I get paid only $135 a week to take care of one full time child that spend an average of 45 hours in my daycare. I do not make money at all right now with only one child in my daycare, I have more expenses than I have an income. Kids are really hard to find in our area right now. It's not an easy business, and the people who think family daycare providers are getting rich at doing this job, they couldn't be any more wrong. Yes some daycare do real well, but the average family daycare provider is doing it to be home with their own kids more than they are doing it for the money... 

glad2bhere said:Now, I could be wrong but I understand that some of these child day care centers charge a couple hundred dollars a month. Furthermore, they need to be licensed, inspected and regulated. I wonder if these parents would be so all-fired anxious to have their little dears learn how to break someones' body if Martial Arts schools charged the same as daycare centers because THEY TOO needed to be licensed, inspected and regulated? Isn't that really what the parents are looking for