Yellow Belt
A few weeks ago, on a Tuesday, I was getting ready to go to class but my car wouldn't start because the battery had died during the night due to an overhead light left on. Anyways, I had to miss my first class while my car charged and in that time I got my books in the mail. So normally I would have gone to kung fu Wednesday night but I decided to stay home and do some catching up. Later that night at 11 o'clock my friend from kung fu got online and I said hello and then casually asked if I missed anything exciting in class, in a slight sarcastic way. And she said a lot.
What happened was, on that Tuesday my sifu was fired from the school. The reason being that he wasn't doing enough work for the school. Which doesn't make sense because he was the one that taught the kids, teens, and adult classes all the time. If not most for the adult classes. So that night a bunch of my friends that my sifu taught met him at a park and then he invited them back to his house and he told them all about why he was fired and the BS reasons why.
And apparently the owner, he is a Prof. rank, of the school is a drunk and was in jail for a DUI some time prior to this event. That and he is a money grubbing bastard. So now, my sifu is trying to open his own school and my friends and I will be right there with him. As of now, they are waiting for what the bank will say about the loan for the school.
Also, belt promotions were coming up and two of my friends were going to get their belts and then not cont. to go to that school. Some how, Prof. found out and said he was not going to promote them and they couldn't come back to the school. I have stopped going but my friend who told me about this online is still going and she said that last night one of the sifu's asked if she wanted to get her blue sash and she was like sure. So he made her do a few teen class forms and tricks and then gave her her sash. He also wanted her to right down the teens class forms and info for him because he will be teaching teens class now.
It just pisses me off at how people can be like that when they devote themselves to a martial art. Maybe I'm being cliche and such but I always thought that martial artists were "good." Lol...
What happened was, on that Tuesday my sifu was fired from the school. The reason being that he wasn't doing enough work for the school. Which doesn't make sense because he was the one that taught the kids, teens, and adult classes all the time. If not most for the adult classes. So that night a bunch of my friends that my sifu taught met him at a park and then he invited them back to his house and he told them all about why he was fired and the BS reasons why.
And apparently the owner, he is a Prof. rank, of the school is a drunk and was in jail for a DUI some time prior to this event. That and he is a money grubbing bastard. So now, my sifu is trying to open his own school and my friends and I will be right there with him. As of now, they are waiting for what the bank will say about the loan for the school.
Also, belt promotions were coming up and two of my friends were going to get their belts and then not cont. to go to that school. Some how, Prof. found out and said he was not going to promote them and they couldn't come back to the school. I have stopped going but my friend who told me about this online is still going and she said that last night one of the sifu's asked if she wanted to get her blue sash and she was like sure. So he made her do a few teen class forms and tricks and then gave her her sash. He also wanted her to right down the teens class forms and info for him because he will be teaching teens class now.
It just pisses me off at how people can be like that when they devote themselves to a martial art. Maybe I'm being cliche and such but I always thought that martial artists were "good." Lol...