jump spinning reverse crescent problem


White Belt
I have to do this and am having great difficulty:

jump spinning reverse crescent (360). I can "almost" do it, but it's sloppy and doesn't feel right. I read some tips to jump then spin then kick but that doesnt seem to work -- so to get started i'm kind walking through it: i turn my body, then jump and kick, but still it feels sloppy. i cant figure out if it's that i'm not jumping high enough or my hips aren't angling correctly.

i have to do it for my red belt ... what sucks is a green belt in my class can do it beautifully and with lots of power, and here i am struggling to do it at all.

p.s. i can do a 360 jump spinning crescent fine, but not the reverse (outside) crescent.

any tips?
That is a very difficult kick to pull off, especially if you are just learning it. It would be hard diagnose what you are doing wrong without watching you do it...but I can offer two things to concentrate on.

1) Make sure your upper body is completely turned in the direction you want to go before executing the kick. (in other words, make sure you upper body is in position before moving your lower body)

2) Concentrate on getting your knees as high as possible before launching the kick. The higher the knees the longer the air time.

Other than that, it's just experience and practice. Hope that helps. :)
Well, that was good advice. I noticed that those that have lesser quad strength have less control. Might help to do alot of axe kicks and crescents on the bag, like a hundred each leg before stopping. Also, you didn't mention flexibility. Flexibility is definitely key to a nice fluid kick. TW
I struggle with these kicks too. Something that has helped me is to break them down into their basic parts, and focus on each one before moving on to the next. For example, start with only the jumping. You want to jump HIGH so you can fully turn and execute the kick. Work on that until you feel you have it where you want, then add the spin....just jump like you have been, and add the spin (I start to turn as I'm crouching down for the jump...that way when I explode up and off the ground, I'm already turning). Once you have that, add the kick. This helps me at least... Good luck.
Steronius said:
I have to do this and am having great difficulty:

jump spinning reverse crescent (360). I can "almost" do it, but it's sloppy and doesn't feel right. I read some tips to jump then spin then kick but that doesnt seem to work -- so to get started i'm kind walking through it: i turn my body, then jump and kick, but still it feels sloppy. i cant figure out if it's that i'm not jumping high enough or my hips aren't angling correctly.

i have to do it for my red belt ... what sucks is a green belt in my class can do it beautifully and with lots of power, and here i am struggling to do it at all.

p.s. i can do a 360 jump spinning crescent fine, but not the reverse (outside) crescent.

any tips?
whats the difference between a spinning 360 crescent and a reverse.
wynnema said:
whats the difference between a spinning 360 crescent and a reverse.
360 crescent goes in the direction of the chest and then returns back exposed.

Spinning crescent starts with the back exposed and returns with the chest exposed.

Back to the original topic:

Check your supporting leg strength if you are too weak here you'll have to recruit muscles in the leg that would otherwise be used for spinning. Quick check, If you can do about 20 single leg calf raise you probably have enough calf strength to do this manuever fluidly, if not work on your calf strength.

To get the jump spin crescent down I use this method:

To get the spin down I'd work on the spin trying to raise the kicking knee to my chest until I had my spin down.

Then I'd add my hop/jump.

Then I start all over with the spin, knee and kick.

And finally the spin, knee, jump and kick.
Couple of things to try.

One is to take the technique back a few notches and try from a 180 position, gradually adding to the clock. This will help to identify where you are going astray.

Another, is to deliberately make it more difficult for yourself.
Try going for 540, or even 720 a few times, then go back to the 360.
You probably won't pull off either, but it will put the 360 in a whole new perspective.
Don't lean back. Keep your body upright.
work on the speed of your spin. If you cant get up in the air high enough you will have to spin faster. If you cant spin fast, youll have to be higher in the air.
from my own experience, it isnt a problem with how high your jump is or how strong your quads are. its moore based on the speed from your hips as you're delivering the kick. also, i wouldnt focus so much on the position of your upper body.. the only time that i think the upper body should be focused on is during the landinig point in order to keep your balance.

if you attempt to perform the technique with a natural feel, it should all fall into place. after that is when you should try to focus more on the more minor details.

try to follow these words.. "a kick is just a kick and a punch is just a punch"
Here is my .02

I am sure these points have been touched upon but I would like to highlight a couple:

I always practice/teach the spinning reverse crescent kick first which creates the necessary torque, then add in the jump when you have the speed and muscle coordination in the initial kick.

When you prepare to jump try to wind yourself up like a rubberband in the opposite direction, and as you leap use the torque of your elbows, and upper body to pull you through the spin (imagine doing a spinning elbow strike) do not execute the kick here just practice winding up, and unwind as you jump and spin. Focus on chambering the kicking leg as high as possible (into the chest for example) as you spin, I sometimes try to grab my knee as I jump-spin because it helps me stay upright, and it gets my kicking leg/knee as high as possible.

Once you have the torque (You should immediately turn your head to see the target yes?) and the chambered leg nice and high/tight to the body- then add the jump. I also try to tuck my other leg under to protect the groin as I kick but it gets harder as I get older! :)

Hope this helped at least a little!


P.S. I know, kicking advice from a Kempo guy huh?


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