Kara-Ho Kenpo?

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GAB said:
Hi Grandmaster,

Bruce Corrigan has an interesting article at his web site that talks about Sijo Sonny Gascon and the early period in Hawaii and when he was in the USA during his years in the Air Force. When he was on the East Coast and West Coast teaching and learning....

He makes numerous references to the Professor, all very interesting...

Do you have the date when he officially changed his Martial Art to Kara Ho?

Any other bits of information that come to mind would be helpful...

Thank You,

Regards, Gary
* I remember Professor telling me about Sonny Gascon and said that allot of the old guys worked out together but only for a short time. I wish I could release the tapes of Professor Chow, but allot of derogotory things were said on these tapes and I don't think they should be in an open forum like a book or something. I believe that whatever happened in those days should be kept private, however there will be some things that he said will come out in a book, but only the good stuff and the memory things.

With in regards to Kara-Ho Kempo, I have some certificates from Professor from the late 60's that has the system being as "Chinese Kenpo of Kara-Ho Karate." Professor told me that Kara-Ho has been in the system's acknowledgement for many years, but he always used Kenpo Karate and deleted the rest. It was in the 70's that he told me he wanted us to be known as Kara-Ho Kempo (changing the M from the N) and not Kenpo Karate or Chinese Kenpo Karate as he wanted to disassociate himself from Ed Parker and himself, so we did. "A good student is not to question why...but to do and die."
Grandmaster Kuoha
GAB said:
Hi Grandmaster,

Actually I did talk to Hanshi about the contact etc. He said that he was surprised that you are saying that, because they did have physcial contact and all.

He does not feel that the person who is representing himself on the boards is really Sam.

Thought I would let you know. He said if he is referrring you to John Bishop,
I don't believe the person because, Sam would know the answers...

Regards, Gary
Membership here at Martial Talk is verified, especially when the member is claiming to be a high ranking individual, or the head of a system.
When GM Kuoha joined MT his identity was verified by the staff, and I also checked with him since I have known him for 17-18 years.
John Bishop said:
Membership here at Martial Talk is verified, especially when the member is claiming to be a high ranking individual, or the head of a system.
When GM Kuoha joined MT his identity was verified by the staff, and I also checked with him since I have known him for 17-18 years.
John, Thank you for the information...

Grandmaster, Thank you and I understand what you are saying. I am retired from LAPD.
I understand the various different applications at different departments, and prisons...Thanks for your comments and understanding...

Hanshi wanted me to give his regards to you, if I found out, if you were for real...

I asked him his opinion of you, he said he had the utmost respect for you.

I am also very respectfull, of your position as Grandmaster and your contribution to Law Enforcement...

Regards, Gary
Kara-Ho = Spirit, Mind, Soul, and Body in one Sphere.

This is the interpetation as we use it for our style of Martial Arts. As for its exact dicitionary meaning i am not sure. But ask any student of Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo Karate and that is what most of them will say.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I was informed that on ebay there is some joker from Australia that is selling Thunderbolt Chow's diplomas. These are truely fakes and you can get a 10th dan from these and they are NOT signed by Professor Chow. He said he is using his name out of respect and it only looks as if it is a monetary gain effort by him. He calls himself Master Peter Lee but I don't if he has any rank at all as he is also selling diplomas from the American Kenpo Association. Just be very careful and he goes on the website of: Thunderbolt Kenpo." Very unique, isn't it. He says that us Americans have diluted the art and look at him giving diplomas without checking credentials. How about that, what a loser. Just for everyone's info to let you know that everything this guy is selling is phoney!
Grandmaster Kuoha
gmkuoha said:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I was informed that on ebay there is some joker from Australia that is selling Thunderbolt Chow's diplomas. These are truely fakes and you can get a 10th dan from these and they are NOT signed by Professor Chow. He said he is using his name out of respect and it only looks as if it is a monetary gain effort by him. He calls himself Master Peter Lee but I don't if he has any rank at all as he is also selling diplomas from the American Kenpo Association. Just be very careful and he goes on the website of: Thunderbolt Kenpo." Very unique, isn't it. He says that us Americans have diluted the art and look at him giving diplomas without checking credentials. How about that, what a loser. Just for everyone's info to let you know that everything this guy is selling is phoney!
Grandmaster Kuoha

Dear GM Kuoha,
Thank you for mentioning about this "individual"! He is selling "thunderbolt kenpo" certificates with a "watermark" pic of professor chow in the background and an IKKA crest outline. the guy has no website for his "alleged" organization. I have no idea who he is in regards to american kenpo and have never heard of a "Peter Lee" out of australia but there are enough Oz based kenpoists that I could ask! If you do have a website for this "joker",please let me know!
Thank you for your time,
Dear GM Kuoha,
Thank you for mentioning about this "individual"! He is selling "thunderbolt kenpo" certificates with a "watermark" pic of professor chow in the background and an IKKA crest outline. the guy has no website for his "alleged" organization. I have no idea who he is in regards to american kenpo and have never heard of a "Peter Lee" out of australia but there are enough Oz based kenpoists that I could ask! If you do have a website for this "joker",please let me know!
Thank you for your time,
If people complain about this fraud to ebay, they will ban this guy.
It's okay to honor a man like Professor Chow but to try to capitalize on his popularity by making money off of his name is wrong. Sad to see that martial arts are leaning towards the all powerful dollar anymore. Selling certificates and such on-line - are there no standards anymore? Pretty sad.

His website is at:


Just my.02
Wow! Very interesting thread!

I have been fortunate enough to have found Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo and Grandmaster Kuoha back in 1993, my instructor and a few of us students made the switch from another kempo style to Kara-Ho and it was obvious that what we were learning, while not useless, was definitely a watered down version of Professor Chow's art. My instructor was a Nidan in the "other" style and several of us were brown belts at the time. I thought I had a grasp on the basics but when we began training in Kara-Ho we quickly realized that while we had trained for several years, it was not the quantity of the training we had received but the quality that is most important, as Grandmaster Kuoha has mentioned here.

I was immediately humbled when I saw Grandmaster's beginning students who were better, stronger and tougher than I was. We are talking about advanced yellow belts (yellow/purple) here. Folks who had been training for less time, but had received BETTER training! My point sparring was no match for them and they did not stop when a touch point was scored. Their techniques even at the beginner stages were more devastating (and made more sense) than the black belt material in our other style. We were in awe and we have never looked back, we have found an art that is endless and "one which will outlive us all" as Grandmaster Kuoha says.

During the MANY posts on this thread Grandmaster mentions the 6-10 techniques of Kara-Ho Kempo. Techniques required to go from Nidan to Sandan, these techniques open a whole new door to Kara-Ho with their movements, strikes, fluid-movement (not when I try to do them:) ) and continuity. I fear that many folks who comment on seeing Kara-Ho may only have seen the beginner techniques and forms, and that is not an accurate depiction of our art. As Grandmaster Kuoha himself has mentioned, try to get a glimpse of the more advanced material before you decide what our art is all about. Don't get me wrong the basic techniques are complex and devastating but compared to the higher level criteria, well there is no comparison!

I was thrilled to find this web-site and see that Grandmaster and some of his high ranking students have contributed so much great information and history here. So much of Kempo discussions revolves around bad talking each other and it is a rare treat to have a Kempo Grandmaster here on the forum answering questions and sharing his time with Professor Chow. I think many high ranking black belts in various systems would avoid this type of forum, because they cannot back up their claims or history. (I know, I am biased :) )

Thanks again for all the great info. from everybody!

Sensei Jamey Gibson
Nidan, Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo Karate
San Diego, CA.
gmkuoha said:
I just wanted to let everyone know that I was informed that on ebay there is some joker from Australia that is selling Thunderbolt Chow's diplomas. These are truely fakes and you can get a 10th dan from these and they are NOT signed by Professor Chow. He said he is using his name out of respect and it only looks as if it is a monetary gain effort by him. He calls himself Master Peter Lee but I don't if he has any rank at all as he is also selling diplomas from the American Kenpo Association. Just be very careful and he goes on the website of: Thunderbolt Kenpo." Very unique, isn't it. He says that us Americans have diluted the art and look at him giving diplomas without checking credentials. How about that, what a loser. Just for everyone's info to let you know that everything this guy is selling is phoney!
Grandmaster Kuoha

The sample diploma in question lists William K.S. Chow as the receiver of the rank of 10th dan. This man is not selling 10th dans with fake signatures. His sample of Kenseiryu has Chojun Miyagi receiving 10th dan. These are samples. He is not using any false signatures.

That said, he is issuing false rank.
I have met those who train with master Bill Chun jr. and have been impressed with thier internal power. Can you give an exercise to me to help me develop my expression of internal power. I have trained in Shaolin kempo since 1990 and currently teach. I also have trained for a year in aikido and 4 years in Judo and some white crane kung fu. I have learned some qi qong from a tai chi master and am a teacher of Reiki. I love SK and feel that the internal cmponent is missing from my training and am trying to suppliment my training. Anything would help...how to do the dynamic tension exercies to increaes my ability, breathing, how to do fajing...anything. My email is m.shaolinkempo@gmail.com should you wish to share any info privately. I wish to learn what i am missing from my SK . I live in Montreal Canada

Thank you

Marlon Wilson
GM Kuoha,
please excuse my last post where i did not fully type out your name...it was an error and no disrespect intended.

Marlon Wilson
hows it going. You get hit by a great martial artists and now you are trying to find out how he hit you so hard. wellll..... when you find out make sure you share with me.
In Peace
ps-- cant wait to see you in July, maybe we will get more answers from the source
The dynamic tension of Kara ho how is it done? The whole body tense or just a part? All at once or sequenced muscle tensing? What is the training targeting? Is it necessary to do it with specific movements or will any form do or punching/blocking/kicking ...techniques do? Is there specific breatrhing patterns and if yes what might they be?

Deep respect and thanks

Hello Jesse,
i am forever a student and forever seeking to improve and learn...always will be this way. PLUS I love kempo!!

Be well

Marlon- Grandmaster Kuoha just got back from Australia recently and I do not believe he has been on MT since then, I will mention this post to him when I see him. (Should be tomorrow night) Go ahead and send him a PM also...

I cannot answer for Grandmaster Kuoha but I am not aware of any dynamic tension drills in Kara-Ho Kempo. We utilize the four KI principles from Aikido (You are probably already familiar with them if you trained Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido) and we have drills to help cultivate internal power but nothing I would consider dynamic tension related-

Have you done any breaking?
Thank you for your input. I am familiiar with the shin shin jitsu principles. Thety would be a great discussion in and of themselves. although i did not learn them in the aikido i took. I have done some breaking, yes. I would be honoured to have GM Kouha resd my questions. I hope he reads the sincere desire to learn ands become better in the asart of kempo.

marlon wilson
GM Kouha,
what would be the most important thing, in your experience, for a long time practitioner to focus on and learn in order to improve the whole of his kempo? And, how best to accomplish such a thing.
Thank you for your time.

Marlon Wilson
What does it take to create a form? How does one go about it and what would be the motivation? Then, how does one measure the value of such a creation?


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