Wonderful, and the people posting from those places are getting their information from who knows where?.

I'm half expecting to hear shortly that China invented boxing, and Russia wrestling.

I'm only half kidding.
Wikipedia is not the only place on the internet to get information. It's not even the only reliable place. It's just convenient
He has multiple WAKO competition wins, and others, throughout the late 70s and 80s.

Again, I have to wonder what information you don't have access too because at least according to JCVDs Wikipedia page, he's been part of quite a few legit martial arts associations.

If you want to see the detailed breakdown of his fight record, I would be happy to screenshot it for you. Here's a summary.
I followed the links from Wikipedia. It looks like JCVD’s point-fighting record is pretty well substantiated, but the evidence for his kickboxing career is slim at best.