My tone has been one of extreme exasperation, and once again I'm scratching my head wondering if I've somehow shifted to a different language without knowing it. Once again I'm forced to refer back to my previous posts, where I wrote:
As you can see, I did question why Kirk thought I was disagreeing with him and reworded my statement with more detail. His only reply to that is to put a link to my original post.....So yes I am being quite defensive because right now because I feel like I'm conversing with a bunch of morons who can't understand the English language. I honestly can't tell if you guys genuinely don't understand what I'm writing or if you are just trolling me. Really the only thing I could have done differently is offer an example to explain my opinion, so here's an example. You have one person who practices Taijiquan and another who practices Hung gar. The Taijiquan practitioner does his forms to develop balance and grace, whereas the Hung Gar practitioner is training to have a strong rooted stance. Both pracitioners have different aims in practicing their forms based on their separate arts.
Even in the same style, different forms are designed to accomplish different things. In the white crane style I practice our first form is designed to a) teach you how to walk forwards and backwards, and b) how to breath and tense your body for an incoming strike. On the other hand our second form, which is our stance form is designed to develop solid stances as well as balance and grace when moving between the stances. 2 forms from the same system but with completely different purposes.
EDIT: You know what else pisses me off? The fact that your replies to me so far have pretty much consisted of "if you had done x,y and z we would have understood you better and we wouldn't be in this situation". Each of the things you have brought up have been things I've done which is why I'm constantly having to go back and copy paste my previous posts. Not once have you even acknowledged the points I've made as a contribution to this thread, except to say that I was disagreeing with Kirk. So here's an idea: instead of criticising me for your own misunderstandings why not take the time to read my posts and respond to the things I say as a part of the discussion, rather than try to lecture me about how to debate.