Karateka Sound Off!

Goju people can't count. We all have brain damage thanks to holding our breath too much during Sanchin. %-}

No intended slight. I just counted Tez as TSD because she currently trains in it at her club. I understand she teaches it too although she has a personal preference for Wado.

I basically didn't want to get into counting fractions for people who practice multiple styles, so it's one or the other. No biggie either way. I'll change her tally to Wado in the next version if you both like.

I once kicked a Goju guy, took him an hour to react. Breathing helps. LOL.
I have my shodan in Wado Ryu but have trained with a Sensei who has trained seriously in Shotokan, Goju Ryu and Shito Ryu as well as Wado and have learned much from these other styles as well. I've also trained in Kobudo with him. I have been so lucky to be able to train under him!
Jumped around a bit, thanks to living like a gypsy while I was a college student, graduate student, and then a postdoc.

Shotokan Karate (current and former)
Wado Karate (Hirano Shihan's system, of JIKC)
Shuri Ryu Karate-do (Ridgely Abele and Fran Babbino)

Also, throw in Yamanni Chinen Ryu Kobudo...
Isshinryu 37 years
Yang Tai Chi Chaun 32 years
Various studies (not full time the years posted are the period the studies covered)
Shotokan/Silat Tjimande/Aikido - 10 years
Including bo, kama and a few other things
Kempo Goju over 7 years
Goju Ryu
Shorin Ryu Honda Katsu
Bando Staff and Stick
Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan
Chinese studies in
Pai Lum
Sil Lum
Tai Tong Long and Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai (conducted over 6+ years)
and a few other things for slow days
Sigh. I guess the Isshinryu folks caught up. There goes my dreams of karate hegemony on MT. (Not sure where to put Twendkata71, but Victor put the megami boys into a tie at the top.)

4 Goju-ryu
4 Isshin-ryu
3 Wado-ryu
2 Shorin-ryu
2 Shotokan
1 Shito-ryu
1 Seido
1 American Kenpo
1 American karate
1 Shindo Ryu
1 Ashihara
1 Kyokushin
Yay, two shotokan. :)

Im not alone.

you know that song.....

one is the lonliest number that you'll ever see...,Two can be as good as one but the lonliest number is the number one...uh huh
Which do you consider your primary style? Isshinryu?

My primary style is Isshinryu. I've continued my study alone for the last two years with limited interaction with my instructor, but that's pretty normal for a yondan.

Kyokushin is pretty much the only Karate in Korea. South Korea isn't the place to study Okinawan martial arts. I want people to train with, so I train. You can always pick things up from different martial arts anyways. It's good to train in as many as possible.

Kodokan Judo (started 1970)
Shotokan (JKA) my favorite (started 1994)
now Tang Soo Do - no JKA dojo nearby (started 2006)

Shotokan is what I usually do when I work out alone.
Uechiryu (Okikukai if it makes any difference)

Just wondering scince you're counting, do you put Uechi with Gojuryu or Isshinryu as a tie breaker since uechi is kinda between the two?
Oh, I think it's the Shito ryu people who are too busy training to post on here. At the higher kyu levels we are expected to train 4 to 6 times/week. I guess I'm just a slacker, I usually only manage 3 or 4. But I'm old. I really love my style! :-) Obviously there are a lot of good schools and styles, and some not so good, to each his/her own. But mine is (one of) the best. Ha ha.
American Kenpo(Yes, I know it is not Japanese/Okinawan)
American Karate(TKD based, so may not count)

And as of very recently, Ashihara.
Yay, two shotokan. :)

Im not alone.

you know that song.....

one is the lonliest number that you'll ever see...,Two can be as good as one but the lonliest number is the number one...uh huh

I make three I suppose :)

WSKF Shotokan - three and a half years (God, I feel like a real newbie compared to some of you guys!)
Oh, I think it's the Shito ryu people who are too busy training to post on here. At the higher kyu levels we are expected to train 4 to 6 times/week. I guess I'm just a slacker, I usually only manage 3 or 4. But I'm old. I really love my style! :-) Obviously there are a lot of good schools and styles, and some not so good, to each his/her own. But mine is (one of) the best. Ha ha.

With all those kata in Shito-ryu to practice, I imagine you're busy. Begone quickly lest your sensei find out you've been slacking!
Uechiryu (Okikukai if it makes any difference)

Just wondering scince you're counting, do you put Uechi with Gojuryu or Isshinryu as a tie breaker since uechi is kinda between the two?

I am very sorry for missing your question. I've more or less given up on the tallies, but I would normally count Uechi-ryu as it's own group. The Uechi people I know would be aghast at the thought of being counted as Goju-ryu, :) Too much Okinawan corruption for their taste.
Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu 33 years
Iron Tiger (Burmese Origin) about 4 years
USKA Judo can't remember how long earned ikkyu.
A smattering of Tae Kwon Do, American Kenpo, Shorinji Kempo.

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