Is Wing Chun being used the wrong way in fighting?

:D new word of the day hahaha
Lol new word? Maybe, it's just shortened instead of writing the whole word.
You must be an much older generation we use this when we text or type messages makes typing so much faster.

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RIP English language.
Wow look at that I've offended so many "ppl" (people) with my typing "lol" (laugh out loud)
Didn't know I was being judged for my English or is it because you don't have any thing else to discuss about in terms of martial arts so you turn it on my excellent typing skills?
I could be dyslexic and use shorten words to help me write.
Don't worry though I feel the same on some things ( RIP TRUE WC ) learnt and diluted by fakes ones that talk like they know WC!

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Notice how aggressive he is. One thing I've observed with WC guys is they are too soft. Not enough aggressiveness.

Wow look at that I've offended so many "ppl" (people) with my typing "lol" (laugh out loud)
Didn't know I was being judged for my English or is it because you don't have any thing else to discuss about in terms of martial arts so you turn it on my excellent typing skills?
I could be dyslexic and use shorten words to help me write.
Don't worry though I feel the same on some things ( RIP TRUE WC ) learnt and diluted by fakes ones that talk like they know WC!

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Lazy writing generally stems from lazy thinking, as the bulk of this post seems to further indicate.

That will be all.
Good point. I was watching some of Och's videos. He's a guy that I think makes WC work. He's aggressive, has forward pressure, and enters the pocket as you mentioned.
Lazy writing generally stems from lazy thinking, as the bulk of this post seems to further indicate.

That will be all.
Sure thing! I see your quite narrow minded IF referring to me.
It takes longer for me to type and check the dictionary to write properly so I shorten it.
Why you judging me based on my writing and calling me lazy have I truly offended you even if I was to "lazy" to type?

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I've heard Sifu's say many misconstrue training drills with fight applications, which seems common in WC. Hands forward, chin up for example. Styles make fights.
The thing is when do you or ever seen some one punch two hands at same time any way? Even if you block there's different types of blocks btw you can retract to punch

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One after the other. Not at the same time.
The problem with a lot of WC guys that try to fight is that they are uncomfortable in the pocket due to a lack of contact training.

In the pocket is where WC happens. You can see the problem. :)

Fighting in the pocket takes a specialised skill set. I tend to avoid it because I have to take more punches to my head than I would like.

And I like my head the way it is.

We have so e guys who do it and they may win but they always cop a panel beating.
Wing chun is supposed to look like the form because of structure reason, all teachers teach different but what's important is that wing chun is very complicated art when learning a misconception that is easy because it's simple it's simple in terms of no fancy movements.
Wing chun has only failed those who under pressure cant perform because they have not trained under pressure or train under a teacher with bad knowledge of wing chun.

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Then why does the NA head of my lineage of Wing Chun say, "you do not fight this way" when he takes the picture perfect man sau/wu sau pose. I am taught that the forms, the "perfect poses" in the drills are so you get to "feel" how your body should be balanced. You can feel that same balance in other positions that does not look like that picture perfect form. In short the form has nothing to do with how you should "look" when you fight, it's about how you should "feel" when you fight.
Oh sorry I might have misunderstood you when you said
(Head movement means I can punch with both hands where blocking and punching means I can only punch with one)

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Yeah. So if both of you are throwing punches and you are also blocking. You are throwing less punches.

My two hands punching vs your one.

Which if you are both standing there just slugging it out becomes important.
Then why does the NA head of my lineage of Wing Chun say, "you do not fight this way" when he takes the picture perfect man sau/wu sau pose. I am taught that the forms, the "perfect poses" in the drills are so you get to "feel" how your body should be balanced. You can feel that same balance in other positions that does not look like that picture perfect form. In short the form has nothing to do with how you should "look" when you fight, it's about how you should "feel" when you fight.
Well in my class it's about structure so the way it looks in the form is the way it should be done for example the tan Sao some people only has 2 angles and use it for high strikes coming but that in terms of structure its weaker than 3 angles if a strong punch was coming the 2 angels is more likely to collapse.
What lineage you from?
Also if you don't fight this way what way does it look like?? I know it would be hard to explain but please try I'm want to know.

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