ITF sparring tournaments

Sorry, I probably shouldn't have used that word. Using more than 2 (or 3) punches in a row is called "improper technique" or something to that effect.

I haven't heard about this and the video that Master Weiss posted recently shows punches being thrown in greater numbers than just 2 or 3 without warnings being issued. It may be a new rule that one of the ITF factions have come up with since the split but the only thing remotely close to this that I have heard of is the ITF-NK group's full-contact bout for money they held a few years ago had a rule that said only 2 punches in combination.

Frankly, I find such rules unnecessary since kicking is scored higher than punching, even if you're not flying. One point for a hand technique to the middle or high section and two points for a kick to the high section or three points if it's done flying. If your opponent comes in with a barage of hand techniques a dodging flying back piercing kick can still put you up points.


I haven't heard about this and the video that Master Weiss posted recently shows punches being thrown in greater numbers than just 2 or 3 without warnings being issued. It may be a new rule that one of the ITF factions have come up with since the split but the only thing remotely close to this that I have heard of is the ITF-NK group's full-contact bout for money they held a few years ago had a rule that said only 2 punches in combination.

Frankly, I find such rules unnecessary since kicking is scored higher than punching, even if you're not flying. One point for a hand technique to the middle or high section and two points for a kick to the high section or three points if it's done flying. If your opponent comes in with a barage of hand techniques a dodging flying back piercing kick can still put you up points.


Are hand technique to the head allowed in ITF tournament? I get the impression that they are, but I figured I'd ask.

Yes hand techniques, not just punches, are allowed to the head. They are scored as follows:

Hand technique to the middle section: 1 point
Hand technique to the high section: 1 point
Flying hand technique to the mid section: 1 point
Flying hand technique to the high section: 2 points


Yes hand techniques, not just punches, are allowed to the head. They are scored as follows:

Hand technique to the middle section: 1 point
Hand technique to the high section: 1 point
Flying hand technique to the mid section: 1 point
Flying hand technique to the high section: 2 points


How about grapples, sweeps, and takedowns?

For me it's point/stop sparring at regionals and it will be point/stop at my first Scottish championships next month, but that's because I'm an under 16 and coloured belt. Blackbelts and all adults fight continuously.
The first WC was held in 1974 in Montreal.

The next one was held in 1978 in Oklahoma City. They were held every 4 years like the Olympics back then in stead of every other year.



I recall speaking with GM KS Shin of Chicago about an ITF tournament he hosted in Chicago sometime before this. Early 1970's or late 1960's . I remember the conversation because he spoke about dinner with Mas Oyama (GM Shin also had sopme relationship with Oyamabut not sure if he was an official Kyokishin guy) and General Choi that took place in conjunction with the tournament.

I remember thinking it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall... If I spoke Korean.
I recall speaking with GM KS Shin of Chicago about an ITF tournament he hosted in Chicago sometime before this. Early 1970's or late 1960's . I remember the conversation because he spoke about dinner with Mas Oyama (GM Shin also had sopme relationship with Oyamabut not sure if he was an official Kyokishin guy) and General Choi that took place in conjunction with the tournament.

I remember thinking it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall... If I spoke Korean.

Heh, yes I'd have loved to have been at dinner with Gen. Choi and Mas Oyama if I spoke Korean, too! Did GM Shin talk at all about the relationshop between the General and Mas Oyama, or about any topics of conversation? :)


How about grapples, sweeps, and takedowns?


Nope, those are not allowed. (Which is kind of too bad, IMO, but dealing with things like foot tackling and sweeping kicks would seriously alter the nature of the game.)

They used to score a "perfect block," but I haven't heard anything about it in years. It's defined as being, basically, a block delivered with full power with an appropriate blosking tool while the defender maintains his balance and causes the attacker to lose his balance. It was worth 1 point and, I think, a good way to keep the defensive nature of martial arts in a sparring event. I doubt it was ever scored much but in a close match it could make a difference.

Master Weiss was an ITF certified referee. Maybe he can offer a bit of insight on that topic.


Nope, those are not allowed. (Which is kind of too bad, IMO, but dealing with things like foot tackling and sweeping kicks would seriously alter the nature of the game.)

They used to score a "perfect block," but I haven't heard anything about it in years. It's defined as being, basically, a block delivered with full power with an appropriate blosking tool while the defender maintains his balance and causes the attacker to lose his balance. It was worth 1 point and, I think, a good way to keep the defensive nature of martial arts in a sparring event. I doubt it was ever scored much but in a close match it could make a difference.

Master Weiss was an ITF certified referee. Maybe he can offer a bit of insight on that topic.



From time to time there was discussion about scoring the perfect block, but I was not advised in 1997, 2001 or 2004 that we should score this. Didn't really make much difference because it never happened anyway.

goofiest thing. In this video at 2:46-2:53,

The corner ref in the blue shirt with the forearm resting on the knee might well be me in Rimini 2001. Then again it could just be somone who looks like me.