Favorite kata

As for our system of chinese kenpo, my current favorite is Mass Attack. As for the kung fu forms I've learned, Zai Quai is my favorite open hand form and 5th Sun is my favorite weapons form, although I just learned a cool 2 section staff form I plan on competing with next summer.
I'm a Taekwondo practitioner, so in our 3 different flavors of WTF sanctioned poomse (aka, kata for Japanese style practitioners), my favorite forms are:

Tae Geuk: Sam Jang, 3rd form
Pal Gwe: Pal Jang, 8th form
Black: Tae Bak, 3rd form, although Koryo, the 1st BB form is also pretty cool too, and a hard workout if one performs it correctly and with conviction.

TKD and the MAs, great stuff... :asian:

I like the eight form too.
Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that one of my teachers loves it so much, but I find that Unsu is extremely fun. I love the 540 kick, and it's also the first black belt kata I learned.
For me it's either Bassai (posted a video of late last month) and the IKCA Master Form. I haven't learned all of the IKCA form yet, but it grows on me everytime I do it.
My favourite Ba gua forms would have to be a) The Deer Hook Knife form (don't know if it has another name), just cause i get to wave pointy metal things about, and b) the 24 palm ba gua qigong, 'cause it always leaves me feeling ace afterward. Fav Taiji would have to be the 42 form - i really like the mix of different styles in it.
Here is an example of Miyama Shodan - not neccesarily my best performance of it but you'll get the idea.


_Don Flatt
Well when I was going up through the ranks in EPAK Short 3 was my favorite cause it is the first time you are really learning a form and not just repeating the left and right side. It just has a beauty and flow to it. Form 4 is my absolute favorite though I think because compared to any that come before it there is just a complication to it that I feel like it was the first form I really had to work at to get hte beauty of it to shine through.
As far as Silat goes I love free-form kembangan and Djuru Sempok.

For other systems I really admire the very first Araki Ryu kata (whose name I forget). Basically, you serve the other person tea, attack him just as his attention is on it, take him down, and stab him with his own knife. There's an awful lot of depth in there from appreciation of distance, timing and hiding intention without appearing to to taking a person's center and constant mindfulness.
I'm rather partial to neseishi-sho/dai. I know two forms of rohai that are extremely different but both interesting. Chinto and Kusanku are excellent too. Seisan and bassai are probably my favorites. I love fluid combos and ki-ais. I also love a kata for it's bunkai applications. Then there's good old kihon-dosa ichi. Actually, do you consider taisabaki a kata? If so that's my favorite.
Law Horn Fuk Fu Kuen for internal
Sap Ji Kau Da Kuen for external
Sot Sao Sin for weapon

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