Israeli Ninjas

I see your point Sir, which is why I have limited my postings to the GENERAL ninjutsu forum, whereas the traditional forum states it is for discussion of the "x-kans", of which I have limited interest. Why bother having two forums if they are both limited in content?

Chris and others might as well be arguing about what makes a cowboy, or a wild west outlaw legitimate as far as I am concerned. As for me I would just go learn to shoot the six gun well. But to each their own, which is why I have never sought out his posts to sharpshoot them, based on my personal and limited interpretation of the truth.

Believe me, I understand why he has such a vested interest in protecting what he believes and pours his time, money, and energy into, but he needs to tone back the guard doging of his little corner of the world as he believes it to be. IMHO

And to answer the question I was refering to an Israeli Koga Ryu weapons video I saw, not AKBAN, though I am impressed with that group as well.
I think I found one!

Omar has found the secret training of the Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninjitsu group.
It is similar to the training of Rick Tew but with 25% less morphing.

Calling a rock valuable doesn't make it valuable. Emeralds have value because for thousands of years countless people have decided they were. Gravel however, is still only good for fill, no matter what you call it.

**** will never equal diamonds in value, no matter how much you shine it. Or misunderstand it.
well maybe i should move to australia and join ninjutsu australia---

What do you need to start ?
To start your ninjutsu training all you need to do is pay your enrolment fee, and the fee for your first class.
You can buy your uniform any time within the first month.
And your training weapons can be purchased as you need them.

Too bad my funds are devoted elsewhere, until then I will continue to walk my own path towards MA proficiency. Especially since I can train in the Modern Army Combatives Program all I want for free.

Noone is saying anything bad about that. More power to you for doing what you want. But calling something ninjutsu when it has nothing to do with the concepts of actual ninjutsu will not make it so. And then we are not even talking about the authenticity angle.

And about your greenstone analogy: it may have been valuable to you. Fair enough. But your friend was right that is had not value recognized by other people, and if you had tried to argue that it was an emerald, you would still have been wrong.

In fact, your analogy is very apt. Just because it was green and valuable to you did not make it an emerald or valuable by any objective means. That has nothing to do with living 'inside the box' but everything with the reality of the situation.
Chris, you read far too much into a simple posting, but your depth of knowledge is quite impressive.

One day I found a stone on a beach, it shimmered a pale green and was crystal like in structure. Taking it home, I named it greenstone and considered it a valuable and desirable gem. Along came a friend who said that my gem was simply a rock and had no value to me as a "greenstone". He stated that only his emerald was valuable as a gem. I asked him why this was, and he said because that is what he was told. It had been written and deemed by others, and had always been this way.

His belief system was dictated by the whims of others, his mind closed to possibilities. I felt sorry for this friend, because his true growth as a spiritual being would always be dictated by the "knowledge" of others, as told to him. His ability to discover and imagine new possibilities was contained within the walls of dogma. He was as a root bound tree, incapable of growth or fruiting.

How do we know you're not colour blind and the stone wasn't in fact red?

Your 'friend' was probaly less dictated to by the whims of others and more by the cash he got for his emerald :ultracool Still if you are content with your stone and you see it being a lasting relationship who are we to judge, I hope you'll both be very happy.

BTW trees are rarely rootbound, they break through concrete, rocks, tarmac and the foundations of houses so they can flower and grow.

Chris I love your posts and the fact you take the time to post!
I see your point Sir, which is why I have limited my postings to the GENERAL ninjutsu forum, whereas the traditional forum states it is for discussion of the "x-kans", of which I have limited interest. Why bother having two forums if they are both limited in content?

Chris and others might as well be arguing about what makes a cowboy, or a wild west outlaw legitimate as far as I am concerned. As for me I would just go learn to shoot the six gun well. But to each their own, which is why I have never sought out his posts to sharpshoot them, based on my personal and limited interpretation of the truth.

Believe me, I understand why he has such a vested interest in protecting what he believes and pours his time, money, and energy into, but he needs to tone back the guard doging of his little corner of the world as he believes it to be. IMHO

And to answer the question I was refering to an Israeli Koga Ryu weapons video I saw, not AKBAN, though I am impressed with that group as well.

Hmm...I must've missed where you said that you were talking about Koga Ryu. Anyways....I'm not a student of any branch of the Kans or an offshoot. Of course, the question comes to mind....just because someone takes a bunch of moves, mixes them together and calls it Ninjutsu or NinjItsu, as we usually see, which, IMO, is a tell-tale sign that its a fake, doesnt make it Ninjutsu.

Some people are stuck in the 80s. They are still on the ninja bandwagon, so take compile a bunch of stuff and call it Ninjutsu, in hopes that it'll catch the eye of a potential student.

Does that make it any more effective than one of the XKans? IMO, no, it does not.
Omar has found the secret training of the Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninjitsu group.

Actually I profess nothing "secretive" about anything I do, that would be more apt for those lineage lovers.
Omar has found the secret training of the Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninjitsu group.

Actually I profess nothing "secretive" about anything I do, that would be more apt for those lineage lovers.

It's not about whether they love lineage or not.
It's just the fact that Ninjutsu was a system developed by certain people from a certain region. For that reason you need a lineage from them or you're stealing.

It's like stealing an english word and giving it your own definition.
You can do that... but no one is going to take it seriously.
It's not about whether they love lineage or not.
It's just the fact that Ninjutsu was a system developed by certain people from a certain region. For that reason you need a lineage from them or you're stealing.

It's like stealing an english word and giving it your own definition.
You can do that... but no one is going to take it seriously.
I see that you've read mr. "kung makiwaki's other posts where he defends his babytalkdo and expects those who have had real training to take him seriously?
Ladies & Gentlemen,

I have no clue about 2/3 of this page's posts have to do with the original topic. I DO most definitely see lots of sniping and attacks and trolling. Which I am rather certain are violations of the Rules hereabouts. In short:

Attention all users:

Please return to the original topic. Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.

Would love to, JKS, but, uh, can you explain what the original topic was? I've tried asking the OP himself a couple of times, and he doesn't seem to want to answer that....

But to try to get it back to some kind of track, I submit a clip of the "Koga Israel" group that apparently was the topic of the original post (not that that was really made clear....):

Now, Emilio, do you really want me to go through this mess and point out how bad it really is? And are you really suggesting that the idea of my organisation actually charging (honestly quite a small amount) for classes is a bad thing? Okay, forget that one. But do you want this clip taken to pieces? I'm quite willing to do so, you know....
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chris, charging for training is expected. I was merely refuting your whole "if they accepted you" nonsense, as your own linked website only mentions monetary exchange as necessary to begin training. Whatever clip you have linked matters not as I saw a different one. I could find a bujinkan clip equally as atrocious, even bordering on rediculous, what would that prove? That some some roses can smell like poo?
Most legit training groups will be cautious on who they allow in. My experience is that the traditional ones are most cautious, and the ******** ones the least.

So be very leery of any ninjutsu group that allows people who make up stuff in.
Also those who can't spell ninjutsu correctly. Those groups tend to be the most fraudulent, as do those that just make up words as they go or who steal real foreign words and change the meaning to what they want it to be, rather than what it is, like 'soke'.

A 2-3 minute clip on Youtube needs to be taken in context as well. I've seen enough "don't do this" demonstrations at seminars to know that somewhere someone is going to record it, and post it as a 'what to do' and not the 'what not to do' it was originally presented as. So I stick to in-person training with legit people, and use youtube for recreation, not learning.
As to "Israeli Ninjas", no, I don't think so. I think they do jew-do.
It involves heavy tanks supported by a shitload of fighters and an infantry attack from out of nowhere, all done at a moments notice, and lightning quick. How quick? Old German Generals in their graves have been heard to say "**** that's fast!". That quick.
As to "Israeli Ninjas", no, I don't think so. I think they do jew-do.
It involves heavy tanks supported by a shitload of fighters and an infantry attack from out of nowhere, all done at a moments notice, and lightning quick. How quick? Old German Generals in their graves have been heard to say "**** that's fast!". That quick.

Funny you should say that. I've been watching this thread rise to the top of the Recent Posts list since yesterday, and every time I see it I think: Ninjew.
Would love to, JKS, but, uh, can you explain what the original topic was? I've tried asking the OP himself a couple of times, and he doesn't seem to want to answer that....

But to try to get it back to some kind of track, I submit a clip of the "Koga Israel" group that apparently was the topic of the original post (not that that was really made clear....):

Now, Emilio, do you really want me to go through this mess and point out how bad it really is? And are you really suggesting that the idea of my organisation actually charging (honestly quite a small amount) for classes is a bad thing? Okay, forget that one. But do you want this clip taken to pieces? I'm quite willing to do so, you know....

LMFAO!!! I got thru the first 20sec. of that video and couldn't watch anymore. Just so I'm clear on this the OP actually suggesting that what was shown in that clip was remotely practical? My God, I think I'd have to say that the worst Buj clip online, is better than this....whatever the hell it was.
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But to try to get it back to some kind of track, I submit a clip of the "Koga Israel" group that apparently was the topic of the original post (not that that was really made clear....):

Why, Chris? Why did you have to do this?
It was a perfectly fine morning, brisk, misty, not too cold, .... I was in a happy place... and then you confront me with this.

Luckily a colleague of mine had brought fresh pastry cakes so I recovered my happy feeling. Now I am trying to forget I ever saw that.
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chris, charging for training is expected. I was merely refuting your whole "if they accepted you" nonsense, as your own linked website only mentions monetary exchange as necessary to begin training. Whatever clip you have linked matters not as I saw a different one. I could find a bujinkan clip equally as atrocious, even bordering on rediculous, what would that prove? That some some roses can smell like poo?

Son, believe me, it takes more than that to get into my classes. You may have noticed the part where we suggest (a polite way of saying we require) that you watch or try a class first; that way you can see if it suits you.... and I can see if I want to spend my time teaching you. You, I feel, would not make it. Oh, and that topic was on another thread, if you wanted to continue it, why here and not there?

Now, to the topic at hand (whatever that is, you still haven't answered what you were hoping for or intending, if not simply trolling, in posting the OP in the first place....), after two pages and nearly two days of us conjecturing that you meant the AKBAN group in your contextless original post, you inform us that you meant the "Koga Israel" group. So, to further discussion, as you have supplied no evidence of what you were impressed by, I found a clip that gives, I feel, a large overview of what they do, and you counter by saying that it doesn't matter what clip I found, you saw a different one? I'm sorry, I thought you said you were impressed with the group themselves, not one clip.... you did start by saying how big Ninjutsu is in Israel, after all, not how good one clip (that you haven't even spoken about) was. Really, do you want to discuss something, or are you just looking to be banned?

Why, Chris? Why did you have to do this?
It was a perfectly fine morning, brisk, misty, not too cold, .... I was in a happy place... and then you confront me with this.

Luckily a colleague of mine had brought fresh pastry cakes so I recovered my happy feeling. Now I am trying to forget I ever saw that.

Yeah, sorry about that.... I was trying to bring the thread back to something close to the topic of the OP.... not that I'm sure what that is!
Interesting that again you begin your post with a pathetic attempt to degrade me. Clearly your art has made a superficial impact on you. If I knew how to embed a video I would show u the videos I found to my liking. The main point of my post was to discuss how the Israeli society, ever close to danger, pares down their combat arts to basic and functional levels, and yes I feel the AKBAN group is a great example of this, as is SOME of the stuff I saw on a few Koga clips.

I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Surrounded by much controversy, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!
I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Surrounded by much controversy, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!

Technically, your system does not derive from arts associated with the Iga and Koga regions of Japan. According to the above rule, what you do should not even be called ninjutsu or ninpo. And the same applies to the Koga ryu guys from Israel, or basically anything that even mentions Koga ryu

Not that I care much either way, but this rule is not really a solid cornerstone for building an argument in your favor.
Interesting that again you begin your post with a pathetic attempt to degrade me. Clearly your art has made a superficial impact on you. If I knew how to embed a video I would show u the videos I found to my liking. The main point of my post was to discuss how the Israeli society, ever close to danger, pares down their combat arts to basic and functional levels, and yes I feel the AKBAN group is a great example of this, as is SOME of the stuff I saw on a few Koga clips.

I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Surrounded by much controversy, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!

- Your "art" has nothing to do with the arts of Koga or Iga. It is not "derived from", it's made up from your own childhood fantasies.
- Your "art" is made from made up baby talk and twisted foriegn words.
- Your "art" can't event spell "ninjutsu" right.

You are not welcome here. Not by any serious practitioner. We think you're nothing more than a childtroll.

But, don't take my word for it. Lets take a vote.

All those in favor of voting Emo off the island post "Aye".
Anyone who wants to keep him, post "Keep".

Wonder which way that wind will blow there tireboy.