Today i had my grading which was for 4 hours, and I am happy to annouce i received my brown sash. I have been training in Shaolin Long Fist for about 7 years now. Although there are people who have not been training as long as me but have received their brown sashes earlier, I still feel its a great achievement for me. I do know though that I will have to work much harder but I am already moving further in my journey.
The grading itself was very hard, we had a good warm up with some physical activites like running to your partner, while doing squat thrusts, pressups, kicks, and situps, then some san shou involving some joint lock techniques, then pad work, working through a form to practuse precision of movements. And after all this we had to go through our individual forms. I performed about 5 or 6 of my empty hand forms, my nunchuk form and stick form. I am quite proud of myself for not being sick as it was very hard.
The grading itself was very hard, we had a good warm up with some physical activites like running to your partner, while doing squat thrusts, pressups, kicks, and situps, then some san shou involving some joint lock techniques, then pad work, working through a form to practuse precision of movements. And after all this we had to go through our individual forms. I performed about 5 or 6 of my empty hand forms, my nunchuk form and stick form. I am quite proud of myself for not being sick as it was very hard.