Japanese Jiu Jitsu vs BJJ?

only someone would make a comment like yours ... who clearly has never had a fight outside his dojo.
You are correct. I am not stupid enough to participate in bar fights. Regardless of my street fighting experience, I guarantee you pulling their sleeves or lapel would not be helpful.
Only someone with no training experience would say this. Bottom mount is the worst position to be in on the ground, and pulling their lapel or sleeve would achieve nothing, certainly, it wouldn't help you escape.
Well in jacket arts, it might.

If you're on your back, grabbing the lapel of the guy in mount might be your saving grace. That's actually a good tactic, pulling the guy in mount closer so they can't do stuff, like hammer fist you in the face.

Note, this isn't an option in MMA, when the lapel of the other guy is his pec or bicep.
@screamingskull There are plenty of occasions where BJJ folk will put their face into your hands (although mount isn't one of them)
Obviously that's not an issue during a BJJ match, but could be a problem if your opponent knows how to attack the face with their hands etc
However, that should not be a reason to entirely dismiss BJJ as not applicable in the street
In all styles there are techniques that are inappropriate for certain situations and as long as the style has lots of other techniques that are appropriate in in these kind of situations then it remains valid and useful
BJJ is not optimised for self defence, but it has lots of robust options for self defence situations

Also I'd respectfully suggest that there is a world of difference between being able to do something like you described to someone with no idea what they are doing and trying it on someone who has a vague idea of how to use the mount
However, that should not be a reason to entirely dismiss BJJ
not sure where you get this from as i just mentioned a situation i was in & then the BJJ expert started to dispute my claims..
Also I'd respectfully suggest that there is a world of difference between being able to do something like you described to someone with no idea what they are doing and trying it on someone who has a vague idea of how to use the mount
to expand a little bit on this..what is your experiences using your "mount" in real life.
please explain it.
not sure where you get this from as i just mentioned a situation i was in & then the BJJ expert started to dispute my claims..
I said I'm not a BJJ expert.

Do I crush a lot? Yes. Especially between my thighs. I've spent the last couple of weeks arguing that Jesse Enkampe is smart, and understand the importance of inner thigh adduction in all of Okinawan karate better than southern Chinese Wing Chun advocates..

It keeps getting morphed into a conversation about cuisine, which is fine by me. I'm the cook they refer to when they mention "you can have gong fu in cooking". Hi!!

I'm just an MMA guy with a strong TMA background. Haters gonna hate.
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to expand a little bit on this..what is your experiences using your "mount" in real life.
please explain it.
Well I get folk who are younger, stronger and way more athletic than me into mount most days and believe I have come across all the possible ways to get out of it - including the odd idiot who wanted to grab my face and/or balls

I also train in a style that has a deep, technical understanding of no-rules options for serious situations and I practice how to apply BJJ and Japanese Jujutsu techniques in that context

In the very few altercations outside of the dojo that I've experienced people seemed to fall over surprisingly easily and were restrained by the crowd so TBH it was disappointingly unchallenging. But I appreciate that my experience here is limited and there is a very broad spectrum of situations that I haven't directly experienced
I think being able to grapple standing, to stay on your feet and take people down is very useful against multiple attackers
well given that you´ve only two hands...explain how you´ll control even two guys throwing punches at your face... Dude !
Well I get folk who are younger, stronger and way more athletic than me into mount most days and believe I have come across all the possible ways to get out of it - including the odd idiot who wanted to grab my face and/or balls

I also train in a style that has a deep, technical understanding of no-rules options for serious situations and I practice how to apply BJJ and Japanese Jujutsu techniques in that context

In the very few altercations outside of the dojo that I've experienced people seemed to fall over surprisingly easily and were restrained by the crowd so TBH it was disappointingly unchallenging. But I appreciate that my experience here is limited and there is a very broad spectrum of situations that I haven't directly experienced
well mate....keep thinking you´re some kind of superman :rolleyes:
I think it's pretty clear based on the fact that there are a lot of videos documenting how BJJ was useful in a street fight that BJJ can be useful in a street fight
For sure there are times when BJJ practitioners fail in a street situation also, but that doesn't invalidate the point above
Because they're jerks who can't stop getting in fights all the time?
there´s always jerks in bars where alcoholic drinks are served. Defending yourself or your loved ones is another matter.
I have never tried to be a "jerk" or even "jerked" off anyone ;) but i feel well within the law to defend myself & save my life.
there´s always jerks in bars where alcoholic drinks are served. Defending yourself or your loved ones is another matter.
I have never tried to be a "jerk" or even "jerked" off anyone ;) but i feel well within the law to defend myself & save my life.
I think I saw that movie!