give me a description of the school. She said it was in PA and the head instructor had "two red stripes", but she said the stripes did not look like mine, they were wider. So I assume the instructor was a 10th (two wide bars).

Anyone catch the show or now what school it was?

I think that is a scheduled DVR for me. I will check to see if it recorded and maybe I can find out for you.
That would great. I guess the kid in the show was going for a rank test. My wife said there were two people administering the test. I just sent her a picture of GM Parker's belt and she said the stripes looked like that. SO the person must have been a tenth.

She also said it was definitley the Parker Crest painted on the wall. So I assume it was a kenpo school.

That show is like a car wreck. You hate to stop an watch, but you cannot help it.
Here is the wife swap webpage

I think its the Milorey family with the Karate kid. The black belt she saw was Grandamster Joe Palanzo

Quote from their page


What do you do during the day?
I get to work by 8.30am after dropping Jayson off at school. I work at my local video store. The store doesn't open until 9am, so that means more computer chat time for me before I officially start! I'm the cashier, I do the payroll, answer phones, and restock the shelves. Luckily I'm rarely that busy, so it's awesome that I get to spend the bulk of my workday online in chat rooms venting about whatever silly or funny thing is on my mind. I probably post about 75 times a day.

Andrew jokes about how mean my posts are, but the chat rooms are all about mean humor, so it's MY time to get rude! It's how I vent about the world with my likeminded internet nerd friends. I finish work at 4pm and then I keep posting when I get home. I'm addicted to the chatrooms!

Do the kids have any extra classes or activities after school? Who takes them and picks them up?
Jayson's never has a lot extra curricular activities after school; he'd rather be playing videogames. The only thing he does do is Karate. He and Andrew try to get to classes a few times a week if they're in the mood to go. They like to go to a joint class on Saturday.

I like that Jayson does Karate because it's not competitive. I would never put pressure on my son to win. I only want him to have a good time.

Jayson used to get bullied at school, so karate is a fun way for him to learn self-defence. I think he's six months away from a black belt now, but I'm not certain. He's won a few trophies, but I'm not sure how many in total since they're buried somewhere in his room. He used to enter tournaments, but we forgot about the last one and a lot of that activity has fallen by the wayside. He doesn't enjoy tournaments that much anyway because he doesn't like to lose, and we don't push him. Kids don't need the pressure of setting unrealistic goals for themselves and it's important to teach them that it's not about winning anyway. They're young and should just find what they love to do with no strings attached.

It's also the only thing that gets him away from the computer.

Jayson's got a unique variation on the karate bow, which I would not advise anyone to ask him to demonstrate. It involves him bending over while he simultaneously cuts one! In Karate the bow is a sign of respect, so we find this little performance particularly funny.

How often do you speak to your children during the day?
I speak to Jayson once on the phone during his school day and that's it. As soon as he gets home, it's straight to the games and I become a distant echo in the background.

Do you spend time without the children?
We never spend time without Jayson. Andrew would like some romantic time more than me, but I guess we are too lazy to sort it out. If we ever do try to have alone time at home, Jayson stops whatever he's doing and comes between us, because he just can't stand to be left out.

With Andrew I guess I'd like him to be more of a cuddler. That's the only thing I think he's lacking. I need a lot of attention and if he did it more voluntarily it would be better, instead of him rushing back to get on the computer all the time. I think he's bought me flowers once in fifteen years.


What time do you get home from work?
I get home from work between 4-5pm, and Andrew gets home at 6:00pm.

What time do you eat dinner and who prepares it?
We eat between 6:00 and 7:00pm depending on if the boys feel like going to karate or not. I'm the only one who prepares dinner. It's hard enough to get Andrew to stop to EAT it, let alone MAKE it.

I always take their meals to them, so they can enjoy their meals while blowing stuff up on the computer. If I didn't, their food would just get cold and they'd never eat.

Do your kids have set bedtimes, and if you have teens, do they have curfews?
Jayson hates bedtime because it means no more game time. He finally forces himself down at 10pm and, with the help of his TV, falls asleep by 11:00pm. He's a terrible sleeper. If he didn't have his TV on, he'd get scary nightmares about monsters from his videogames. The TV makes him feel safe, and instead he dreams about kicking those monsters to the curb with his karate moves!"

End Quote

I guess they were filming the childs black belt qualifiying test because that was part of the rule change-the child had to get the black belt!

My best guess is they are instructoed by mr. Palanzo. Here is his website
And here is the instructor list. He is near the bottom.

Is that what you wanted or did I totally stray from the original topic?
Thanks. I showed a picture of Joe Palanzo to my wife and she said this guy had a full head of hair and the school was in PA. But you may be right as I did not catch the seen in time.

The other thing she just mentioned was the child has a black and red belt (or she thought). I know some schools use specialty belts for children. I had that in my Tracy background but not in Parker Kenpo.
I believe the kid's belt was black w/red stripe. The logo I saw on the wall looks like the one on the website below. The one with the green dragon. It was somewhere in PA and I saw the last part of a name or something on the wall that ended with "leton". Also, one of the judges had two WIDE stripes on his black belt. In fact the two stripes were so wide that it looked like a small black stripe on solid red. :D

The kid was taking his black belt test.

That is all I could tell. I don't know anything about Kempo though.
Thanks!!! May have been a tenth dan then. It was definitley a kenpo school. Another person confirmed it was the Parker Crest on the wall.

Thanks for all the info. I need to get DVR!

What do you do during the day?
I get to work by 8.30am after dropping Jayson off at school. I work at my local video store. The store doesn't open until 9am, so that means more computer chat time for me before I officially start! I'm the cashier, I do the payroll, answer phones, and restock the shelves. Luckily I'm rarely that busy, so it's awesome that I get to spend the bulk of my workday online in chat rooms venting about whatever silly or funny thing is on my mind. I probably post about 75 times a day.

Andrew jokes about how mean my posts are, but the chat rooms are all about mean humor, so it's MY time to get rude! It's how I vent about the world with my likeminded internet nerd friends. I finish work at 4pm and then I keep posting when I get home. I'm addicted to the chatrooms!

Do the kids have any extra classes or activities after school? Who takes them and picks them up?
Jayson's never has a lot extra curricular activities after school; he'd rather be playing videogames. The only thing he does do is Karate. He and Andrew try to get to classes a few times a week if they're in the mood to go. They like to go to a joint class on Saturday.

I like that Jayson does Karate because it's not competitive. I would never put pressure on my son to win. I only want him to have a good time.

Jayson used to get bullied at school, so karate is a fun way for him to learn self-defence. I think he's six months away from a black belt now, but I'm not certain. He's won a few trophies, but I'm not sure how many in total since they're buried somewhere in his room. He used to enter tournaments, but we forgot about the last one and a lot of that activity has fallen by the wayside. He doesn't enjoy tournaments that much anyway because he doesn't like to lose, and we don't push him. Kids don't need the pressure of setting unrealistic goals for themselves and it's important to teach them that it's not about winning anyway. They're young and should just find what they love to do with no strings attached.

It's also the only thing that gets him away from the computer.

Jayson's got a unique variation on the karate bow, which I would not advise anyone to ask him to demonstrate. It involves him bending over while he simultaneously cuts one! In Karate the bow is a sign of respect, so we find this little performance particularly funny.

How often do you speak to your children during the day?
I speak to Jayson once on the phone during his school day and that's it. As soon as he gets home, it's straight to the games and I become a distant echo in the background.

Do you spend time without the children?
We never spend time without Jayson. Andrew would like some romantic time more than me, but I guess we are too lazy to sort it out. If we ever do try to have alone time at home, Jayson stops whatever he's doing and comes between us, because he just can't stand to be left out.

With Andrew I guess I'd like him to be more of a cuddler. That's the only thing I think he's lacking. I need a lot of attention and if he did it more voluntarily it would be better, instead of him rushing back to get on the computer all the time. I think he's bought me flowers once in fifteen years.


What time do you get home from work?
I get home from work between 4-5pm, and Andrew gets home at 6:00pm.

What time do you eat dinner and who prepares it?
We eat between 6:00 and 7:00pm depending on if the boys feel like going to karate or not. I'm the only one who prepares dinner. It's hard enough to get Andrew to stop to EAT it, let alone MAKE it.

I always take their meals to them, so they can enjoy their meals while blowing stuff up on the computer. If I didn't, their food would just get cold and they'd never eat.

Do your kids have set bedtimes, and if you have teens, do they have curfews?
Jayson hates bedtime because it means no more game time. He finally forces himself down at 10pm and, with the help of his TV, falls asleep by 11:00pm. He's a terrible sleeper. If he didn't have his TV on, he'd get scary nightmares about monsters from his videogames. The TV makes him feel safe, and instead he dreams about kicking those monsters to the curb with his karate moves!"

End Quote

wooooowwwwww :flushed: The heck with politics, THIS is why America is going to hell in a handbasket IMHO

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