"Chickened out?"
I see...
I work for a psychiatric facility in crisis management and sadly for me I was put on call the weekend of the camp with no way to get someone to work for me. I was very cheesed off to not be able to go to the camp. (In fact I owe a case of beer now because I couldn't go...GRRRR...)
To add to my misery my comuter went down. Now anyone who knows me knows I own the biggest piece of cr@p computer in existence. It's a 500 meg hard drive, 8 meg ram, pentium 60. A 33,600 modem. I have no floppy drives as they caught on fire once and I never replaced them. If I want to put anything on the drive I have to do it through my internet connection. The whole thing is duct and electrical taped into a mini-tower with no case that I found. The fact that I can even get it run at times stuns most people who work on computers. I have seen computer techs run in fear when faced with having to deal with it. Why don't I replace it? Well, it still works. Plus, that would mean that I would have less money to spend on beer.
Until yesterday I had no working browser as well and only could access one at work in a limited frame. So all I had was USENET to access and some time on another forum I belong to along with my public e-mail account. Sadly, I never wrote down my passwords and as I used my computer's memory function to automatically imput them for me I lost not only my information on my drive but also much of the services I use from cyberspace too. Hotmail, homepage, messengers etc. Since I could not access them they became useless. (Let this be a lesson to write stuff down)
So there I was. No e-mail save my private one that my wife and I use. I'm not going to be using that because it already has a spam filter working because of the IMAF and their inability to keep e-mail confidential and no browser to see what is going on here.
Also, as Rich had mentioned, my wife and I are trying to have a baby so yeah, I am a little busy at times.
I did however e-mail Huk and discussed with him several things that if he could, demonstrate to Kaith and company.
I come back here and Kaith is talking smack about me? Oh man...Oh man... Oh Lordy... Baby, you bring the @ss 'cause I'm gonna bring the whoopin'!
Anyhoo... I am back. I have a new e-mail addy. Until I get a new website done up I have a temp one.
So what the %$#@ did I miss?