

Senior Master
Good morning, in my actual donjang and the other dojangs I've been training TKD the only way of sparring is using the WTF rules, I want to know if in your dojangs besides using the WTF rules you sparr using punches to the head, I mean using feet and punches to the head.

I think if I was an owner of a dojang I will encourage my students to fight both ways, using the WTF rules for tournaments and once in a while sparring like the ITF style using hands and feet for the sake of the students. Maybe this is something weird but just want to ask to the sambunims in this forum.

We have in class/grading sparring that allows (rather expects) punches to the head. Everything covered by the head gear is fair game. For tourney no punches to the head (and i never throw prettier ones than when I really can't)

Just don't hit the face.

(Our mantra is pretty much 'When your colleague isn't keeping his hands up you owe it to him to punch him in the head gear')
I teach in an independent TKD school. They point spar on Friday nights and light contact is permitted to the head with hands or feet.

If you're interested in self-defense training, I don't think it's a sufficient drill since you have to pull your shots to avoid hurting your partner.

I have one of these:

I'll regularly don the suit and come at my students hard. The suit lets them really cut loose to demonstrate whether they have stopping power or not, and it lets them practice their take-down techniques too.
Since we do all type of competition Yes we do punching to the head.
Our basic ruleset is attack above the belt, nothing to the back, and only kicks to the head. However, we do occassionally practice with hand strikes to the face with our higher gup ranks.

For black belts sparring other black belts, hand strikes to the face and take downs are acceptible in class.
I think that incluidong one in a while light continus sparring using punches and kicks to the midesection and head can be good, even as you mentioned using some takedowns.


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