Israeli Ninjas

Interesting that again you begin your post with a pathetic attempt to degrade me. Clearly your art has made a superficial impact on you. If I knew how to embed a video I would show u the videos I found to my liking. The main point of my post was to discuss how the Israeli society, ever close to danger, pares down their combat arts to basic and functional levels, and yes I feel the AKBAN group is a great example of this, as is SOME of the stuff I saw on a few Koga clips.

I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Surrounded by much controversy, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!
As for the topic, can you post the lineage of the Israeli Ninja?Where do they gain association with Koka region or Iga region? Where do they gain lineage with Japan at all?

Israel is not Japan, so why are they called Ninjutsu?
Bruno, seems since my main "art" is judo, which derives from Japaneses jiujitsu, which I am pretty safe in saying has variations thereof which can be traced back to the requisite periods/areas, I would say my association is valid.

Bester, "tireboy" is laughable attempt to insult me. Again, fear based and juvenille.
Bruno, seems since my main "art" is judo, which derives from Japaneses jiujitsu, which I am pretty safe in saying has variations thereof which can be traced back to the requisite periods/areas, I would say my association is valid.

Bester, "tireboy" is laughable attempt to insult me. Again, fear based and juvenille.

Sorry to say, but no, not by a long shot

Shin no Shinto-ryu
Yoshin ryu

Yoshin ryu originates from Nagasaki where it was supposedly founded by a physician. That is where the line stops, and it hasn't come near the Koga or Iga regions.
Bruno, seems since my main "art" is judo, which derives from Japaneses jiujitsu, which I am pretty safe in saying has variations thereof which can be traced back to the requisite periods/areas, I would say my association is valid.

Bester, "tireboy" is laughable attempt to insult me. Again, fear based and juvenille.
"Emo", I'm as afraid of you as I am death. Which is not at all.

Your "art" derives from Judo. So, it's sport based then. I didn't know that Ninjas were considered athletes. I can see it now, you throw a smoke bomb, pause, then loudly introduce yourself to your opponent and wait for a referee to show up to start the fight.

But please, keep digging. Each comment shows you to be the fool we see you as.
"Emo", I'm as afraid of you as I am death. Which is not at all.

Your "art" derives from Judo. So, it's sport based then. I didn't know that Ninjas were considered athletes. I can see it now, you throw a smoke bomb, pause, then loudly introduce yourself to your opponent and wait for a referee to show up to start the fight.

But please, keep digging. Each comment shows you to be the fool we see you as.
ok. ok.
I has sushi the other day. This now qualifies me to be an Iron Chef. If you need me, I'll be making donuts as practice for the sushi contest.

what do donuts have to do with sushi? Why, the same thing Kung Makawaka there does with a real martial art.

______________ <- fill it in people. Fill. It. In. :roflmao:
Interesting that again you begin your post with a pathetic attempt to degrade me. Clearly your art has made a superficial impact on you. If I knew how to embed a video I would show u the videos I found to my liking. The main point of my post was to discuss how the Israeli society, ever close to danger, pares down their combat arts to basic and functional levels, and yes I feel the AKBAN group is a great example of this, as is SOME of the stuff I saw on a few Koga clips.

I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Surrounded by much controversy, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!

Hmm...well, looks like this thread was moved, since I was last on. Anyways...I'm going to have to disagree with you here. The #1 difference, IMHO, between the Xkans, and guys like SKH, is that they all have some sort of legit background. For ex: While SKH has gone his own direction with his Toshindo, fact is, he did train with Hatsumi and the Shihan in Japan. How in-depth that training was, compared to others...well, I have no idea, but he did train with them, and claims to be basing his art off of that, even though what he does is different.

What ties to the Xkans do you have? It seems to me that you compiled a bunch of stuff, put it in a bowl, mixed it all together, added some water, popped it in the oven, baked at 350, and now you call it some sort of Ninjutsu.
I like it when the handcuffs are removed.

Ok. Lets look at the real facts here.

Your "art" only exists here, and in 1 Youtube video consisting of still shots.
Google doesn't show jack about it on any other site.

Your username doesn't come up either, except on a couple anime and video game sites, and 1 mma site. All other references are to some Mexican general.

That alone is enough to scream loudly troll or fraud.

Add to that the misspellings, misuse, bastardizations and just plain asshatness, and it's glaringly obvious that you're a troll. One of those 'stir the ****' types.

So admit it. Your a troll and your art's just a joke. Like you are. A big not funny joke.
Bruno, seems since my main "art" is judo, which derives from Japaneses jiujitsu, which I am pretty safe in saying has variations thereof which can be traced back to the requisite periods/areas, I would say my association is valid.

Bester, "tireboy" is laughable attempt to insult me. Again, fear based and juvenille.
The way you insult Japanese culture is atrocious. You do not have rights to claim lineage from ancient schools(koryu). Just because you participated in Judo. And especially for creation of your own "not" of japanese origin "ninjitsu"

What is this Japanese "jiu jitsu"?
"Jiu Jitsu"


  • $JiuJitsu.jpg
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Well, everyone else has already dealt with this, but as this was aimed at me, I may as well answer as well.

Interesting that again you begin your post with a pathetic attempt to degrade me.

Nope, not a "pathetic attempt to degrade you", more a specific choice of word that was supposed to show you that you're acting like a child. Again. Or still, if I'm to be frank about it.

Clearly your art has made a superficial impact on you.

And you base that on...? Really, you have no idea what impact my training has had on me, as you have no idea what the training actually entails or includes (whether my schools or any other legit Ninjutsu-related schools), or even what "impact" it's supposed to have. Frankly, you are sounding as if you want every martial artist to be some hollywood idea of "live and let live", and to be "above getting upset" and so forth. You're really quite removed from reality there. I gave you a few clues about that on the other thread, by the way, but for the record, nowhere in the training does it say that any of us should be happy to deal with someone acting like a fantasy-playing child, misusing (and mis-spelling) terms that are specifically to do with our arts, misrepresenting what we do and are training in, and trying to argue with those that know far better. Got it?

If I knew how to embed a video I would show u the videos I found to my liking.

Don't give me that. I've linked a few things in this thread alone, so you've seen how to do it. You've linked clips in the past (including in the threads I've linked in this one!), so you really have no excuse whatsoever.

In fact, this single sentence is rather standard of the way you've treated your entire thread here, evading any actual discussion (of even what you wanted to discuss by posting here in the first place!), offering weak and non-existant excuses, and so on. These are the behaviours of a troll, and are being treated as such.

The main point of my post was to discuss how the Israeli society, ever close to danger, pares down their combat arts to basic and functional levels, and yes I feel the AKBAN group is a great example of this, as is SOME of the stuff I saw on a few Koga clips.

Okay, with the group you're talking about, they didn't "pare down" anything, they "made stuff up". And really, after three days (and four requests), you finally tell us what the damn point was in posting, and still have yet to provide any evidence of your claim at all? Tell me, how are we supposed to take you seriously on any level whatsoever?

I suggest you read the purpose of the General Ninjutsu Forum before you start tossing around the banning threat, I 'll put it here for ya=

Well, it wasn't really a threat, more an observation. MJS (Senior Moderator) had already warned you that your behaviour was seemingly against the rules (as he stated), and that would lead to you being banned. As you had paid no attention, and continued to post in the same manner, I simply asked if banning was what you wanted? Because that is the way it seems....

Surrounded by much controversy
, today's "ninjutsu" is derived from the traditional fighting arts associated with the Iga/Koga region of Japan. We welcome members from all Nin-po schools.

Yes, all Nin-po schools.... that doesn't apply to those who simply make stuff up in their backyard and misappropriate a term they don't understand. And that would be you.

So as you can see, I am welcome here, whether you accept it or not. I am confident enough in my physical capabilities to not require insulting those who I disagree with. Cheers!

Physical capabilities really don't have anything to do with it here, gotta tell you. We are talking about the fact that you have nothing whatsoever to do with Ninjutsu, no link, no training, no experience, by your own admission no real interest in any of the authentic lineages left, and from your postings, no interest in any form of actual discussion of them. These are not insults, they are statements of observed facts as presented by you, by the way.

So really, grow up, stop acting like a child, and recognise that you have no business refering to anything you do as Ninjutsu (or similar). As I said, if you wanted to ask questions (and were willing to listen to the answers), then by all means post here, you will be welcome then. But first you will need to show some respect for the systems we train in, and that has been lacking in your posts since day one.
Chris , my dear, you must stop wasting you time with Dweeble here. Let him develope his silliness and be a back yard tire flipping ninja. Some people just don't do reality, it is beyond their scope. Know what I mean???:deadhorse

So, how many ninja-wannabes does this make booted?