'I Pledge to serve Obama....'

Oh, and I don't know how seriously you take such things( or yet, for that matter how far I do) but This Presidential term ends in December of 2012......

Seriously enough that I'm taking a long planned vacation to Mexico with some close friends and realtives, getting on my boat, and fishing and sailing in the Pacific for the month.........seriously.

I mean, it's the best place to be, historically, should anything happen, and if anything doesn't, well-we get a really good vacation that everyone gets to kid me about for the rest of my life.....:lol:

I mean, laughing smiley aside, what made you think I was kidding?

......I'm just sayin'......:lol:
Maybe South Park was right though...anyone know the where abouts of the Hope Diamond? ;)
How do you think I feel, I'm on a SIXTEEN year bender and it shows no sign of stopping.

There's a REASON most idealists are of the age where they aren't grown up yet. Because idealism is for children.

You wanna be an optimist, you go ahead and be an optimist. I'LL be a realist.

It's different when you have children. My daughter is a great artist and has a knack for science. She tells me she wants to be a veterinarian. If I had no hope for the future at all, this conversation would go as follows...

"Hi Daddy, I want to be a veterinarian."
"Sorry kid, we don't have that kind of future. You best learn how to grow your own food and shoot straight. Also, you should know how to kill man."

You know, in the silly mad max hypothetical scenarios that appear when I'm really staring hard at the deep dark pit, that kind of thinking makes sense. But as soon as you look up and you see your children's expectations for a future, you can't help but attempt to work toward something positive.

I've got plans in my left hand, I've got plans in my right hand. I can live in both worlds.
Now after 114 posts so far on this thread, I have a lawyer's tactic for you. It is called moving for Summary Judgment. Here's how it works: I agree to every criticism you have levied against the sheeple on the video, stipulate to them all. Then I tell the judge - here, you gentle readers - that it makes no difference at all when it come to Barack Obama, the President.

Your logic shimmers. Nothing has actually happened yet. A bunch of folks made some videos and posted them, which is really easy to do. So maybe we need an update to Dr Kings line -- Let's judge folks by their actions and not the content of the YouTube videos.

It is simply silly to imagine one can hold a leader, any leader, responsible for every nut or extremist or crazed true believer that decides he's the new Fuhrer. In a country of hundreds of millions, it is inevitable that any person of national stature will attract followers both sane and nutty, sensible and sheeple, thinking and brain dead. How convenient, if one wants to tear a man down, to point to the worst of their adherents.... and paint those flaws across all his supporters and the man himself. Without any evidence, of course.

In the aftermath of 9/11, some Americans harassed those browner than themselves who were caught wearing turbans or beards. They weren't asked or instructed to do this by their President. They simply used his call for alertness as an excuse to do what they wanted to do or might have done anyway.

Worshiping a man who's been in office only 4 days? Why, that's just as silly as condemning a man who's only been in office 4 days!

Right on the money. But just you wait, after the President gets his hundred days in office, he will be handed the blame for every disaster that's been chasing his heels as he sought and took office.

Honestly, I am concerned at the threads that have grown legs here lately. A botched oath? That's fodder for a bloopers show.... period. There are serious issues, debatable issues.....Gitmo closing, yet another bail out pending, Iraq....... and a rational forum is instead 115 posts into trying to divine national meaning from something wacky by some wackos on YouTube!:confused:

Amen. I'm off to make a pro-Grydth video now.
It's different when you have children. My daughter is a great artist and has a knack for science. She tells me she wants to be a veterinarian. If I had no hope for the future at all, this conversation would go as follows...

"Hi Daddy, I want to be a veterinarian."
"Sorry kid, we don't have that kind of future. You best learn how to grow your own food and shoot straight. Also, you should know how to kill man."

You know, in the silly mad max hypothetical scenarios that appear when I'm really staring hard at the deep dark pit, that kind of thinking makes sense. But as soon as you look up and you see your children's expectations for a future, you can't help but attempt to work toward something positive.

I've got plans in my left hand, I've got plans in my right hand. I can live in both worlds.

Well, obviously. You don't TELL an obviously mortally wounded comrade he's got no hope to survive. You do what you can for him, if/when you can, while you can. Same thing.

But........ I'll leave off my traditional comments on my opinion of the intelligence/wisdom/sense of people choosing to have children anymore and just say that, for your and your kids' sake I hope they get the chance for what they want, and you the chance to see it. That much, at least, we agree is the situation we hope for,, if not its likelihood.
Well, at least the words are real ones. Mr. Webster cried every time Dubya started talking, lol!
Check this out. Should I put one on back order or wait until they hand them out for free in the tolerance camps.


Apparently Pocket Obama is by "The Editors of History Company," which meant absolutely nothing to me, so I queried further...


I think this is the print equivalent to The Franklin Mint or those commemorative coins they sell on TV.
Isn't that what Mein Kampf was? I mean, didn't Hitler require its reaidng by the German populace?

Yes, that's exactly what Mein Kampf was. Nail. Head. You. I just got my mandatory copy this morning, and my mandatory Obamestapo inspection tomorrow to make sure I'm reading it.
Mao's red book?

No. Any comparison is specious, and calls into question the sanity of the person proposing it. When the government starts making us buy it, then maybe the comparison has some merit. Until then, it's freely offered on Amazon.com to anyone who may or may not want to buy it.

All this talk of Brownshirts, Papa Doc, Mao and Hitler really makes me wonder about the mental stability of some on this board. You're practically soiling yourselves in fear and outrage, when basically nothing has been done and said at this point. It looks like we have the reverse of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" brewing up in full force. I was hoping we could avoid some of those pathologies this time around.
Mao had a red book.
Someone put together a Blue book of Obama quotes.
Haven't read either, don't intend to. Some of what I read about the latter seems to imply it's a parody or a joke item.
No worries on that here.

The uniforms, youth corp, pledge, logo, etc, that does concern me, as the only comparible's I've found are with acknowledged fascists and dictators. Again, I'm concerned, but not enough to print fliers and organize a march. I have no intent to pledge allegiance to him, to wear nor display his symbol, nor join his "koolaid level" supporters.

My objections to the socialistic nature of some of his intended ideas has been established well back into last year, as is my objections to Mrs. Clinton and her agenda's. I've also logged a good number of objections towards his main opponent in the previous election.

His intent to roll back Bush's secrecy in government, to expand the FOIA access, and his encouragement of openness, I welcome.

I question the comparison of him to FDR and his being our economic savior, given evidence that FDR delayed GD recovery by 7-11 years. I question his thoroughness in reviewing and understanding legislature, given his support an endorsement on a flawed bailout bill that left the idea of "accountability" off before being hurriedly passed.

I am happy to see him working towards a more open, welcoming and friendly administration, compared to the past several. His homosexual friendly motions, his attempts to include as many different groups and positions in his inauguration, and yes, his "highest priced US party", all give me hope for his administration.

Yet I'm still concerned by other items I read about, still more than a bit worried about a possible transition to an "American-Socialist" state, etc.

Unlike many, I'm not ready to crucify him, and haven't reached for the nails and hammer yet, unlike those who seek to portray him as the Resurrected Nailed God, or the Great Parter of Seas and Wander of Deserts.

Some of what I've said here, was tongue in cheek, some serious, all mixed. I do think the countries FUBAR, but, I haven't applied for Canadian citizenship yet, nor do I intend to. Hopefully, this shed at least my position in a clearer light, and is a more balanced and less "Oh ****, Bob's wearing a tinfoil hat again, what a looney!" picture.

Though, you run 3 forums, and admin 3 more and try and stay sane. It ain't easy! :D
Ya know, I didn't hear this bellyaching when "dittoheads" were popular. Talk about a lot of Kool-Aid drinking floor worshipers, these peeps slurped up journalistic crap (admitted by the RotUnd one Him Self) like it was Jamba Juice.

Then there's the Chicken Soup books by a conservative Christian writer. And the little book containing right wing vernacular, power words with instructions on how to argue the conservative point against the Evil Liberal Machine that is all that isn't them.


Spare me the "uh... uh ... uh" imitation of Obama's occasional stutter as he has English Language mastery factor hands down over dubya - so get over it already.

Spare me the fear of socialism ... some socialistic policies are tried and true means of abating economic collapse; it's either that or complete national bankruptcy, people.

I'll tell you what you ought to be freaked out about ... gun rights. The reintroduction of coal as a viable energy source. Taking care of our veterans when they return home. I haven't heard a president NOT promise that it was going to get better for vets and we're still waiting. Transparency for bail-out recipients. He agreed it should happen, but ... Citicorp just bought some luxury jets.

Talk about drinking Kool Aid. Stop drinking the Kool Aid that is this thread, turn Limbaugh off and flush him down, and get your *** on the ball, peeps. If you want things to change, quit yer itching and get out and DO SOMETHING.


That's the freakin' message!

All this talk of Brownshirts, Papa Doc, Mao and Hitler really makes me wonder about the mental stability of some on this board. You're practically soiling yourselves in fear and outrage, when basically nothing has been done and said at this point.

Welcome to my world. I've been saying things like that for the last eight years.

It looks like we have the reverse of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" brewing up in full force. I was hoping we could avoid some of those pathologies this time around.

Oh, no sir. The Left is going to get its full share. You betcha.
No. Any comparison is specious, and calls into question the sanity of the person proposing it. When the government starts making us buy it, then maybe the comparison has some merit. Until then, it's freely offered on Amazon.com to anyone who may or may not want to buy it.

I find these comparisons specious. This is no more significant that the dolls modelled after the Obama daughters. Just another free marketeer trying to make a sale. As someone pointed out above, the bookshelves are bulging with books of quotes and phrases and ideologies. Like the Obama Book, nobody's holding a gun to anyone's head.

All this talk of Brownshirts, Papa Doc, Mao and Hitler really makes me wonder about the mental stability of some on this board. You're practically soiling yourselves in fear and outrage, when basically nothing has been done and said at this point. It looks like we have the reverse of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" brewing up in full force. I was hoping we could avoid some of those pathologies this time around.

...which helps me to understand why a third party doesn't rise up in the USA. Apparently many have trouble acknowledging the two that currently exist.

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