Jian and Katana

Assuming you actually mean synthesised.. actually, I have no idea what you mean by that. It doesn't make any sense. So probably, the answer will be no.

: to make (something) by combining different things
: to combine (things) in order to make something new
: to make (something) from simpler substances through a chemical process

I'm guessing it is the ": to combine (things) in order to make something new" definition.

And since there are so many different Jian forms and the basic way to hold each is different as is the way you attack and defend I do not think they can be and do either weapon justice. But then I have very little experience with a katana so maybe I am wrong
Agreed. The answer is no. They are completely different animals. The only thing similar is they're both made of metal & used for their designed purpose.

If you had said miao dao or da dao or the like... you might've garnered some commentary on similarities & possible usage. But not gim & katana.
Do you think the two different sword techniques could be synthesized? I do.
As some one who does chen taiji jian and
Katori shinto ryu 100% no.
The swords are way different.
The holding and handling way different.
The application are way different.
The footwork the weight the theory
Are all different.

But there are some similarities but those are minor
Such as no baseball bat grips, and not over extending yourself
You loose balance.
I would be curious to know why you think so
And which Japanese sword art and jian form
Do think merged well maybe something i missed.
could you hold one sword and perform the techniques of the other? sure. wouldn't be optimal tho. kinda jamming a square peg into a round hole. Could you be dangerous to someone? even kill someone that way? sure. But that doesn't mean you are using the weapon in the way it was really designed for optimal performance.
The form Alex has created is available on
YouTube. It looks like someone twirling a sword around.
It looks like someone who has had no formal
Sword training in either cma sword arts or jma sword.
The form Alex has created is available on
YouTube. It looks like someone twirling a sword around.
It looks like someone who has had no formal
Sword training in either cma sword arts or jma sword.
I have very little sword experience but it does contain elements that I was instructed are very wrong, mainly in the wrist positioning.
interesting....could just ad easily do that with a Claymore...but it is still not Sian and Katana

Can you say Haidong Gumdo, it looks closer to that from what little I know of Haidong Gumdo
here's what i found

What the creeping hell is that?

I have very little sword experience but it does contain elements that I was instructed are very wrong, mainly in the wrist positioning.

Er… mainly in everything… sword positioning, reiho, grip, angle of the blade, power generation, range, movement… it's all just a really bad example of ways to lose your sword followed closely by your limbs or life. Very closely. Probably in the same moment, if the other guy isn't just doubled over laughing…

Yep... saw that too... Glad somebody else said it.

Ha, I haven't started yet…

interesting....could just ad easily do that with a Claymore...but it is still not Sian and Katana

Can you say Haidong Gumdo, it looks closer to that from what little I know of Haidong Gumdo

Er… no… complete fantasy. Even more than Haidong Gumdo…
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Do you think the two different sword techniques could be synthesized? I do.

Any Art Form can be synthesized, if you watch it enough. BUT, a master has skill opposed to the actual form itself and the understanding of it. He can show you the holes in the master plan.