Front kick - deceptively simple, but difficult to properly master, unexpected (who uses front kick, after all) and easy to modify into a large number of other kicks.
I wouldn't go so far as to say front snap kick is my favorite, but it is definately one of my staple kicks. I agree though: I'm definately an oddball for using it so often.
Front snap kick is a highly underrated kick, IMO, and underappreciated. And under-used.
From a boxer's stance the front snap kick takes no repositioning to throw (like a side, hook or round kick), so it is a GREAT kick to mix in with hand combinations. One of my favorite tactics is, as opponent steps back after a hand-exchange, to "give them one (front snap) on the way out."
It is also an incredibly fast kick. And, if you learn to sink your hips into it, can also be very, very powerful. Can easily knock the wind out of someone by planting one on the solar plexus.
Like Kacey noted, it is also great for using with/setting up other combination kicks. One of the easiest ways to start head hunting is to first hit them with a couple front kicks, then do front kick-round kick combo, with front kick at the belt, round at the head. Almost too easy.
Also works well in combinations with axe or crescent kicks (as it is the same hip position).
Ahhh.. gotta love that front kick
I don't think I can pick a favorite kick though -- kind of like asking me to pick one of my kids out as my favorite. I love them ALL