I have thanked and repped everyone who responded. I really appreciate all of your responses and I really appreciate the very mature and polite way that this potentially contentious subject has been discussed.
The responses given, as I am sure responses to come, have been very helpful to me and have been very thoughtful and articulate.
My thanks to you all!
And thanks to you, CT, for formulating it in such a direct and thought-provoking way.
It's funny, because the thread started up just at a point when, as a result of some of the other discussions going on, I was beginning to chew over in my mind this whole question of what gives a MA the particular identity it has, and whether or not there's a useful distinction between what a MA 'is', in the critical sense, vs. what we think it is. I see some important boundaries—I doubt anyone would want to see aikido and kyokushin karate as slightly different versions of each other! :lol:—but when you get into the Korean, Japanese, Okinawan and some of the CMA striking arts, a lot of the issues that people have been talking about in this thread come up.
And you're dead right about the nice tone of the discussion.... well done, all!