Kara-Ho Kenpo?

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marlon said:
GM Kouha,
what would be the most important thing, in your experience, for a long time practitioner to focus on and learn in order to improve the whole of his kempo? And, how best to accomplish such a thing.
Thank you for your time.

Marlon Wilson

Sensei Marlon:
As I have written to you via e-mail in hopes that I have helped answer some of your questions but with this question, as in the e-mail...I personally feel that a martial artists should start at one point in his/hers career to work from the inside out. Majority of the arts teaches one the physical aspects of the arts, and when they become a black belt, they are left with just "time." Well, if it's only "time" then I suggest that with that time...one should start working on the inside, ie; developing their internal strength, learning humility, doing things for others that gives them joy, etc. Then this would make a complete martial artists. I would be more then happy to assists you if you wish, just contact me via e-mail.
Grandmaster Kuoha
marlon said:
What does it take to create a form? How does one go about it and what would be the motivation? Then, how does one measure the value of such a creation?


In this aspect of the martial arts, we in The Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo Karate System have always learned from Professor Chow, first the meaning of Kata or Forms and he would always tell me that if it doesn't work...then it needs to go, but in katas or forms...his meaning was they are a series of fighting moves or techniques, so when all our katas were made with Professor, he would develop it as such, with little or no wasted movements. If you disect the movements into 4-8 strikes, you will see a series of techniques attacking or countering an opponent. Then when all the techniques were developed to his and mine satisfaction, then they were put together, and smoothed over to look uniformity.
Grandmaster Kuoha
dianhsuhe said:
Make sure you "PM" him- I did not see him the other day so he may be unaware of your questions... Just an FYI

Sensei Jamey: As I trained with you last Friday...it was good to see you again and you did quite well for not being here too much, recently. Too bad your regular job keeps you from making more classes. I was impressed with all of you and how you folks were able to communicate both body and spirit in the techniques battling 6-10 opponents at once...and I look forward when you all could move like Sensei John, (by the way, are you going to Ixtapa, Mexico for his wedding in June?) Sensei Ka'imi or Shihan Mendoza with them...and after Friday night instructor's class, the light is at the end of the tunnel and that will soon be accomplished. When you can defeat that many opponents and within 2.5 seconds having them all laying at your feet...then you are doing extremely well. Don't forget what I told you all that night on how to acheive these goals utilizing Ki Principles. Hopefully you can make it more during the week as I know it is a long drive for you and with the gas prices...yuck! Our Benz had a quarter tank of gas left and I went to the gas station and put $45., and when it only barely brought it up to 3/4, I nearly gasped. Boy that's riduculous.

Sensei Doc is planning to purchase another gas station down here this year sometime so that would be good and I can get discount on my gas. I am still trying to work on him with giving Kara-Ho Students discount on purchasing gas from his station, like $.05 off each gallon would surely help. What you save in a week, could possibly pay for at least another trip down here to train.

See ya later,
dianhsuhe said:
Marlon- Grandmaster Kuoha just got back from Australia recently and I do not believe he has been on MT since then, I will mention this post to him when I see him. (Should be tomorrow night) Go ahead and send him a PM also...

I cannot answer for Grandmaster Kuoha but I am not aware of any dynamic tension drills in Kara-Ho Kempo. We utilize the four KI principles from Aikido (You are probably already familiar with them if you trained Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido) and we have drills to help cultivate internal power but nothing I would consider dynamic tension related-
* But you are taught these things yet in not so an obvious way, remind me next time we train about it and I will teach it to you or show you what you are doing to create these training fundamentals.

Have you done any breaking?
* I have done a little of this myself.
RevIV said:
hows it going. You get hit by a great martial artists and now you are trying to find out how he hit you so hard. wellll..... when you find out make sure you share with me.
In Peace
ps-- cant wait to see you in July, maybe we will get more answers from the source

What's in July?
Grandmaster Kuoha
GM Kuoha,
in July in Mass. there is a seminar of about 4 tenth degree black belts. Rev IV was refering to Bill Chun jr. (master or GM i do not know his official title...no disrespect intended)who will be teaching there.


gmkuoha said:
What's in July?
Grandmaster Kuoha
I believe it is officially "Master" Bill Chun Jr.

Who will be conducting this event? Is it Hanshi Seavey and company or someone else?
It's known that Master Bill Chun Jr. is the successor to his father's system of Go ShinJitsu Kai. If his father, Bill Chun Sr., was "Grandmaster," doesn't this mean that Master Bill Chun Jr. is actually Grandmaster Bill Chun Jr.?...
fistlaw720 said:
I believe it is officially "Master" Bill Chun Jr.

Who will be conducting this event? Is it Hanshi Seavey and company or someone else?

I found this website about this July seminar: "international martial arts seminar featuring 4 Grand Master 10th degree black belts from around the world" http://www.dpkempo.com/seminar.html

I think RevIV can tell us more about it...since he's hosting it.
Hi Everyone,

I have been very busy and i just stumbled across this thread and had forgotten all about it. Well we do have more specifics for the semiar. THe location will be at the Westford Regency in Westford Ma. You can still go to the link from youngbravehearts post but i would check back in 2 days or so because the new webpage will be up and have all the updated information. Master Hatch and myself have renamed the seminar to "East meets West International Masters Gathering." It is going to be a great time and educational for all styles of martial arts. If you have any questions i will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. If i disapear from the planet in 2 weeks or so that's because I am going to be on my honeymoon in Hawaii --nice--
In Peace
Jesse E. Dwire IV
RevIV said:
Hi Everyone,

I have been very busy and i just stumbled across this thread and had forgotten all about it. Well we do have more specifics for the semiar. THe location will be at the Westford Regency in Westford Ma. You can still go to the link from youngbravehearts post but i would check back in 2 days or so because the new webpage will be up and have all the updated information. Master Hatch and myself have renamed the seminar to "East meets West International Masters Gathering." It is going to be a great time and educational for all styles of martial arts. If you have any questions i will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. If i disapear from the planet in 2 weeks or so that's because I am going to be on my honeymoon in Hawaii --nice--
In Peace
Jesse E. Dwire IV

I believe this is the site he's talking about (Master Hatch's Site). Go to http://www.capecodmartialarts.com and click on events. There's a quick blog entry, and a link to a page with more information about the seminar, some pictures, etc.

I'm pretty excited about this one.

Thank you youngbraveheart,
We are going to have a great time in hawaii. 2 weeks, 3 islands and i get to train while i am out there. I am definitely a lucky one. Regarding the seminar Ueno Sensei of Japan will be doing a cutting demonstration for all seminar participants. This is will be an occasion for anyone who can make it should. I saw a post earlier about Hanshi Seavey. Hanshi Seavey will be honoring us by coming to seminar as well though.
In Peace
Jesse Dwire IV
Hey Matt, Jesse, Marlon..and all..

I saw Ueno Sensei swing a sword in January in Atlantic City..I still get goosebumps everytime I think about it.

Definitely catch this one.

I will be there with as many students as possible. I've been pupming this one up ever since I heard about it. (What is the minimum age?)
CTKempo -- hey Todd,

I'll tell you, that demonstration in Atlantic City was awesome. I have snaps of it on my cell phone still.As for the age thing. I will write something brief for everyone and call you personally for details. Because of the duration of the day we think 12 is the youngest. If you have someone who can handle it then fine. Now for the legalities. They must have a chaperone for 12-17. Now this chaperone could be the parents staying in the sweet hotel we have were the seminar is, or they need to write a chaperones name on the Application kindof like a field trip and that person is responsible.. Oh by the way, you kicked some butt at the tournament - my boys ribs are still hurting.
CTKempo Todd said:
No idea what you are talking about..I'm innocent ;-)

well some ugly guy that looked just like you whooped my guys A$$... just kidding about the ugly thing but i thought since you were having a lapse in memory you would forget this comment too.. hhaaaa.. well im off to do more favors for this wedding.. Tell me again guys,, we do this for????? oh yeah.. cuz she says so.

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