Senior Master
Monuments to DEAD PAST LEADERS are not remotely the same as building monuments to current live ones....surely you understand that, right? I've already picked 'one' and i've already made it clear....don't act as if i'm the wanting it both ways, when i've made it perfectly clear what my position's not a Republican or Democrat issue, it's a messianic complex issue, and no amount of Posthumous Reagan worship is comparable to deifying a current President!So, before office, while in office, either or both? Pick one.
Summarily, yes, there is some Obama-mania going on right now, and people are celebrating the guy before his first 100 days. No, it hasn't gotten anywhere NEAR the point of "agree with him or be cast aside!" If you'd like examples of the latter, perhaps we should consider the free-speech zones enforced during Dubya's presidency...
And are you referring to the kind of 'free-speech' zones around the Democratic National Convention in Colorado?