This is a question that I've discussed with my fellow Kenpoists, but I wanted to ask here, to get some feedback of non Kenpoists.

Of course, if someone who does Kenpo, wishes to comment, please feel free.
In the Kenpo system (Parker and Tracy) there tends to be a huge number of techniques, techniques which address a wide variety of attacks. IMO, though, many of them tend to be redundant. For example: we'll use punches as an example. You'll have techs that address a right step thru punch, another set that'll address a right cross, another set that'll address a jab, and so forth. So basically what you end up with is a ton of moves.
While some people that I've talked to have said that all the techs are necessary, I tend to disagree with that. Instead of having this huge laundry list of moves, I'd rather see a list of the most common street attacks. This list would consist of: attacks from the front and rear, ie: grabs, chokes, grabs with punches. Weapon attacks: These would consist of gun, knife and club attacks. Ex: knife thrusts and stabs, blade held to the body and throat from front and rear. Gun: front, side and rear.
Thats just a basic example, but I think its clear where I'm going with this.

So, now we have a handful of techs, vs. a large amount. The student can focus on a smaller list, and eventually build off of the base techs, which IMO, the students should be doing anyways. By doing this, the students are not necessarily bound by the techs, but will eventually be capable of thinking on the fly and reacting to whats happening at that moment, without having to have a huge list to attempt to go thru when the crap is hitting the fan.
I used Kenpo as an example, as that is the art that I train in. However, the above can be applied to any art.