Karateka Sound Off!

Btw, did you get your orange belt at last?

No i didnt pass. Because of my depression and such I had no heart for training outside lessons at home so when the time came i messed it up.

Sensei didnt fail me on it though, he's giving me a little more time with it which is great :)

He knows about the issues I had with my black belt ex though. so he understand :)

I still go to class all the time though, i will pass next time, work hard.
I have 10 years in shobayashi shorin ryu, and am also studying Matsumura seito. so for me shorin ryu, two systems of the style shorin ryu.
First style I ever learned was Pangainoon (same as Uechi Ryu). Still a 'first love' to be honest :wavey:
I've tried a few...

SKI Shotokan for around 8 months as a young teenager.

Siorinji Daruma Ryu Kenshikan Kempo for about three years in my early 20's. Although developed in China, this one had borrowed a few kata from Goju-Ryu, such as Saifa and Seienchin.

Also dabbled in Togakure Ryu Ninjitsu, Seikukan, and Manaia Ju-Jitsu off and on during that time.

Then moved away for about 15 years.

Go Kan Ryu now, since February 2013.
My first Art (I guess you can also call it my base art): Shotokan (Shodan)
Then advanced with: freestyle karate/kickboxing (2nd Dan)
Current art: Tang Soo Do (going for Chodan this year)

Other arts & styles that I've tried, I won't list as the time practiced with anywhere from 1 day to about 9 months.
At our dojo, we blend hakkoryu jujitsu with shotokan karate. Hanshi Cruz of the International San Ten Karate Association has called what we do San Ten Jujitsu. Sensei just calls it karate. However, in our school, one must first achieve shodan in jujitsu to become a shodan in in karate. So in reality, when Justin Sensei is done with us, we are a black belt in two different styles- Shotokan and Hakkoryu.
My first style Tang Soo Do (with influences of Kaju Kenpo-Emperado style)
Currently Modern Arnis
Forgive my ignorance Stacy, but you gotta tell me about American Karate. When I hear American karate what comes to mind is Kenpo, but I'm gonna assume that's not what you meant.

From what I've seen personally, dojos that advertise "Amercian Karate" or "American Sport Karate" usually practice some derivative of Taekwondo. (At least in NW Wisconsin they do.) I've always thought of it as MMA personally since it usually contains some Judo and Hapkido.
As a foster kid/troubled teen, I practiced at a dojang that blended a few forms of Taekwondo for 8 years. After my oldest daughter was sexually assaulted on the school bus by a kid using MMA to subdue her, I decided to try to teach her some TKD. I'm terrible when it comes to teaching my own kids stuff so we decided to get her into a dojo. Long story short, I caught the bug (again) after watching her classes and we migrated to a nearby dojo together. I now devote most my free time to practicing Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu after not practicing anything at all for almost 12 years. So I technically have dan level in TKD, but in reality, I am just a 7th kyu with a few more weapons in my arsenal. And sloppy "elephant" stances haha.
Matsumura Saito Shorin Ryu and Shobayashi Shorin Ryu, 14 years strait training with out brakes, and on and off again before that .

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