Mao had a red book.
Someone put together a Blue book of Obama quotes.
Haven't read either, don't intend to. Some of what I read about the latter seems to imply it's a parody or a joke item.
No worries on that here.
The uniforms, youth corp, pledge, logo, etc, that does concern me, as the only comparible's I've found are with acknowledged fascists and dictators. Again, I'm concerned, but not enough to print fliers and organize a march. I have no intent to pledge allegiance to him, to wear nor display his symbol, nor join his "koolaid level" supporters.
My objections to the socialistic nature of some of his intended ideas has been established well back into last year, as is my objections to Mrs. Clinton and her agenda's. I've also logged a good number of objections towards his main opponent in the previous election.
His intent to roll back Bush's secrecy in government, to expand the FOIA access, and his encouragement of openness, I welcome.
I question the comparison of him to FDR and his being our economic savior, given evidence that FDR delayed GD recovery by 7-11 years. I question his thoroughness in reviewing and understanding legislature, given his support an endorsement on a flawed bailout bill that left the idea of "accountability" off before being hurriedly passed.
I am happy to see him working towards a more open, welcoming and friendly administration, compared to the past several. His homosexual friendly motions, his attempts to include as many different groups and positions in his inauguration, and yes, his "highest priced US party", all give me hope for his administration.
Yet I'm still concerned by other items I read about, still more than a bit worried about a possible transition to an "American-Socialist" state, etc.
Unlike many, I'm not ready to crucify him, and haven't reached for the nails and hammer yet, unlike those who seek to portray him as the Resurrected Nailed God, or the Great Parter of Seas and Wander of Deserts.
Some of what I've said here, was tongue in cheek, some serious, all mixed. I do think the countries FUBAR, but, I haven't applied for Canadian citizenship yet, nor do I intend to. Hopefully, this shed at least my position in a clearer light, and is a more balanced and less "Oh ****, Bob's wearing a tinfoil hat again, what a looney!" picture.
Though, you run 3 forums, and admin 3 more and try and stay sane. It ain't easy!