Taking another look at Black Flag historical claims


White Belt
Sep 7, 2010
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Hey Everybody, longtime lurker first time poster.

So, I was watching the back and forth found on this thread right here: http://martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88994

and had some comments to make on the folowing statements by mr. aaron mckillip

*There might have been a bandit organization the early
20th century in the Sandung province that used the name of 'Black Flag',
after Japanese invasion of china during 1930-40 (WWII).

Ip Man did not leave the other stuff out. I do not know if he siplified or left out unnessecary parts of what he learned or not.
During the time of the Red Boat Opera Troup. One of the Red Boat Opera performers was a Red Flag Secret Society member.

The slanders claim that HKBECP is related to traitors in the 1930’s, this is because the traitors also went under the name of “Black Flag”, but then why not relate us to Liu Yongfu, the Chinese sword for hire, who, with his Black Flag Army, fought against the French in Vietnam during the 1870s and 1880s? Why not HKBECP be associated with this black flag group? – Who, I might add, is more easily discovered through the ‘public documents available’ – This is a valid question, but the answer is obvious – Liu Yongfu was remembered more as a patriot, not a murderous traitor, and so the propaganda wouldn’t have the desired effect. Chinese history is not lacking examples of “black flag” organizations, besides the above mentioned example, there are the Shandong bandits,*

There is a little bit of misinformation going on by both sides of the argument here. The black flag bandits 黑旗 were most certainly part of the 5 flagged bandit groups on Shangdong. Many don't know this, but Shangdong was a very rich province in the mid to late 1800's time period. It was something of a cultural center for the manchurian people at the time and was a small mecca for trade coming through korean and japan. Additionally, there was a solid economy based not only on a large trade/merchant population but also abundant natural resources being harvested (mining, etc) which added to the area's wealth. It was because of Shangdong's wealth and distance from the central core of the crumbling government of the late 1800's up through the new china era it had a LOT of problems with banditry.

Now, the shangdong black flag bandits actually were documented to exist as early as the 1850's, but at that time they only had somewhere between a few hundred to a few thousand members. They existed but really were only minor players for a long time. They were notable in the early 1900's because as the government fell apart, and the war with Japan was brewing, more and more people joined the bandit groups out of a need for safety. If a person didn't belong to or have the protection of a gang, they were certain to be robbed and killed. Your options were either to leave, join the increasingly corrupt army or join a gang. By the time that the Black Flag gang were documented as having helped the japanese (1920's-1940's) their ranks had swelled up to about 100,000 members. That's why they were a noteworthy organization during the 1900's time period, they had a lot of muscle.

However, as they were outlawed by the government, over time more and more of them split away and went into hiding, especially the time leading up to the new china era. This is why I believe that it's entirely possible that Mr. Kenneth Lin's grandteacher came over from fujian. While the black flags were not documented in fujian, its likely because that it is because they were members of the gang who were hiding out. Being they were in Shangdong, a costal province, to relocate to fujian and then further south to indonesia would not have been difficult. As a reference, look at this map of Qing era china:



After losing all of their membership/muscle in Shangdong, and additionally keeping a low profile, the gang would have no reason to be documented in Fujian. Then, because the Black flag gang were still on the run, it is likely based on Lin's story that they continued running all the way to Indonesia to avoid capture and execution. This would match up exactly with the Black flag claims about being in Indonesia in the early 1900's, approximately 1907.

Also, If you look on the internet for Thé King Yang (claimed black flag ancestor), you'll find a bunch of reference to him in indonesian kung fu forums as a black flag gang member. Additionally, they discuss his system as a “Lohan/5 ancestor” type of boxing system. If he did indeed pass through fujian, it is likely that he could have learned Lohan boxing there, it is a very popular system in that region. Reading what's out there, I'm pretty surprised that Sifu Kenneth Lin didn't advertise his art as Black Flag Lohan Quan. If he did so, I doubt he would have gotten anywhere near the negative attention he's gotten from the Wing Chun community.

Hope this clears everything up. Good training to everybody.
Speaking of *history*, It doesn't seem the “Wing Chun” label credibly comes around in the black flag lineage until Kenneth Lin, who studied it from Chung Che Man and Victor Leow. VIKOGA wing chun (Victor Leow's lineage) is a big mixture of Yip Man and Sum Nung lineages. There's a video that goes over that here:

Since the Black Flag doesn't even have the “Wing Chun” label until Kenneth Lin I don't know how he can state the following about GM Yip Man:

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The development of Engchun through "Red Flags society" line had evolved. Somehow, the Engchun system through this 'Red Flag' group had arrived in Guang Dong province. Long after that, one of the native people of FoShan, known as Yip Man (Who moved to Hong Kong afterwards) learned Eng Chun while he grew up in Foshan city - Guan Dong. Yip Man became famous because of the fame of his late student: Bruce Lee in United States[/FONT]

Sounds like Lin is talking a lot of hot air as though it is fact :) As far as I know, nobody in the Yip Man clan, Chun wah shun, or Leung Jan lines has EVER**** claimed a red flag association. In addition, I can't find anything stating that Victor Leow has uncovered a Red Flag anywhere in his kungfu journey so I don't know where this historical claim would come from. Since black flag was a Lohan system at the time of GM Yip Man, I don't think his wing chun would be related to anything in Black Flag at all up until the introduction of VIKOGA, which *IS* Yip Man's wing chun. So the questions remain to Aaron McKillip: How can Lin claim to be black flag when all he can prove is that he studied yip man wing chun? Is Yip Man WC + Black Flag Lohan = Black flag Wing Chun? If so, wouldn't his black flag come after the fictitious “Red Flag?” What next? Another 5 ancestor boxing like hung gar + yip man wing chun = yellow flag wing chun? Ninja Pleeeeaaassseeee.....

Additionally, as far as their claims about Black Flag being “male” and wing chun being “female” that claim seems to come from the idea of Black flag coming from Lohan/5 ancestors and Wing Chun coming from Yim Wing Chun. Since their own website denounces Yim Wing Chun as being a person who exists, the male/female statement really doesn't make a lot of sense and becomes a contradiction in the Black Flag presentation. Simply put Lohan isn't “male” wing chun, it's an older long bridge fighting system that, other than sharing a shaolin heritage, doesn't have anything to do with Wing Chun. Would any member of the wing chun community consider Lohan fist to be “male” wing chun?

On more thing, is that the only true evidence we have of “5 flags” is of the 5 flag bandits. This is a fact, that it's the only time 5 flags are mentioned in Chinese history. So, how can Lin, who cannot prove his system was even “Wing Chun” even 30 years ago, prove that it even existed over 300 years ago in the shaolin temple?

Well Aaron, I'm waiting to see if you have any answers. Me and the questions will be here whenever you have time. ;)
When Kenneth Lin says Ip Man wing chun comes from the Red Flags. It may just be that he does not know his Chinses history but at no time has anyone else made these same claims nor does anyone with any minimal knowledge and wing chun training believe this story which is in fact a major insult to the Ip Man lineage connecting them to bandits, thugs and traitors with the sole purpsoe of supporting his false claims of the Black flag lineage. There is a public outcry about selling black flag as Shaolin WC by Benny Meng.

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When Kenneth Lin says Ip Man wing chun comes from the Red Flags.
A waste of time -paying any attention to new ways of marketing.
Why did Black Flag bandit Fun Jiao, flee China in 1907? What was the status of the black flag five flag, during that time? Both questions are supported by the same answer. How? Fun Jiao and black flag five flag were both criminal elements. Fun Jiao had to leave China because he was a criminal, wanted by the Chinese government for his involvement in the black flag five flag gang.

Today, Sergio, Meng and Lin try to romanticize their ever changing Black Flag story to further their ulterior motives to tap into the wallets of people everywhere. Sergio; for Germany, UK, Italy and Amsterdam. Meng; for Brazil, USA, and Canada. The problem with these crazy minded half wits, are that they don’t know Chinese history, but try to make their fake Black Flag story fit with real historical facts. Currently, they are working on trying to get their fake story right, in order to connect it with the Hung Mun. However, their base story on Fun Jiao is fake. They claim that Fun Jiao was from the black flag secret society; however, there never was a black flag secret society. A more credible claim would be that he was a member of the Black Flag Five Flag bandits, a historically documented group. Black Flag claims, Fun Jiao arrived alone and homeless in Indonesia. Probability suggests that he learned Lo Han Kung Fu which was a popular kung fu in Fukien. Black Flag Five Flag bandits and Fun Jiao had nothing to do with Shaolin or Wing Chun. Why do you think Mr. Zhao Yuan wrote the article about the Black Flag bandits? Sergio, Meng and Lin are trying to challenge Chinese history, but older people like Mr. Zhao Yuan, who lived through these historical events and/or know of people who were terrorized, robbed or slaughtered by the ruthless Black Flag Five Flag bandits are reciting the accurate history. The Chinese people will never accept the Five Flag bandits or the five flag wing chun story. There is already a public outcry. The VTM isn’t really a museum but a laughing joke. The real Wing Chun museum is in China. Yes, at one time Moy Yat’s chops were on display at Meng’s empty storage room, but Moy Yat asked for them back because he did not trust Meng. Meng, Sergio and Lin are not respected in the Wing Chun community, and now are loosing further respect and credibility in the kung fu world, by their made up stories and jokes. Their fake stories based on, pretend research, are a smoke screen designed to discredit other Wing Chun history by renaming it red flag (( such as Meng's forgery pointed out here, http://martialtalk.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1318872&postcount=18 )), connecting it with five flags, and to deceive the unsuspecting public into promoting their black flag schools’ curriculum. If this black flag story is true, then David Peterson, the great grand teacher of Lin, is a Black Flag Wing Chun ancestor, but we all know this is the biggest joke.
Propaganda is stopped by exposure. Kenneth Lin (Salim) you can run but you can not hide. Here is Lin’s original family tree he erased from his ever changing web sites. Lin is really low ranking in Yip Man Wing Chun lineage and Lo Han Kung Fu. Lin’s Wing Chun lineage is:
Ip Man >Wong Shun Leung>Divid Peterson>Victor Leow>Chung Che Man>Kenneth Lin
Sum Nung>Yuan Zhu Tang>Victor Leow>Chung Che Man>Kenneth Lin
Ip Man>Chu Shong Tin>Others>Victor Leow>Chung Che Man>Kenneth


Lin called Yip Man Wing Chun Red Flag Wing Chun but in your family tree you say you are Black Flag Wing Chun. You are nothing to us but a rainbow Flag, you can pick your color. Black Flag Five Flag is documented at bandits. You can run but your foot is stuck in your mouth.
Interesting info.

Would love to learn more info on the 5 lodges (triads: ex: hung moon, etc).

I've seen flags that are said to represent the 5 lodges - don't remember if one of them were black. (the 5 elements are symbolized by Green, Red, Yellow Purple and Blue)

its interesting info but lacking sources and credentials.


If you are interested in learning more about the 5 lodges, best thing to do is stop listening to people on the internet and go meet the ones who spent time researching the subject for many many years (flying all over the world to do research meeting people) such as Master Benny Meng. You are not going to find good info talking/searching on the net, unless you find someone who knows what they are talking about which is rare. Those people usually do not have time to talk on the net all day every day because they actually train, teach, and have schools which they have to run! Best thing to do is go and meet them and find out the truth for yourself. I'm sure Master Meng or Grandmaster Lin would be very glad to meet you and discuss the subject in more detail. You can find their number listed on their websites. Have a nice day Sir.

Aaron M.
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Unfortunately I don't have time on my hands to go back and forth with you on the internet about your negative comments about my Kung Fu family. Most of my time is taken up with training very hard every day. So I guess you're going to have to keep waiting. I don't have time for this kind of stuff. Sorry.

Aaron M.

If you were able to provide anything credible there would be no need for any back and forth. It is the refusal to do so (because black flag is just Lin's made up story) that brings us to conflict. From our brief interaction here, you seem like a decent kid and I hope you don't get burned by the people (Meng+Lin+Sergio) selling you a kung fu lemon.

When Kenneth Lin says Ip Man wing chun comes from the Red Flags.
A waste of time -paying any attention to new ways of marketing.

Joy, you know its ok to ignore but look at the huge political machine of Benny Meng, VTM, and Sergio spreading propaganda around the world. We know they are lying but the whole world has no idea. It's up to the real genuine martial artists to take a stand. If not this will become the truth.
With all due respect and courtesy -

Let their skill (or lack of) speak for them.

OPenly it looks like mere jealousy and open slander.

Still haven't seen any hard evidence that proves your point.
Kenneth Lim in VA area. He advertises more as a Wing Chun and Hokkian Eng Chun styles, but one of his teachers is from Gui In Lam lineage.

Thanks for the information from Ngo Cho Kun lineage.

The latest scandal of black flag wing chun from inside of Ngo Cho Kun school. Kenneth Lin betrayed his teacher Gui In Lam by borrowing Ngo Cho Kun's Sam Chien and mixing it up with Chung Che Man's wing chun ( really Ip Man wing chun ) and adverstises himself as Wing Chun and Hakkian Eng Chun. In 2005, after Lin reading a few books about Chinese secret socities, suddenly Lin came up with a black flag/5flag wing chun shaolin story to promote himself as a black flag wing chun grandmaster. Such a claim is totally outrageous. Now even the people from his old school of Ngo Cho Kun do not accept his false represention of their Lo Han kung fu. Too much propaganda and sales pitches not enough evidence to validate black flag wing chun can go beyond Chung Che Man (Ip Man wing chun).

Wow for a guy who says he would rather spend time training than going back and forth... so many posts on the Kung Fu Magazine forums....
What really caught my attention...


There are concerns in the martial arts world about the Black Flag Wing Chun stories. One of which was brought up on other forums. Why did your Sifu Benny Meng, VTM curator, Meng’s Martial Arts director, forum admin, forge a director’s workshop announcement and signature on February 25, 2010, 03:35:02 am? See forum threads below.

http://www.vt4um.nl/index.php?PHPSES...sg4825#msg4825 reply #17 and


Aaron, as an individual standing in front of the Martial Arts/ Wing Chun world answer this:

Is this an ethical issue?

Is the VTM curator really incompetent and lacks the ability to present authentic information?

Are the VTM curator’s actions harmful to fundamental ethical principles and professionalism?

Does the VTM represent an institution or an individual acting on his own?

Does this action alone present a conflict of interest between Meng’s Martial Arts and the VTM?

Forgery is a crime. Fundamental ethical principles and professionalism is respect!

I don't know how Benny Meng can show his face anywhere. Crazy minded half wit. :toilclaw:
I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for spending so much of your time advertising HKB Eng Chun!! Keep up the good work. Everything you write just helps us. Thank you.

Aaron McKillip
I doubt that everything helps you Aaron! But its good that you have a positive attitude, considering who you train under lol

Its important to note that whenever training martial arts IT DOES NOT MATTER what happened 500 years ago. Ive trained under lots of different guys and I really dont care what lineage they are from, as long as the stuff they teach is effective and useful

Benny Meng truly sucks. Peace out
I doubt that everything helps you Aaron! But its good that you have a positive attitude, considering who you train under lol

Benny Meng truly sucks. Peace out

This made me laugh
http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58093&page=2 idiots
Black Flag Eng Chun's orginal family tree revealed and Ngo Cho Kun's Family tree
Ngo Cho Kun (5 ancestors) has a male/female history, like Black Flag Eng Chun. I'll show you how as best I can. Kenneth Lin's (Salim) martial arts background is known in Indo before he left. He learned Gui In Lam's Ngo Cho Kun lineage and then picked up Vikoga Wing Chun from Chung Che Man. When Lin came to America in 2005 he promoted Ngo Cho Kun and Vikoga Wing Chun as Ngo Cho Eng Chun Male/Female family tree. When he heard of VTM's promotion of Shaolin Wing Chun he started to change his story in the Indo forums and advertisement in America. He attached Shaolin Wing Chun stories that VTM promotes to make a transistion. Today Kenneth Lin is trying to erase his Ngo Cho Eng Chun male/female family tree and Gui In Lam's Ngo Cho Kun background by calling it Black Flag Wing Chun. He does this to declare himself grandmaster of Black Flag Wing Chun and promote his teacher Tio Tik Kwie's status. What does VTM gain from this? Money from magazine articles, books and Shaolin Wing Chun 3-halls program. There is always a motive. Sergio gains advertisement promotion for his large schools in Europe. But this is at the expense of Ngo Cho Eng Chun and maybe others.

Original Black Flag Wing Chun Male/Female branch:
Kenneth Lin called his kung fu "Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group" when he came to America but today in 2010 he has transitioned to Black Flag Wing Chun. His family tree had a male and female branch as he published originally. Lin promoted the male/female version of Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group. Lin himself at first stated to the VTM: “The system as it was passed down was preserved in two forms: a Male aspect and a Female aspect.” Today his orginal promotion has changed. Today he declares himself as the grandmaster of Black Flag Eng Chun while erasing the female side, Vikoga Wing Chun, from his family tree and Ngo Cho Kun from the male side.
Where did Lin come up with a story of male/female for his Ngo Cho Eng Chun? Lin used Ngo Cho Kun's family story for his self promotion and transistion to Shaolin Wing Chun Black Flag. You see Ngo Cho Kun has a story about a 6th ancestor who was female, I'll show soon. But first, here is Black Flag Wing Chun's orignal explaination in its transistion from Ngo Cho Eng Chun's male/female history.

Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Eng Chun's male side (Lin's original):
For the male branch, Lin had Ngo Cho Kun 5 male ancestor family lineage and teachers. That's what he wanted us to believe. (Today this is Shaolin temple 5 Flag Wing Chun)
Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Eng Chun's female side (Lin's original):
For the Female branch, he labeled Ng Mui & sometimes Yim Wing Chun. Lin learned various Wing Chun under Victor Leow's Vikoga Wing Chun family tree. (Today this is Shoalin Red Flag Wing Chun or some color)

So you see, Kenneth Lin originally married Ngo Cho Kun with Vikoga Wing Chun to call it Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group in 2005. This is where the Ngo Cho Kun's family story fits into his Black Flag Eng Chun promotion. You see Ngo Cho Kun is known to have a male/female story.

Ngo Cho Kun Male side:
Ngo Cho Kun has mixtures of 5 Ancestor styles: White Crane, Monkey, TaiZu(Grand Ancestor) and Lo Han (18 Immortals) and Tat Chun (Bodhidharma's method).
Ngo Cho Kun Female side:
Mysterious Female Fist (6th Ancestor)

Kenneth Lin's Ngo Cho Kun family lineage is from Gui In Lam.
Kenneth Lin's Wing Chun family lineage is from Vikoga Wing Chun.
Kenneth Lin called the marriage of Ngo Cho Kun and Vikoga Wing Chun, Ngo Cho Eng Chun.
Kenneth Lin has never denied learning Vikoga Wing Chun or Ngo Cho Kun.
Ngo Cho Kun is known to have a 6th female ancestor, Mysterious Female Fist.
VTM promotes a super secret Shaolin Wing Chun 3-halls ("Dim" for Fukien dialect effect) program.

This is the male/female story of Ngo Cho Kun! May the truth shine over Black Flag Eng Chun and the changing stories of Kenneth Salim, Benny Meng and Sergio!!!
and this
Fake Lineage, Fake research part 1
[Before I begin Kenneth Lin uses multiple names and it getting tiresome. I believe it serves as a deception, the names are Black Flag Eng Chun = Black Flag Wing Chun = HKB = HKB Black Flag Eng Chun = HKB Wing Chun and Kenneth Lin = Kenneth Salim = Lin Xiang Fuk and Ngo Cho Ving Tsun = Ngo Cho Eng Chun]

Successor hoax
From Sergio's camp: Black Flag Hoax video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hgIJ...eature=related @1:57 "After being appointed as the official successor by the Grandmasters in Indonesia it’s the only lineage he represents and dedicated his life to..."

From the "VTM Report" on HKB Eng Chun (Black Flag Wingchun) "In 2000, Suhu Lin was appointed as the 4th Generation Black Flag Engchun next successor and lineage holder. .... In 2005, Suhu (Master) Lin Xiang Fuk arrived in the USA. He carried the responsibility from the Sukong [GM] and the Sujo [GGM] to preserve this extraordinary art for the next generation..."

I see Kenneth Lin was doing a good job preserving Ngo Cho Eng Chun (Vikoga Wing(female) + Ngo Cho Kun(male)) on this arrival to America in 2005.

Oral tradition on 1907 Pun Jiao
As stated by Black Flag Eng Chun, Lin is 4th generation Black Flag Eng Chun and that Black Flag Wing Chun comes from Shaolin 350 years ago. There are about 8 generations missing! VTM: "The HKB oral history goes back to the burning of the Southern Shaolin Temple in the1600s." The oral tradition of HKB is that Pun Jiao of 1907, was 1st successor of the HKB Black Flag Eng Chun. Ok so there missing about 8 generations. Let’s look at 1st generation Black Flag Eng Chun.

Oral tradition says Pun Jiao was from Black Flag Wing Chun secret society but Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group family tree says he came from Black Flag Army. In the VTM’s open letter: Official beginning of the VTM Project was back in 1993: "There are two systems that the VTM classifies as Shaolin Wing Chun: Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Paai and Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun Paai. ….The oral traditions in both lineages do not follow the legends of a nun teaching a young girl by the name of Yim Wing Chun." But contradicts Ngo Cho Eng Chun/HKB Black Flag Wing Chun family tree which shows Ng Mui and Yim Wing Chun. In this same letter, how can the VTM criticizes those "who intentionally share misinformation to further their agenda" by saying: "So simply attempting to connect one 'black flag' with another requires extensive investigation into history." VTM overlooked the Ngo Cho Eng Chun history go along with the Pun Jiao from Black Flag secret society!

According to oral tradition of a Mr. Zhao, who first brought attention to Black Flag bandits and Black Flag Wing Chun in a China Express editorial, he linked Black Flag Wing Chun to the Black Flag bandits of Shandong province. So Black Flag Eng Chun attempt to say Pun Jiao is from Black Flag secret society, but let take a look at Mr. Zhao's linking Black Flag Eng Chun to the Black Flag/5 flag bandits. I don’t trust Black Flag Wing Chun and the VTM after seeing all the deceptions. By now Black Flag Wing Chun/VTM has lost all creditability. Mr Zhao's explanation makes sense with the time period of 1907. An explanation: Pun Jiao fleed to Indonesia for because he was a black flag 5 flag bandit/criminal. If you look at the Ngo Cho Eng Chun family tree, Pun Jiao fits nicely into the Ngo Cho Kun branch because Ngo Cho Kun popular in Fukien province at that time. Pun Jiao was not the only one in Ngo Chu Eng Chun's family tree that came from China to Indonesia. It is said in Indo that another teacher of Lin’s Ngo Cho Eng Chun family tree who came from China. Goei In Nam and his three students came on a boat from China to Indonesia. See http://ngochokune.tripod.com/ before it disappears. The parallelism Kenneth uses seems to be an on-going pattern. I find Mr Zhao story has far more creditability than Black Flag Eng Chun and the VTM. Mr Zhao writes from real life experience. He said his grandparents were killed by the Black Flag/5 Flag bandits! Black Flag Wing Chun is now attempting to link to Hung Mun’s flags with Pun Jiao, I dare say that 1907 Pun Jiao did not exist or was really a black flag/5 flag bandit criminal.

If you do your own research in Indonesia forum use google’s Indonesian to english translator. You will see a guy named “Samchien” fromUSA talk about a Pun Jiao. http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=1127381 Last edited by samchian: 31-12-2009 at 12:17 PM .. Notice that Samchian deleted a lot of his posting in this thread.

Hear from Kenneth tell the story of Pun Jiao subduing 80 axe men without hurting them. Of all the 80 unhurt axe attackers not one of them asked to learn Kung Fu from Pun Jiao. There is only King Yang who took this homeless man in. I’m sure the 80 living men would have made Pun Jiao famous but he says in King Yang’s room for 2 years.
Read it while its HOT before Lin removes it!

At this point I am thinking that Pun Jiao was made up.
Fake Lineage, Fake research part 2
Another Ngo Cho Ving Tsun family tree from Kenneth Salim
I had thought there was one original Ngo Cho Eng Chun family tree but there is an older "Ngo Cho Ving Tsun Indonesia Division" family tree published by Kenneth Lin from his 2004 website - indowingchun.com. Check out the archive link indowingchun.com site before Lin makes it disappear like he did for the his 2005 website for "Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group" here http://web.archive.org/web/200801131....com/main.html

Proof of the Ngo Cho Ving Tsun Indonesia Division family tree.
Ngo Cho Ving Tsun Group Indonesia Division

Proof of Ngo Cho Ving Tsun on wingchun.org.
http://web.archive.org/web/200402070...c/indnsia.html (from wingchun.org)
Ngo Cho Ving Tsun in Indonesia
jl raya darmo 88, Surabaya, East Java 60189
Tel: +62 +81 732-3236
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://web.archive.org/web/200402070...owingchun.com/
Contact: Salim
Notes: This is the first Wingchun school in Indonesia, the main kwoon is located in Surabaya, we have another kwoon in Jakarta. Click on the website for more details.
Update: 7dec03

Black Flag Wing Chun lineage holder in the making
In this 2004 family tree, Kenneth Lim, the supposed successor, lineage holder and responsible preserver of Black Flag Wing Chun, founded a new system called NgoCho VingTsunKuen. In this new system, Kenneth Salim has 4 Ngo Cho Kun teachers and several wing chun teachers: Chung Che Man and a bunch of Lao Jing Ti's students. Notice that there is no male/female family tree. There are no flags of any color or a Black Flag Society Army or a Black Flag secret society. There is however, similar information from the VTM articles published between 1999-2004 and the book "Mastering Kung Fu", all featuring Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun. Some of the information on Ngo Cho Ving Tsun's family tree is from the VTM research on: Chi Sim Weng Chun and Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun. At that time, the VTM included Chi Sim Weng Chun as Shaolin Wing Chun. The VTM states they started research in Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun lineage in 1999 this is well before Kenneth’s Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Wing Chun family trees and before we see Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula in Black Flag Wing Chun. The Ngo Cho Ving Tsun family tree and info on the indowingchun.com does not mention anything about a formula, no mention of 5 line theory, 2-line defense or any other Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula. Lin never mentions HKB or Black Flag Eng Chun, but he is the successor and lineage holder with responsibilities to preserve Black Flag Wing Chun since 2000. Today Black Flag Wing Chun advertises a Hung Fa Yi’s Wing Chun formula today. Black Flag Wing Chun and the Meng, a member and researcher of Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun, stole from Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun! Black Flag Wing Chun is fake! VTM extensive research is fake!

Cat and mouse roles
At first Kenneth Lin needed the VTM for its transition for the Black Flag Wing Chun story. Once the transition was completed, Lin says: "HKB Wing Chun is not the same as Shaolin Wing Chun, in which HKB Wing Chun should never be called Shaolin Wing Chun.HKB Wing Chun is HKB Wingchun." (This is from Meng's forum, it’s probably is or will be erased) Now we have Meng and Sergio following Lin to spread Black Flag Eng Chun around the world. Bottom line it’s about money. Some people have seen the ambition and ethical problem of the three to make money off Wing Chun!

5 flag Hung Mun smoke screen and patterns
Kenneth Lin is using the Hung Mun flags just like the he
* possibly used Ngo Cho Kun’s Goei In Nam and his three students move from China to Indonesia for Pun Jiao,
* used his Indonesia Ngo Cho Eng Chun family tree transition to Ngo Cho Eng Chun USA Group,
* used his Ngo Cho Kun's male/female family tree to transition to Wing Chun male/female tree and
* used Black Flag Army transition to Black Flag Wing Chun super secret society in its family tree.
* Now he's trying to use the Hung Mun society's 5 flag to transition into the Black Flag Wing Eng secret society or 5 flags wing chun or whatever they dream up as "oral" tradition. Today in China, the trio, Lin, Meng, Sergio, are doing bogus research on Hung Mun's 5 flags to make Lin's Black Flag story stick. But we know the real history of the "lineage holder" past Ngo Cho Eng Chun/Black Flag Eng Chun family trees and intentions.

stop the fraudulent book and articles
Sooner if on later, the deceiving Black Flag Wing Chun trio and fraudulent VTM will be announcing and publishing a fraudulent book. I assure you it will be filled with half truths, criminal forgery of likes of VTM-Meng's forgery of Hung Fa Yi's director announcement (replaced “Hung Fa Yi” with “Red Flag”, it is now deleted along with the red flag sub-forum), falsified Ngo Cho Eng Chun family trees, falsified Black Flag Eng Chun family tree, Sergio and his blind stupid student's videos (BTW someone had pointed out Kenneth Lin's suspicious body/eye language in Sergio’s Black Flag interview video, take a look yourself), false statements from young stupid students try to defend HKB, and the complete disregard for stirring up the angry and despair of the old people of China who lived through Black Flag bandits terror. The insults go deep and wide for the 3 greedy black flag bandit's personal gain of money and fame. It is my understanding that Moy Yat did not trust Benny Meng from the beginning of the VTM. Black Flag Wing Chun stole from Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula and history, he used Vikoga Wing Chun and Ngo Cho Kun to promote his grand plan! Kenneth Lin created and promoted Ngo Cho Ving Tsun after he inherited the so called Black Flag Wing Chun system was suppose to preserve! Kenneth Lin is a fake lineage holder! Kenneth Lin is fake grandmaster of a fake HBK Black Flag Wing Chun! VTM does fake research on fakes!

I would like to thank Mr. Zhao for alerting the general public about Black Flag Wing Chun. I am truly sorry for the lost of his grandparents and memories of the atrocities Black Flag/5 flag bandits created and the memories of the Nanjing Massacre. I hope that Black Flag Wing Chun/VTM/3-halls Shaolin Wing Chun is rid completely from the face of the Wing Chun world and that the dignity and healing of the Chinese people is restored. I hope that every magazine and book publisher takes notice and refuses to publish anything from the VTM, Meng, Sergio and Lin. I hope that the Hung Mun society is aware of these liars and be on guard of their history and dignity. Lin, Meng and Sergio do not deserve to be in the Kung Fu community, Chinese community, museum curator associates and researchers!

To Lin, Meng and Sergio, impale yourselves on your Black Flag flagstaff and may the hideous Black Flag Wing Chun/3 halls Shaolin Wing Chun/VTM implode into its own black hole they created!

Give it up boys.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAyBn...eature=related - Mr Zhao's letter
and Chi Sim Weng Chun too?
These guys sure get around
Sergio and Meng at one time both of you were once student of a certain Chi Sim Weng Chun master and more than a student teacher relationship. Your stealing and betrayl of the Chi Sim family will not be forgotten. All your relationshiips are relationship of betrayal! Take Lin for all he has!
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