Hello all,
Most if not all the comments so far seem to mesh with my experiences in JKD and Kali. I have been in JKD and Inosanto method kali since 98 and love JKD trapping and panantukan, the empty hand component of kali.
Kali does tend to work from a outside referense or a spread open guard to invite an advesary into the center line where guntiings (scissoring hand strike destructions), sekohs (elbow strike destructtions), or deflecting eye jab can be employed. Petkiti-Tirsia and other kali styles do reference the other hands in an effort to prevent counter or set up the body for another attack.
As for JKD trapping we also trap only to get in with heavier weapons like a straight blast, elbows and head butts. The wing chun influence does tend to favor a move to the centerline, but one of my smaller asian american instructors prefers to stay out side, not ending up between to arms of larger opponents.
And the way we train trapping frequently will use methods of both together wich works quite well. What do they call that "gestalt theory" where the whole is greater than the some of its parts! Both have strengths, that compliment each other!
Ray W