While I also think grappling styles have a place in MA, one needs to examine closely what styles someone may recommend, as to reason the person recommends a particular style, and what are the characteristics of a style that you would like.
For example, there is a person on MT (I'm trying to remember the name
) who always recommends BJJ as if there is nothing else worth discussing. Me on the other hand, I very often recommend Hapkido. I have the best of reasons so I don't need to discuss good reasons.
Seriously, we all have our preferences, and may sometimes have trouble articulating why we feel one art, especially grappling arts, may be better than others. You also need to know what you are looking for in an art. The Hapkido I studied was defense oriented in that we would normally wait until we were attacked and respond with the intent to cause pain or injury, intending to prevent further attacks. Whereas my observations have been that Aikido normally doesn't intend to injure (but understands that may be a consequence of a defensive technique) but rather defend in a way that prevents injury to the practitioner, and waits until the attacker gets tired of being thrown around and quits attacking. Very different concepts. You need to know which one you can most easily find comfort with. And within Hapkido or other grappling arts you may still find schools that don't agree with what I say and teach a different method of defense.
Hope that helps.