Senior Master
Dominic Jones said:Hi
Dr Chapel talked about each Stage of Contact/Range having increasing numbers of sub-category(s) as the range decreases.
That is, Stage 1 has 1 sub-category; Stage 2 has 2 or more sub-categories; Stage 3 has 3 or more sub-categories Stage 4 has 4 or more categories.
I do not believe I alluded to any relationship between the numerical range and the number of subcategories.
Does each individual Stage have 1 “new” category thus ending with 4 categories at Stage 4 or does each individual Stage have more than 1 new category thus ending with more than 4 categories at Stage 4.
No. The numerical designation of the four ranges is an arbitrary designation by Ed Parker Sr. That is he simply determined the ranges or stages he wanted to address at one level and the numerical number ended at four when he was satisfied. He began with the closest range outward and when he finished, he designated them outside in. Then he removed or failed to address information he had no intention of including in his commercial interpretation of American Kenpo.
As I have stated previously, a good example of that is “Control Manipulation.” Not included in the ranges at all, but existing outside of the simple 4 range definitions. To my knowledge it is the only subcategory he published (other than the one purposeful word Other in Infinite Insights), although others were definitely there. I think the reason for that is because many of the self-defense technique general scenarios hinted at a “Control Manipulation” component offensively and defensively.
Can each sub- category be further divided into new sub-sub-categories?
In science and almost any other categorized activity, I believe you can subcategorize and sub-reference eternally. At some point it can become meaningless or at the very least repetitive.
If possible Dr Chapel could you elaborate on the sub-category(s) of the Contact Penetration Stage.
The subcategories I am willing to publish in what is considered the “Contact Penetration” stage are;
III. Distance Three:
“Contact Penetration” (Peripheral Contact)
Sub-Level Three:
A. Contact Manipulation
B. Visual Cortex Disruption
C. Nerve Cavity Activation
D. Startle Reflex Access
On a final thought, are the sub-categories related to the 8 Considerations of Combat (Environment, Range, Positions, Maneuvers, Targets, Natural Weapons, Blocks, Cover) as Touch of Death hinted at.
Stage 1 (Out of Reach) relates to Environment, Range, Maneuvers
Stage 2 (Within Contact) relates to Environment, Range, Maneuvers, Positions, Targets
Stage 3 (Contact Penetration) relates to Environment, Range, Maneuvers, Positions, Targets, Natural Weapons, Blocks
Stage 4 (Contact Manipulation) relates to Environment, Range, Maneuvers, Positions, Targets, Natural Weapons, Blocks, Cover
Cheers Dom :asian:
No. The Eight considerations are general guidelines that can be applied to almost any competitive physical activity, sport, or interaction. The sub-categories were developed in part prior to, and without any consideration to the “eight” and have, at best only a peripheral relationship to concepts of motion based kenpo. As Ed Parker told me, You need to ".. draw a line in your mind between the two.”
Those who have come to me to make the transition, the first thing I tell them is, forget what you thought you knew. All of the many components are interactively supportive. You may not take one and "graft" it to someting else. You cannot learn just "nerves" and add it to what you do. It simply won't work. Different philosophies, different methodologies, different result. All three components must change, not just one.