Japanese Aliens?


Yellow Belt
Ok so Im watching the TV show, Ancient Aliens, and I see that they are going to do a piece on Japan so I decide to watch. They theorize that Gorō Nyūdō Masamune 五郎入道正宗[SUP]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Installing_Japanese_character_sets[/SUP] was given his forging skills by aliens. At first I was almost offended but then I realized that to get upset about this would be an empty motion. I just accept the existence of the Katana and it various forms rather than questioning it.

I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else thinks of this. Rubbish or no? Lets hear from you.
Often those who cannot do something will infer that those who can didn't gain skills by their own efforts but were given to them by aliens/gods/whatever. To admit that someone is skilled, clever and an innovator is too much for small minds to bear! You see it in sports sometimes, someone can't bear to be beaten by a bettr competitor so there's always something else to blame, the pitch, the kit, the weather that sort of thing. Television makers know too that certain subjects can be controversal, it sells advertising so it doesn't have to have any sort of veracity just a serious voice over! It's going to be win win for the televison companies whatever.
I guess Bruce Lee was a mutant cyborg from the future. I understand what you are saying, it doesnt matter the validity of anything they say, the Television people just want to get a rise out of people like me. Its all Tripe, seriously if it was alien technology why couldnt it be a green light saber?
Such things regularly used to get attributed to the gods in times gone by - now that a lot of the world's gullible have come to realise that that doesn't wash as an explanation it therefore has to be aliens :lol:.

Why so many are so keen on running down the marvellous capacity of human-kind for genius is beyond me. We should take much more pride in the abilities of our synapses to discover, innovate and understand than we do. Aye, we are capable of despicable evils, especially when those keen to shuffle responsibility for everything off onto the shoulders of a creator-deity are involved; but we are also capable of wonders hardly graspable by the 'common herd'.

Celebrate our 'stars' and denigrate our 'villains', for they are ALL ours - human kind FTW :).
If we are going to discuss this seriously, all martial skills and sword making knowledge come from Tengus, not aliens.
That show was a guilty pleasure for a while, but they are rapidly running out of associations to 'alienize', and this one was a glaring example. I can barely watch it anymore, popcorn value be damned... Most of what they are presenting has been debunked decades ago.