'I Pledge to serve Obama....'

So, before office, while in office, either or both? Pick one.

Summarily, yes, there is some Obama-mania going on right now, and people are celebrating the guy before his first 100 days. No, it hasn't gotten anywhere NEAR the point of "agree with him or be cast aside!" If you'd like examples of the latter, perhaps we should consider the free-speech zones enforced during Dubya's presidency...
Monuments to DEAD PAST LEADERS are not remotely the same as building monuments to current live ones....surely you understand that, right? I've already picked 'one' and i've already made it clear....don't act as if i'm the wanting it both ways, when i've made it perfectly clear what my position is.....it's not a Republican or Democrat issue, it's a messianic complex issue, and no amount of Posthumous Reagan worship is comparable to deifying a current President!

And are you referring to the kind of 'free-speech' zones around the Democratic National Convention in Colorado? ;)
Is there an Obama uniform??
Black shirt, and his little "Pepsi" logo on it. Someone today thought the school shirt I was wearing was one, until they got closer. Exact words "Oh, I thought you had an Obama shirt on, sorry."
From the MySpace link:

Based on my readings so far, this seems to be Ashton's project, not something asked-for by the President himself.

The video itself, I think, is really silly. Pledging 'to be a servant' of Obama is over the top and not something that President Obama would likely promote. I didn't know who many of the celebs were, which is a sign of my age. I think this video appeals to an under-thirty demographic of devout non-readers.

You'd have a point......if this were an isolated incident.....this kind of mindless worship of a living leader,though, is endemic among the left!


It takes a village to create a despot!
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Now that is a little scary, Cap'n (response to post #82).

EDIT: Now come on, Mac, you're not being fair here. I've had to put up with Republican idolatory of Bush-the-Saviour-of-the Free-World and it's concomitant Democrat criticisms since I joined here. Don't make me now have to endure the reverse of that.
I have a question for our non-American members here.

Do you erect statues and paint walls with the image of your leader?
You mean this guy? Hell, no.

Although, this guy was pretty popular.

Do your leaders have special logos that they use?
Like this?

Or this?

Do their supporters wear special uniforms, or matching shirts?
No, but their shirts usually match their ties.

Do they do rallys where thousands cheer?
No, we hold rallies where we scream at them. But what's wrong when a leader can hold a rally where people cheer of their own free will?

Do they create vast workforces of loyal supporters?
Like this?
I can't speak for anyone else, clearly but I certainly remember what a Nazi is.

Many of our current generations of political leaders are somewhat of a similar mind in some ways when it comes to social control and manipulation but they're much more clever at hiding what they're up to behind 'cats paws'. Not quite so strong on total genocide as the 'Old School' but still not much improved when it comes to real attempts to solve difficult problems without killing lots of people.

As a 'quick effect' perjorative tho', the term is over-used without really considering what it truly means.
Sorry about that. For some reason my mind was thinking fascist, not Nazi.
I reckoned that's what your intent was, Jeff, I just didn't want to presume and put words in your mouth :tup:.
The questions need to be asked (and the fawning media doesn't seem interested in asking them) and some HEALTHY SKEPTICISM is called for, as you point out.

Also, I think we need to FORCE some optimism into our personal intentions toward this matter. The whole democrat/republican thing doesn't mean much to me anymore. I'm on an eight year political hangover and I'm sick of the whole damn thing. That said, if one of these programs gets going in my area and it looks like its doing good work, I'm going to get involved.

Ah, to be that young idealistic boy scout again...

There is some serious work that could be done by this program. On the other hand, there is some sinister work that could be done with this program. What kind of work? Hielige Shiesse! You gotta make up your own mind in regards to certain things.
Nothing is wrong with that. As long as it stays that way, it could be a great thing. I think one of the problems is that people feel so damn cynical regarding politics that its hard for them to see anything good actually coming out of Washington DC. I, for one, am feeling that way, but I am going to try and be positive and hope that something good will happen. However, the wariness isn't going to go away anytime soon.

It'd be GREAT if it all wasn't entirely pre-text for the meat of the whole video......one doesn't need to be an expert in propaganda to spot the blatant point of the whole thing.....which is 'OBAMA', this is what OBAMA is making us do, it's OBAMA we have to thank.
Quite right. When I said it was "silly," I was reacting to the "servant" comment. It's a bit flippant and potentially distracts from the message, in addition to creating some headaches for the President.

The celebrity roster is notably absent of personalities with a long track record of activism: Martin Sheen, Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Susan Sarandon, etc. It's meant to be young and hip.

Someone made a "brown shirt" reference. I don't see that. The message here is, essentially. We need to get off our arses and make the change we want, not Remember the good old days and It's somebody else's fault.

I think the Nazi stuff gets thrown around to easily. If some people are calling Bush a Nazi, and others are calling Obama the same, what exactly is a Nazi?

Obama is not a Nazi.....far from it.....if Obama has a historical predecessor it's Papa Doc Duvalier, the former Popularly elected, black nationalist left-leaning Populist President of Haiti, who also founded his own National Security Volunteers (NSV).......informally referred to as the Tonton-Macoute......and set about bringing 'hope and change' to his country for several decades.
I have a question for our non-American members here.

Do you erect statues and paint walls with the image of your leader?
Do your leaders have special logos that they use?
Do their supporters wear special uniforms, or matching shirts?
Do they do rallys where thousands cheer?
Do they create vast workforces of loyal supporters?

The reason I ask is because the only sources I have, that indicate a leader doing that/having that happen are these:

- Adolph Hitler - Germany 1930's-40's
- Benito Mussolini - Italy 1920's-40's
- Joseph Stalin - USSR - 1900-50's
- Fidel Castro - Cuba - 1960's-2000's
- Saddam Hussein - Iraq - 1970's-2000's

I know there's a few US presidents who were popular, had some statues done, a few paintings (Reagan, Kennedy come to mind), but none fill all the "Tator Check List" like Obama seems to, so I'm wondering how nuts you folks get with your leaders, to put this into perspective.

Of your list, Stalin and Castro are the closest.....with Castro probably being closer still........but if one wants to find a true ideological parallel, the names Duvalier, Chavez and Mugabe should come to mind. ;)
(In answer to post#76)We just don't go in for that sort of thing over here, Cap'n.

Yes, we have statutes here and there of Prime Ministers of 'note' who are now safey gone beyond the reach of the 'cult of celebrity' but that's about it.
And quite rightly so......we should NEVER truly trust or adore too much living rulers........dead ones and those retired too old to do any harm it's perfectly fine to make murals of. ;)

Living demi-gods scare the **** out of me!
Now that is a little scary, Cap'n (response to post #82).

EDIT: Now come on, Mac, you're not being fair here. I've had to put up with Republican idolatory of Bush-the-Saviour-of-the Free-World and it's concomitant Democrat criticisms since I joined here. Don't make me now have to endure the reverse of that.

Now, Sukerkin.....saying Bush did this or that right is NOT REMOTELY idolatory......there are no 'Bush worshippers'.....there are those who agreed with his policies and think he's personally a decent human being.

.....here's what we can say of Bush.......he was criticized for believing in a living god......now those same folks who ridiculed and despised him have elected a living god!
Obama is not a Nazi.....far from it.....if Obama has a historical predecessor it's Papa Doc Duvalier, the former Popularly elected, black nationalist left-leaning Populist President of Haiti, who also founded his own National Security Volunteers (NSV).......informally referred to as the Tonton-Macoute......and set about bringing 'hope and change' to his country for several decades.

:BSmeter:You get the point.
For the record, I don't care for Obama any more than I cared for Bush. I see Bush/Cheney (and McCain-Palin) as the Fascist party, and Obama as the Socialist Puppet. Regardless, I think the nation as a whole is ****ed. I'm however looking forward to being able to drive a "Peoples Car" on the "Peoples Road" to get my "People Chow" while living in my "Public Housing" after getting off the job at the "Public Works", maybe stopping by the "Peoples Doctor" to have my testicles laminated.

I just wonder what the "Peoples Champion" thinks of all this. Where is "The Rock" when you need him? :rofl:

Sorry, I view this all through eyes well jaded right now. Obamamania is running wild, and whatchu gonna do when his mighty presidential arms come for you? WHooo!

For the record, I don't care for Obama any more than I cared for Bush. I see Bush/Cheney (and McCain-Palin) as the Fascist party, and Obama as the Socialist Puppet. Regardless, I think the nation as a whole is ****ed. I'm however looking forward to being able to drive a "Peoples Car" on the "Peoples Road" to get my "People Chow" while living in my "Public Housing" after getting off the job at the "Public Works", maybe stopping by the "Peoples Doctor" to have my testicles laminated.

I just wonder what the "Peoples Champion" thinks of all this. Where is "The Rock" when you need him? :rofl:

Sorry, I view this all through eyes well jaded right now. Obamamania is running wild, and whatchu gonna do when his mighty presidential arms come for you? WHooo!

'Oh yeeeaaaaah!' :rofl:

You're right, it's become a game of 'My statist candidate is less evil than your statist candidate' and at the end of the day, they are becoming more and more of the same.....the only difference between McCain and Hillary Clinton was the pant-suit.

Obama, for his part, carries that extra little something of creepy messianic about him, though.......seriously, Obama supporters are starting to act like Tom Cruise talking about L. Ron Hubbard!
I just watched the video and I almost got sick. This is exactly how the socialist party starts its takeover of the US.

I took my oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. I wish they would have included The Republik of Kalifornia. Here we go kids.
I just watched the video and I almost got sick. This is exactly how the socialist party starts its takeover of the US.

I took my oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. I wish they would have included The Republik of Kalifornia. Here we go kids.

That video looked like the kind of video Evangelical Christians teenagers make.....'I pledge to Jesus......'

Something those same leftists ridicule......and now those same folks are trying to create a living object of worship! Oh the irony.
So, what about this?

Or this?

I really think this one is poignant.

Or this?

How about this statuette for your Right Wing Shrine?

OH YEAH! What about that "New World Order" that had the Republican right all stiff and damp but petrified Holocaust survivors and their youngsters?

*Still waiting to see the uniforms lining everyone up for the Soylent Green, y'all.*
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So, what about this?
A campaign t-shirt?

Actually an anti-Bush t-shirt. ;)

You see 'Deploy Bush' means send Bush to war.....get it. ;)

I really think this one is poignant.
Another anti-Bush t-shirt. ;)

'Go Bush'....yep, you found some parity there. ;)

How about this statuette for your Right Wing Shrine?
A small desktop bronze bust.....that's it?

OH YEAH! What about that "New World Order" that had the Republican right all stiff and damp but petrified Holocaust survivors and their youngsters?
Has absolutely nothing to do with Bush or Obama worship.

But for the record, i'll explain it....the NWO statement was made by Bush Sr.....and ANGERED Republicans and Conservatives......many still consider it the worst thing ever uttered by Bush Sr. Claim you're from the NWO in some parts of the south and west and there's likely to be shooting. ;)

*Still waiting to see the uniforms lining everyone up for the Soylent Green, y'all.*
He's only been in office less than a week......give him time!

Seriously, shesula......with all due respect, you've probably been looking all afternoon...and this stuff is the best examples of Bush worship you could come up with? A campaign t-shirt, two anti-Bush t-shirts, a 'Go Bush' t-shirt, a cheap bronze (probably plastic) bust, and the NWO?!
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