A friend associated with Master Kelly S. Worden, forwarded the following statement to me earlier this afternoon. I
am submitting it in full and without any comments,
as an informational piece for the Modern Arnis community on this web forum.
To whom it may concern within the FMA community and beyond, public announcements are never enjoyable to release. Yet due to the nature of martial arts and rumors
I have decided to clarify my future position regarding my personal involvement within Modern Arnis.
FMA is a dynamic art, a beautiful art that has blossomed
to worldwide acceptance. The late Professor Remy A. Presas committed his life to the teaching and development of all FMA as well as his personal expression, Modern Arnis.
In our relationship, Professor always guided me to seek my own destiny and "make the art my own." The advancement of Natural Spirit Int'l as an independent system was well established long before Professor Presas passed away in 2001. Prior to that time I returned to Modern Arnis to
share the positive bond, mutual respect, and the friendship we had established yet lost due to politics and unimportant disagreements.
In his final days just prior to his death, Roland Dantes and I were both by his side, it was then Professor stated "/You are not my students, you are my brothers!" // /
After the passing of Professor Presas I continued to assist Remy Presas Jr. along with Rodel Dagooc and the late Dr. Willie Matias in his efforts to "keep the family name alive within Modern Arnis."
On August 28^th 2008 it will be 7 years since Professor passed away. The time has come for me to return to my own path of destiny and the advancement of Natural Spirit Int'l.
I desire to make that step as a personal choice, a professional choice, as an American martial arts practitioner.
I truly feel the usage of the Datu title was a vision of the late Professor Remy A. Presas. I was honored by the faith he bestowed in my dedication to propagate his teachings, while assisting in the evolution as well as the historical preservation of Modern Arnis. In that regard, I have always believed Modern Arnis is a cultural art as well as a Presas family art. With or without my assistance or opinion, Modern Arnis shall indeed continue to flourish for generations to come.
It is at this time July 1^st . 2008, with all due respect I renounce my usage of the title "Datu", and remove it from public usage within Natural Spirit Int'l. In addition I will no longer have any direct involvement within the political or technical stability of Modern Arnis.
From this point forward I choose to disseminate my Americanized progression of Arnis as /N.S.I.A. Natural Spirit Int'l Arnis. // /
Kelly S. Worden
Int'l Director of Natural Spirit Int'l
kellys-@comcast.net <mailto:kellys-@comcast.net>;
www.kellyworden.com <http://www.kellyworden.com/>
am submitting it in full and without any comments,
as an informational piece for the Modern Arnis community on this web forum.
To whom it may concern within the FMA community and beyond, public announcements are never enjoyable to release. Yet due to the nature of martial arts and rumors
I have decided to clarify my future position regarding my personal involvement within Modern Arnis.
FMA is a dynamic art, a beautiful art that has blossomed
to worldwide acceptance. The late Professor Remy A. Presas committed his life to the teaching and development of all FMA as well as his personal expression, Modern Arnis.
In our relationship, Professor always guided me to seek my own destiny and "make the art my own." The advancement of Natural Spirit Int'l as an independent system was well established long before Professor Presas passed away in 2001. Prior to that time I returned to Modern Arnis to
share the positive bond, mutual respect, and the friendship we had established yet lost due to politics and unimportant disagreements.
In his final days just prior to his death, Roland Dantes and I were both by his side, it was then Professor stated "/You are not my students, you are my brothers!" // /
After the passing of Professor Presas I continued to assist Remy Presas Jr. along with Rodel Dagooc and the late Dr. Willie Matias in his efforts to "keep the family name alive within Modern Arnis."
On August 28^th 2008 it will be 7 years since Professor passed away. The time has come for me to return to my own path of destiny and the advancement of Natural Spirit Int'l.
I desire to make that step as a personal choice, a professional choice, as an American martial arts practitioner.
I truly feel the usage of the Datu title was a vision of the late Professor Remy A. Presas. I was honored by the faith he bestowed in my dedication to propagate his teachings, while assisting in the evolution as well as the historical preservation of Modern Arnis. In that regard, I have always believed Modern Arnis is a cultural art as well as a Presas family art. With or without my assistance or opinion, Modern Arnis shall indeed continue to flourish for generations to come.
It is at this time July 1^st . 2008, with all due respect I renounce my usage of the title "Datu", and remove it from public usage within Natural Spirit Int'l. In addition I will no longer have any direct involvement within the political or technical stability of Modern Arnis.
From this point forward I choose to disseminate my Americanized progression of Arnis as /N.S.I.A. Natural Spirit Int'l Arnis. // /
Kelly S. Worden
Int'l Director of Natural Spirit Int'l
kellys-@comcast.net <mailto:kellys-@comcast.net>;
www.kellyworden.com <http://www.kellyworden.com/>