Not so rambling-re wing chun

Well if you read my comment 'old and sneaky beats young and fit' it's telling you that us old un's are just mean and don't play fair, it's not that we say it was better in the past, the phrase says that while we may not be young and as fit as some we just don't play fair. It's nothing to do with how long we've been at it at all, it's that we recognise our failings as we age so play dirty to make up for it.
Yeah I was just elaborating and sharing my thoughts. Not everything said was pertaining to your comment.
It's a nice axiom and quite respectful but rarely true. Perhaps it holds true when comparing the untrained to the trained but that's it. It's why we don't see 60 year old boxers and other fighters schooling the young bucks, because age and ability are not exponential. Strength and power are not to be underestimated and it takes colossal skill to overcome size and strength, and when a guy is big and strong as well as skilled, age and experience are not absolutely better. However, age and experience coupled with strength and size can be quite formidable, that's why we've seen quite a few fighters compete into ages older than other competitive sports.

That's one problem with martial arts, if you're into it long enough eventually you'll be an old guy still training martial arts. The funny thing is all the old guys I meet in martial arts all talk about how hard they trained back in the day and how much better they used to be, along with the martial arts scene as a whole. Some I believe, some I definitely don't believe. It's not hard to simply show up to a class and next thing you know 30 years have gone by, you may even have done a competition or two, but that doesn't mean you were ever that serious. This is just an observation. Age does not guarantee skill.
The older I get the meaner I get and less I have to loose. So when I'm 60. Why would I box a 20 something year old? When I could just wack him with a brick and,or run him over with my truck? Just saying:p
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The older I get the meaner I get and less I have to loose. So when I'm 60. Why would I box a 20 something year old? When I could just wack him with a brick and,or run him over with my truck? Just saying:p
Well first you're gonna have to get a brick or truck into the ring. I'm not sure why you'd try to kill a training partner.
Duh, parking lot outside the gym. Surprise attack. My Ninja skills will not fade with age! Only improve!

Just as chain punching is important, one should never stop practicing their "Run-Fu" or "chain-stepping"......ancient secret sauce WC technique for when someone is too big or strong for you to fight and you have to get away quickly.
Lui Ming Fai

Lui Ming Fai is one of the top disciples of Ho Kam Ming-Ip Man's outsanding disciple. Lui started after my sifu Augustine Fong.. This documentary gives a decent introduction to Ho Kam Ming Wing Chun.


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