Is Obama black?

There are racists everwhere, in every country, society and of course in every group of people. That is reality! It really does not matter whether they are white, black, Asian, etc. they are there and anyone who has traveled the world will agree. It is not a group thing per se but an individual person thing. Some people just go to far to the side in their groups believing that they are the chosen people. We humans have done this forever so it is nothing new. While the group as a whole is not racist. However, I think we can all agree that to varying degrees that it is better than it used to be. Not everywhere of course there are some pockets that are still terrible but as people see, meet and hang out with each other these barriers go down more and more. You can certainly see this in Las Vegas which is a huge melting pot! Lots of people from different areas and races all mix together and by and large get along great! Since we live in a global world now where people can travel anywhere more people continue to meet other people from different parts of the world and get to know them. This helps on many levels just like having President Barak Obama in the White House helps to show that anyone of any background can be President. Just like Bobby Jihndel (hope I spelled that right) is Governor of Louisiana and is Indian. Times are changing for the good even though racism is still out there! I as a white person have experienced some racism not only here in the US but also across the world. However, it has always been minor and the VAST MAJORITY of people are simply not that way! No, instead they are kind, caring, loving and just plain enjoyable to be around! My kid's are biracial and you know they are the fastest growing group not only in America but in other parts of the world as well!!! ;)
Id ask. I already said I don't assume anymore after my last mistake I ask every question on the computer screen even if its obvious.

And what if he said he was "black?"

What if you arrested someone with the same skin-tone as Obama, and he said he was "white?"
And what if he said he was "black?"

What if you arrested someone with the same skin-tone as Obama, and he said he was "white?"

I mark down what they tell me because It really does not matter to me. As long as they dont lie about name and dob and I get his fingerprints I could careless if he tells me hes a Martian. His name and fingerprints are all I really need.
I dont see the point in the question your asking.
And what if he said he was "black?"

What if you arrested someone with the same skin-tone as Obama, and he said he was "white?"

I think Elder is looking for you to say that you tell him to know his place accept what you call him or you will beat him senseless...
at least that would be something he could use at a later date against you...

but seriously Elder why dont you get to a point instead of tryint to bait people.
he said twice now that he asks every question, he admited he once made a mistake... so what if someone who looks like Obama claims they are white when arrested... what do you want them to do?? Lets hear your take.
I think Elder is looking for you to say that you tell him to know his place accept what you call him or you will beat him senseless...
at least that would be something he could use at a later date against you...

but seriously Elder why dont you get to a point instead of tryint to bait people.
he said twice now that he asks every question, he admited he once made a mistake... so what if someone who looks like Obama claims they are white when arrested... what do you want them to do?? Lets hear your take.

Oh I know what elder was trying to do. I was just playing along waiting for the "Got you" moment
Oh I know what elder was trying to do. I was just playing along waiting for the "Got you" moment

Well, I can only ask what you do, and you answered, but-since there's no set procedure-can you say the same about the other officers? More to the point, can you see how absolutely ridiculous it would be for someone of Obama's coloration to say they are "white," especially under such circumstances? I mean, the entire thing is ridiculous, but that would be......beyond pale :lfao:
Thats how Jeff amuses himself, he baits people

It's not baiting-ballen has said that Obama should be called- and perhaps, call himself-"bi-racial." It's been my position that he should be called what he wants to be called-or, barring that, what he appears to be. ballen mentioned a perfect circumstance from work for such a practice, and I offered an example, and asked a completely appropriate question, which-while he answered completely, and, I have to believe, honestly-was really a rhetorical demonstration of the absurdity of ballen's position.

i think i understand, but i just cant quite seem to wrap my hands around it

Oh, and I've used both hands since I was 11......still can't quite wrap them around it, though, and I've got big hands......:lfao:
Charlize Theron
African American
Well, I can only ask what you do, and you answered, but-since there's no set procedure-can you say the same about the other officers? More to the point, can you see how absolutely ridiculous it would be for someone of Obama's coloration to say they are "white," especially under such circumstances? I mean, the entire thing is ridiculous, but that would be......beyond pale :lfao:
I was friends with a girl in school whos skin was white as a piece of paper and both her parents were black. She even had blond hair it was a medical condition.

And I was only speaking of past places Ive worked since in my current place of work we have centralized booking so police officers dont do the booking anyway correctional staff does it. Besides even if we didnt I only do undercover work right now so I dont interact with anyone that's already under arrest. So there very well could be a policy thats used but im not aware of it since I don't deal with that part anymore.
Charlize Theron
African American

That is why I have never understood the politically correct term. I remember working with alot of INS inmates and they would get so upset to be called "African American". They all insisted that they were "black" and then name their country of origin.
It's not baiting-ballen has said that Obama should be called- and perhaps, call himself-"bi-racial." It's been my position that he should be called what he wants to be called-or, barring that, what he appears to be. ballen mentioned a perfect circumstance from work for such a practice, and I offered an example, and asked a completely appropriate question, which-while he answered completely, and, I have to believe, honestly-was really a rhetorical demonstration of the absurdity of ballen's position.
I think he could help alot of people by being proud of his race. I mentioned my niece before she has adjusted well now that she older but early in school between 3 and 6 grades she had it rough because she could not figure out what she was. She was picked on in school, she would cry at night because she didnt get why she was darker then the white kids and lighter then the black kids. She got so bad she would wish she was white and cry at night. Then it got worse where she was even ashamed of being a girl she was so confused she would write stories wishing she was a white boy she would pick at her skin with her nails until it would bleed. Now my sisters a P.O.S. and my parents ended up taking her in for a while and sent her to theropy and she was able to work through it and now shes proud that shes special and is happy. She still has masive scars from picking her arms but is doing well.
Charlize Theron
African American

Actually, she's South African-not "American" at all. EDIT: Oops, my bad-naturalized in 2007.....guess Don reads People alot more than I ever will....:lol:

I worked with a physicist from South Africa who'd become an American citizen; he'd often confer with me "as one African American to another....." :lfao:

I think he could help alot of people by being proud of his race. .

Clearly, he is:

I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant." Honolulu’s paucity of African-Americans means he has to learn to be black from the media: "TV, movies, the radio; those were places to start. Pop culture was color-coded, after all, an arcade of images from which you could cop a walk, a talk, a step, a style."

"...never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself..."

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