There are so many atrocious videos of WC guys that just have no idea of how to fight it's sad. Part of it is what/how they are being taught, and some of it is because they are just not even the slightest bit athletic and maybe go into the art thinking they will become a great fighter by learning these forms. The over reliance on chain punching, not moving quick enough at different angles and using the other options like elbows and's just awful. WC fights end up being two dudes throwing ridiculous chain punches at one another and seem to forget everything else that is available to them.

I still say it's not the art.
I'm going to be visiting a new place next Wednesday and possibly give WC one last try. Reason being they seem to engage in sparing and tournaments.
Sifu Eng
Grandmaster Art E. Eng | U.S. Open Martial Arts Championship
"The USA Wing Chun Kuen Association was founded in 2002 by Grandmaster Art Eng. During the first few years, the organization was comprised of a small group of talented students who would take the on the challenges set forth by the Grandmaster. Participating in the Wong's Kung Fu tournament in Washington D.C for the first time in 2003, the USAWCKA would be named top Wing Chun School of the tournament."
He also knows TKD, Eskrima and Aikido. I'd like to learn Esrima with the WC.
On another note, I've been to 6 different martial arts/MMA/Boxing places in the last few months and only one I liked. That place was called Mission MMA. They were reasonably priced. However, what I've found with most of these places is they don't really teach true Muay Thai. They teach you western boxing with some kicks. You essentially end up paying for someone to hold bags so you can practice, which is valuable don't get me wrong but I'm not sure how long that is really worth it. The other places talk up their boxing but it's essentially cardio kicking boxing.
...and if I find the WC school isn't for me, I'm going to move on to something else. I'm trying everything out. I'm lucky where I live has a lot of good options. The last two places I'd like to try are the JKD Philly Defense School or Krav Maga, which is one of the real legit schools that teach it.
I'm exhausting all my options before committing and locking into something....sorry rant over.