Trouble with jumping and spinning kicks

Hey guys. I've got some trouble with jumping, spinning, and especially jumping-spinning kicks. I'm decent at Jumping snap kicks and crescent kicks, but if I try other kicks I don't have enough air and I can't kick fast enough. With spinning kicks, I've got a basic accuracy problem.

Now, I've got the most trouble with jumping-spinning kicks. I can't even do them at all. At 270 degrees into the spin, I've already landed. I've got no hang time. It's pathetic for a Brown belt.

So, if anyone's got some miracle training secret to getting better jumping kicks, please tell me!

Thanks in advance!

There is no secret. You've got to practice. It may take time outside of class, but that is really the only thing you can do. Sure, you can try pliometrics or even weight training, but the absolute best way to perform a technique is just to do it.

Start small. Warm up and do ten reps a day on each side until your body starts learning what it needs to do.
There is no secret. You've got to practice. It may take time outside of class, but that is really the only thing you can do. Sure, you can try pliometrics or even weight training, but the absolute best way to perform a technique is just to do it.

Start small. Warm up and do ten reps a day on each side until your body starts learning what it needs to do.

Exactly right. Brown belt or not, you have to keep doing these kicks till you get the right mix of balance, power and speed. Assume it'll take you a minimum of a year, working on them every day, to go from where you are now to being able to crack out a jump/spin version of any kick you're working on. A year's not really that long, eh?
Everyone is exactly right. I would add to really focus on explosive leg power in the calves and quads. Plyometrics are great for this, but just doing what you want to be able to do is your best bet IMO. Also, focus on getting both legs up in the air. A lot of times you'll land too quickly because the leg that isn't kicking isn't getting up in the air enough. For example: a jump spin back kick, jump up thinking about getting BOTH of your knees to hit your chest before kicking one leg out (even easier, think about getting your non-kicking heel up enough to hit your tail- that would be a good start). This may be something you are already doing, but the biggest problem I see with most people's jump spin kicks is the other leg just hanging down.
Lots of practice is the key to anything! Remember- if it was easy everyone would be able to them!

First of all, welcome to MT.

I started TKD at 14. I loved jump-spinning back kicks back then. I did then ALL the time. Over the years, I started focusing on other kicks. Needless to say, my j-s back kick isn't what it was. I still know in my head how to throw it, but my body doesn't cooperate like it used to. I'm simply out of practice. Keep training & working at it: it will get there.
You really do have to do these all the time if you're going to get good, even adequate at them and to keep them at all.

1. please protect your knees and ankles and remember this comes from the hips.

2. think of lifting yourself off the ground, not fighting gravity.

3. Try jumping and spinning without the kick just to get yourself around.

4. Spot. That is a head movement which involves keeping focused on your target.

That and practice ... best advice I can give you. I can't do these anymore.
Good answers so far. Bottom line is, you have to jump...a lot. You also have to make sure that your kick takes less time than your hang time. Seems obvious but we recently had a workout where our hang time was recorded and then the time it took to do the ground version of the kick was recorded. Whoops! In addition to jumping, make sure the kick on the ground is as fast and accurate as possible.

Question on the spin, is your head coming around first, or with the rest of your body? Also, drive your arms in towards your body when you do your spin, don't leave them extended. It will help you spin faster and keep you on line.

Work on the jump, then add the spin and finally, when you can jump, spin and land back in the position you started in, add the kick.

I'm a brown belt working on these kicks myself for my next degree. They are definitely my nemesis.
First, welcome and happy posting! :wavey:

Second, I can't really add much to what's already been said. If you are having problems with hang time, then only practice and stronger muscles will help. If you're worried about the landing, and that causes you to extend and land sooner, look around for a pool with a low diving board, or that will let you jump off the side (boards are better, though) and practice the kick itself jumping off the board - this will let you get the kick positioned properly without worrying about the landing. As you get better at the spin, the landing will become less of a problem as well.
Put weights on your head and bounce up stairwells from a crouched position. I saw it in a KungFu documenatry.
Start doing plyometrics and strength training. They help a bunch. That is for the jumping kicks. As far as spinning kicks, go get a Spin Kick or hang a small bean bag then practice a bunch. Make sure you are spotting your target before you throw the kick.
First, welcome to MT! After you read all the suggestions for your jump/spin kicks, why not post a little bit about yourself in the "Meet and Greet" Section? We're a friendly bunch, and I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Second, I'm no expert, but I can offer what few things I found helped me. In addition to what everyone else has said:
1. For most jump kicks (especially spin jump roundhouse), I found I always started out turning/jumping too soon. I found that the more I turned before I left the ground, or before I actually threw the kick, the easier the kick became.
2. I LOVED LaurenTKD's suggestions about getting both legs up in your jump and practicing the jump without the kick at first, just to get your body around.
3. (and this one might sounds really wierd, but it helped me a lot) You might try practicng your kicks in a shallow swimming pool. The water supports your body weight, and almost forces you to move in the most efficient way. It slows down your kick enough so that you can see/feel the entire motion and work on proper form. The extra resistance also helps with strength.
Squats and other lower body exercises help too. It's no magic bullet, but leg strength does help your jumping kicks.
I have noticed the biggest problem that most people have spinning kicks is over-thinking the technique. I did this myself and could not, for the life of me, complete the spin and kick together. Then one day I just said to myself "stop thinking about it and just do it". After that i found I could do the kick without any difficulty. Its funny to think that simply analyzing a technique in minute detail can actually stop you from doing the it.
Thanks very much, guys. You've given some really helpful suggestions for me, especially the one with the swimming pool. I already knew that one, but I forgot, and I never would have tried a jump kick underwater. heh!

Thanks again!

Might i also add (in the spirit of protecting your knees), don;t just practice jumping and kicking...also perfect your landings. I'm sitting here unable to practice due to an ACL injury that resulted from my exectung an absolutely beautiful Nadhabon then blowing out my knee on the landing. I tried to go to far too fast instead of being patient and I;ve not been able to train since October as a result (I also missed out on my blackbelt exam). I'd hate to see for someone else to go through anythign like what I went through.

Practice your jumps and spins for height, but also practice landing in such a way as to reduce shock and torque on your knees and ankles. Then incorporate the kick and practice until it feels comfortable. Then put it all together and go for it.

okay I had trouble with my spin kicks as well heres my advice. when you

pratice just spin around don't kick until you get the height you want and

once you feel comfortable with your

height then try to kick.

hope it works and don't give up you can do it

These are all good replies. But like Bluekey88 said "protect yourself" I'm 39+ and I've developed some nasty foot problems from impacting cement floors over the years. Until you get these kicks perfected wear shoes or jump on pads or do something to protect yourself.

Once you do master the kicks let me know cause I'm not getting to high with my kicks either.

I'm a Brown belt too.

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