Just started Kenpo, style to go with?

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Originally posted by rmcrobertson

"I know just enough about martial arts to get myself into serious trouble, and not nearly enough to get myself out."

hah...i might have to borrow that one from you.
I call this the "Green Belt Expert" level.

Hey, I resemble that remark :mad: (being a green belt and all)

There are thousands of "Green Belt Experts" out there, bouncing from school to garage to back yards to schools... you get the picture.

And our numbers are growing :eek:

Wouldn't be surprised if there are more than a few that frequent forums such as this one, trying to impress everyone with their "knowledge"

Rats!! found out again :p

(The following was me having fun cause I'm a green belt and I can. still working hard to get that brown too.)

Originally posted by Zoran

I knew this would come up...sigh

First are you talking about stand-up grappling or ground fighting.
Both, I am experienced in both areas.

Second, have you ever trained with a grappler, usually the MMA or BJJ, type. If not, it can be an eye opener.
Yes. I trained strictly in Jiu-Jitsu for over a year before moving onto Samurai Jiu-Jitsu

Third, I do agree with you that the Kenpo material does work very well in grappling. That is, if you have a instructor who is able to incorporate it into the curriculum.
Here, we agree. I think I do a very good job of incorporating it.

[/B]I've also had some formal training in Jiu Jitsu. JJ is completely diferent from BJJ. [/B]
Yes it is. But this comes back to the same old saw. Many different arts will show you many different things, but in the end, it all comes down to the practitioner.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

Everyone says "kenpo works well in groundfighting." It may. But how many schools actually teach kenpo in a groundfighting situation?
I can't vouch for all schools, but I know that I do.

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