Karate Jutsu ?

It was then that Funakoshi started teaching and he watered the techniques down a bit and added in other aspects such as philosophy and made it more into a sport and form of personal development and created Karate Do.

What you mentioned above is simply way off base, when it comes to Shotokan Karate.

Before that karate was based entirely on combat and fighting.

Itosu Sensei would strongly disagree. Maybe you confused him with Funakoshi Sensei? It was Itosu who helped make Karate more accessible to the masses, instead of just a few elite folks, by putting a much more step-wise approach to learning Karate. Regardless of Itosu's making the system easier to learn, the end result will still be the same for the dedicated student.

So if you found a place that teaches Karate Jutsu and they base it on Shotokan, no doubt they base it on an older form of Shotokan that was practiced before Funakoshi started teaching.

As the others have already stated, there was no Shotokan Karate before Funakoshi Sensei. For that matter, it was never called Shotokan Karate by Funakoshi Sensei, and it wasn't until his students took his pen name, and named it as such.
i wasnt impressed
i have had a better workout walking up the stairs

Sorry to hear about this.

I can understand having an isolated class where there's only a few students, but usually, when you only have a two man class on a regular basis, it's not a good sign at all.

If you don't mind my asking, in what city are you located? We may be able to suggest a better dojo.
Might be tough to judge a dojo on one class, might be easy.

If I'm taking a class, I like a smaller group. If it's a good instructor, I'm going to get more out of it.

If Funakoshi Sensei could suddenly come alive today I think he would be amazed, amused and appalled.
Amazed to see how far Martial Arts have come.
Amused to see us all blabbing, bickering and the hoopla associated with everything.
Appalled, well, you know.
Just a personal opinion, but when you encounter someone who claims to have taken the best of style A and the best of style B, and created something new - maybe 'karate jutsu' - run, not walk, for the nearest exit. The old masters spent a lifetime trying to massage the best way to skin the cat. I hardly think some guy who works part-time teaching MA at the mall while painting houses or something is going to discover something new that martial artists who trained from childhood somehow overlooked. Maybe...but unlikely. Find a reputable, traditional style school. When you're an advanced Dan, then maybe you'll have a basis to start free lancing. But until then, find an instructor with real credentials from a real organization who isn't making it up as he goes along.
Just a personal opinion, but when you encounter someone who claims to have taken the best of style A and the best of style B, and created something new - maybe 'karate jutsu' - run, not walk, for the nearest exit. The old masters spent a lifetime trying to massage the best way to skin the cat.
There's an awful lot to learn, yeah....

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