Is Obama black?

Until the Republican and far right machine would turn on him and scare gullible White racists by stating something like:"Colin Power traces his lineage back to the West Indies like Louis Farrakhan does then he's actually a secret member of the Nation of Islam waiting to put White folks to death! He is a boy.He has golf with women.His primary job in life is leisure.He's nuking doctors.He has no time for Afghanistan.
He is...a...RACIST!


Where the **** did that come from??

Dude, I simply made a comment about his potential to have been a great leader of your country, thatÂ’s all.

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we're used to the racist ineptitude of a government that would never treat monied White folks so dismally;but s'allgood to underpriviledged folks) Dubya and Racism Momma Bush.

I went to the link you posted.....thanks, that was hilarious:

I can't find the page you're looking for.
It was probably a page about something really interesting,
but the URL you entered doesn't point to anything on this site.
Might I recommend you try the search engine at to help you locate the item you want?
You really should try it.
I have lots of great stories to tell you about vanishing hitchhikers
and bloody hooks
and exploding whales
and glurge
and gun-toting grannies
and hairy-armed hitchhikers
and murdered roommates.

Awesome! :lfao:
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Listen up Slick
I am gonna give you some free advice, and this is comming from someone that has recieved more ban hammers around here than you can count on 2 hands.

chill the hell out

your over the top "racist boogey men are everywhere trying to oppress me" crap is getting out of hand, and your personal attacks are not gonna get you on the moderators christmas list.

trust me, I know of what I speak on this subject.

chill out or you are gonna end up getting the hammer.

take it for what it is worth, or not, i dont really care.
BTW- All 57 states?


giving the queen an IPOD filled with his speeches?

Obama is an idiot without the teleprompter to back him up and with it he aint so great either.

Where the **** did that come from??

Dude, I simply made a comment about his potential to have been a great leader of your country, that’s all.

Easy. misunderstood where I was coming from.I actually agreed with you,but I then pointed out that there was going to be a major negative backlash from the Right that had zero to do with reality and I gave some of their more typical heinous reactions to President Obama.So yeah man I actually aagree with you.

Listen up Slick
I am gonna give you some free advice, and this is comming from someone that has recieved more ban hammers around here than you can count on 2 hands.

chill the hell out

your over the top "racist boogey men are everywhere trying to oppress me" crap is getting out of hand, and your personal attacks are not gonna get you on the moderators christmas list.

trust me, I know of what I speak on this subject.

chill out or you are gonna end up getting the hammer.

take it for what it is worth, or not, i dont really care.

My responses are rarely even near the top,much less over it.Most of the time my responses are below the tone and venom of the poster that I'm responding to.My position never was there are "racist boogey men are everywhere trying to oppress me" and I specified that.Numerous times.My position is that the major institutions of this country are indeed permanently ingrained with racism,sexism,classism,nationalism,and that the documented evidence by these very own institutions point out these facts.Census Bureau data and several other major governmental agencies confirm this across the board,systematic,deliberate racism in the major institutions of this country.Basically,they're saying:"We're guilty,mea culpa." So there isn't any speculation done on my part,this is acknowledgement of their "mea culpa".Which you still refuse to accept,and that says all there is to say about you in this area and this regard.Somehow,I think that if some Black Panthers posted in-depth reports that showed them discriminating on the basis of age race gender national origin etc. across the nation consistently with horrific impact upon the White community,you'd be up in arms.Just a intuition I have.And if I or anyone else Black or not said that you were merely "seeing bogeymen",you might be a tad bit miffed at such an untrue,unfair accusation.And if I or anyone else Black or not then stated clearly that if you saw racism everywhere that it was inside of YOU? You might decide to mentally excoriate such a person,as this may have been the indicator that your previously even tone simply wasn't enough to pierce the armor of ignorance that you now see that some of your more consistent detractors have garbed themselves with.As for "personal attacks"? I seem to recall evidence in your posts and the posts of others of you guys flaming me first.I seem to recall some denigration of my mindset in your posts,combined with your mistaken idea of my position.I merely responded in kind...after being goaded.Repeatedly.

99% of my posts are even handed and reasonable.You and others flamed me,and I responded with firepower and facts and links.If my RESPONSES were personal? Then the posts of you and others who came at me first were personal.You brought heat,I brought fire...with links and facts behind it.

Thanks for the advice,though.
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BTW- All 57 states?


giving the queen an IPOD filled with his speeches?

Obama is an idiot without the teleprompter to back him up and with it he aint so great either.

You respond with 2 incidents and a third comment which is an opinion.I can link you RIGHT NOW to HUNDREDS of Bushisms and Limbaugh,Beck and other over the top stupidities.Do you really REALLY wanna go there? Because you still have zero to go on in any kind of comparison and contrast of Obama--who is a trillion times smarter than your guys combined--and anybody that you care to name.

And oh directly answer the question that this thread poses:"Is Obama black?" (should be Black btw). Obama once quipped:"I think it's important to remember that I was Black before the election." So Obama is Black.
obama is an idiot if for no other reason than that he supports policies that DO NOT WORK

(BTW, everyone makes gaffs, says something wrong, etc. So i dont really hold that against him or use it as ammo for my "he is a moron" stance, unlike YOU do with past presidents.......... the difference is that this clown was hailed as the second comming, and he aint. Where is all that hope and change?)

back on topic, i dont know if he is black, but i do know he is a friggin idiot

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful. Please avoid personal attacks. Debate the issue, not the poster.

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Super Moderator
Institutionalized Racism in Health Care,including direct quotes from the U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS...also quotes from the University of Florida Journal of Law:

Wikipedia,Institutional racism,reaching everything from property value and how this slanted behaviour ensures disproportionate purposeful undefunding of "minority" schools:

Institutional racism in police forces, job force/employment,banking,housing,and other crucial institutions:

Los Angeles police racism:


Census Bureau reports widening income gap disparity between rich and poor:

widening income disparity between Black and White:

Which of course means that race and gender have a direct impact on the opportunities one receives to move up in and/or maintain their position in economic class.

These links will go into depth and detail resolving most of the matters that you brought up.Yes the questions you asked were much less "complicated" than the matter of institutionalized racism.These links ought to get you going.If there are any other questions? Lemme know,I can steer you toward other sources.

Ok I spent time looking at every single link you provided, thanks for providing them.
I will share my interpretations after looking at them, reading them, and thinking about them.

the first link about health care issues... the one thing that I kept thinking was that I bet this is an economic issue...
I bet that if you looked at the economic status of the area involved, and then compared that with similar economic areas for whites, or any race that it would be the same story.
Once again there is not enough information there in my opinion to say that its a race issue, and not an economic issue.. It could be, but there is not enough information from anything I saw there..

the second link about underfunding for minority schools... the wikipedia article.... I can see your argument here... I dont agree. I think its simply based on property values and taxes.. once again an economic thing... but I can see the point about property values possibly being manipulated... I cant discount that, but I do not see anything that leads me to believe it is happening that way either.

the third link seemed to me to be a policy that specifically was put in place to make sure there was not racial institutionalization happening..
the fourth link popped all kinds of warnings on my screen so I 86ed it.

the fifth link about the lapd mentioned nothing at all about race, other then the first sentance about rodney king. The comments were universal covering all races.

the sixth link about seattle actually pisses me off.
the fact that a prosecuter is not prosecuting driving with a suspended license cases because he thinks its racist is BS. If someone is driving on a suspended license then they should be prosecuted period. Also the fact that requiring a college degree for a job might be considered racial discrimination is also crap. It seems to me that it will actually provide more qualified and stable people period for that position, and position that needs that type of person. Thats goin got also effect all races.

the seventh link about the disparity betwewen rich and poor once again is simply economic status, nothing to do with race or institutional racism.

the eighth link once again does not give enough information.
it lists different races, and different levels of education but it does not list the type of degrees... all degrees are not equal. I see some absolutely ridiculous degrees out there that once earned have literally no opportunity to use the degree and education tomake money... other degrees once earned provide almost unlimited potential to earn vast amounts of money.
so I would need to see a breakdown of the types of degrees and out of those people in each type how long they have been working after earning the degree.
if it shows that out of everyone who earned a the same type of degree, broken down by race, at 6 months after they earned that degree, 1 year after, 5 years after, 10 years after, etc.etc. then that will give the information necessary to make a realistic decision on whether there is any racial institutionalization going on.

over all the links you provided I see alot of assumptions being made. Not enough data accumulated to make the conclusions you are making. It does not mean what you are saying can not be true... it still can, but there is not enough data to prove it. so you have a theory, an unproven theory, but a theory. I have a theory as well.. mine is that this is all based on economic status and not race. that poor whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, etc all are suffering from the condition of poverty, and that the same groups who have a higher economic status are not experiencing this instituionalized racism you are claiming.
i have a theory too

if a person blames racism for everything and sees it everywhere, it is more likely that it is inside them coloring thier view, than actually in the world
BTW- All 57 states?


giving the queen an IPOD filled with his speeches?

Obama is an idiot without the teleprompter to back him up and with it he aint so great either.

Not to mention putting his arm around the Queen Elizabeth like she was his drinking buddy, while he bowed and kowtowd to the king of Saudi Arabia. misunderstood where I was coming from.I actually agreed with you,but I then pointed out that there was going to be a major negative backlash from the Right that had zero to do with reality and I gave some of their more typical heinous reactions to President Obama.So yeah man I actually aagree with you.

My responses are rarely even near the top,much less over it.Most of the time my responses are below the tone and venom of the poster that I'm responding to.My position never was there are "racist boogey men are everywhere trying to oppress me" and I specified that.Numerous times.My position is that the major institutions of this country are indeed permanently ingrained with racism,sexism,classism,nationalism,and that the documented evidence by these very own institutions point out these facts.Census Bureau data and several other major governmental agencies confirm this across the board,systematic,deliberate racism in the major institutions of this country.Basically,they're saying:"We're guilty,mea culpa." So there isn't any speculation done on my part,this is acknowledgement of their "mea culpa".Which you still refuse to accept,and that says all there is to say about you in this area and this regard.Somehow,I think that if some Black Panthers posted in-depth reports that showed them discriminating on the basis of age race gender national origin etc. across the nation consistently with horrific impact upon the White community,you'd be up in arms.Just a intuition I have.And if I or anyone else Black or not said that you were merely "seeing bogeymen",you might be a tad bit miffed at such an untrue,unfair accusation.And if I or anyone else Black or not then stated clearly that if you saw racism everywhere that it was inside of YOU? You might decide to mentally excoriate such a person,as this may have been the indicator that your previously even tone simply wasn't enough to pierce the armor of ignorance that you now see that some of your more consistent detractors have garbed themselves with.As for "personal attacks"? I seem to recall evidence in your posts and the posts of others of you guys flaming me first.I seem to recall some denigration of my mindset in your posts,combined with your mistaken idea of my position.I merely responded in kind...after being goaded.Repeatedly.

99% of my posts are even handed and reasonable.You and others flamed me,and I responded with firepower and facts and links.If my RESPONSES were personal? Then the posts of you and others who came at me first were personal.You brought heat,I brought fire...with links and facts behind it.

Thanks for the advice,though.

I hear Liberia are offering citizenships to poor oppressed African-Americans. You should seriously consider going there, if your life in the US is really that bad.
I hear Liberia are offering citizenships to poor oppressed African-Americans. You should seriously consider going there, if your life in the US is really that bad.

Heard that Ireland is slanging citizenships for lads too.Maybe you might go there.As for me? I'm not exactly a shrinking violet; my ancestors,my parents,and others of all races genders and walks of life have fought and are fighting for the realization of the American Dream for ALL Americans.Maybe you think so little of the concerns or struggles and inequities of others that you can blithely ignorantly and (fail at) glibly recommend that they give up the struggle,and in so doing dishonor the trials travails blood and work of all those who preceded them.Kowtow.Surrender.

Me? I'm made of sterner and more realistic stuff.I don't give up once the engagement is begun.And I don't conflate disliking racism and seeing the mandate to stamp out unfair treatment of any and every kind with disliking America.They're not the same.In fact? Silly me,I think that showing the individual and collective grit gumption iron decency fortitude and sense of justice that leads to stamping out unfair treatment IS THE EPITOME OF BEING AMERICAN.Didn't the Colonists booth the English for that affront first and foremost amongst their litany of grievances? My struggel and the struggles of those akin to me has the deepest roots in one of the major foundations on which this country was built.I dream of and seek an America that actually HAS lived up to its promise.Maybe you don't.

I hear that Liberia is slinging out citizenship for people who cut and run instead of stand and fight,too.Have at it,yorkshirelad,Twin Fist,and anybody else who agrees with them.Me? I'm gonna fight for freedom for all like Crispus Attucks did...and if needed? I'll die like he did too.For the beliefs that are enshrined in every human heart and which can make this country great.
because while i understand that not everyone is cut out for military life, i really do believe that EVERYONE could benefit from 4 years serving their country. People tend to learn what they needed to learn. Me, I learned that i didnt HAVE to party all the time to have fun. Other friends of mine learned what character and loyalty meant

Here is another example.

you have no clue what REAL racism is Ras

Try living in the orient sometime

and you would come back kissing american soil and THANKFULL if all that happened to you was store security followed you.

Many Japanese LITERALLY think that black people have tails. MOST Japanese think that koreans are functionally retarded. The Chinese? they think anyone NOT chinese is less. Sometimes, like in the case of the phillipino's that they are less than human. No, seriously, many, and i mean MANY chinese treat the phillipino and vietnemese like they are some strange human/monkey hybrid

You want racism? forget lynchings 100 years ago, try some ethnic cleansing in Africa, black africans killing other black africans cuz they are from a different TRIBE...literally MILLIONS killed

You serve your country awhile and you would be less inclined to bad mouth it based on nothing, and just be thankfull you are here. Because warts and all, and America does have some wart admittedly, we are still the best thing going.
Since the passage of laws that struck down the de jure aspects--meaning the publically upheld by law aspects--of racism and racial segregation,none of these actions are actually "legal".However,you're not the only one who's worked in law enforcement: both my brother and my cousin have worked for the LAPD and the LASD in elite divisions and the separation is clear cut.Furthermore,you need look no further than Census Bureau data to see that this behaviour is a nationwide epidemic,not the actions of just a few bitter souls.And these actions span centuries,not just specific moments or days.Are most police officers racist? No,not imho.Is law enforcement riddled with the same kind of institutionalized racism that hamstrings the rest of the country? As an institution primary to the operation of the U.S.A.? Absolutely and without doubt.Again...look no further than governmental reports charting nationwide behaviours like the Census Bureau.This is NOT individuals at work,this is the PROOF OF INSTITUTIONAL RACISM AT WORK.

And yet, neither you nor those articles can point to one specific practice that is an example of institutional racism. What you do, as I see in many people who advocate a position similar to yours, is in the absence of tangible proof otherwise, you immediately turn to a racist cause.

As an example of the racism that you seem to be refering to, I know for a fact (at least in that I believe what my wife, a deputy sheriff told me) that in LA County custody facilities segregate themselves based on race. But that is an individual, not an institutional issue.

I have trained with LASD, SEB, SWT on numerous occassions. They have many Black people amongst them. Again, however, even if there wasn't a single one, though many may have passed the basic requirements, that still does not show that there is a rule, policy, or proceedure which makes it institutional as opposed to individual. I can tell you one that they have, however. They turn down all first time applicants. I can tell you that, not even working for them, but I can't point you to one racist one.

Read government reports like the Census Bureau.You don't know me so you don't know that I don't open my mouth and make direct blunt statements without having the data on-hand to back it up.Every syllable I have uttered is verifiable by the most objective methods.

And, at your suggestion, I have looked for the Census Bureau's reports on racism. I found statements in their reports attributed to researchers not working for them, but nothing from the Census Bureau itself.

If you have something to show where the Bureau says it for itself, then please, point me to your source.

I was referring to the general ignoring of,or co-opting of African history.For instance,the original ancient Pharoahs are all Black,the people and populace of ancient Kemet are a Black achievement,and in fact the Pharoahnic Dynasties are merely the traditional cultural methods of ancient Black Africa applied on a national level.And yet...most of the depictions that we have of all of these are of anyone BUT Black people.That's about as accurate as saying that King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table,and Renaissance Europe were ALL BLACK achievements.Sure there were SOME Black people,but NOWHERE NEAR 100% Black.Furthermore,the long held assumptions about Black civilizations only achieving worthy achievements when "influenced" by White civilizations is another spurious lie exploded by many many documents.

I don't buy this one. There are a few reasons. First, Egypt, although a part of the Continent of Africa, shares hardly any cultural attributes with the countries south of it, to include the countries where the African slave is from. I hardly think that depicting people from Egypt will somehow enlighten the Blacks in America. Not only that, though you call them Black, the Egyptian skin tone is akin to those of the Middle East, hence the association with the Middle East.

Your position,mine and everybody else's position in the USA would undoubtedly be affected toward a more knowledgeable and positive perception about Africa and her people were Africa not so maligned for so many centuries.

I guess. Although I could certainly see your point when it comes to Black history, I don't see it with African history. Unless one could trace one roots back to a specific georgraphical area within the vast continent that is Africa, I don't see it as being all that beneficial. For instance, the difference between the culture of Egypt, the Maasai Tribe, and Etheopians are so vast that it does not give the individual Black American insight into their own past.

You must not have read my quote very well,despite the fact that it's just above your quote (the one I'm responding to now) in your original post.I didn't say that there AREN'T high achieving Blacks; what I said is that there are MORE INSTANCES OF MEDIA COVERAGE ASSOCIATING NEGATIVITY WITH BLACK (and also Latino,gotta say that) FACES.Very much different than inferring that there are no high achieving Blacks or there aren't frequent high achieving Blacks who aren't in sports.I think Obama would qualify as high achieving Blacks who aren't in sports per se (lol Pres.Obama DOES get his b-ball on though).Sijo Muhammad would qualify.Reginald F. Lewis (R.I.P.) would qualify.Maya Angelou would qualify.You get the point,I hope.Dr.Chancellor Williams (r.i.p.) Dr.Cornel West,would qualify.You get the point.

I got your point perfectly fine. My point is that there are high numbers of places to see a positive portrayal of Blacks in media. There are all of the things that you point out, and more. We can quibble over the "amount" of coverage seen, and to some extent, I will agree with you. But it also depends on the medium to which you are referring.

I will also point out that we do it to ourselves, also. Take, for instance, Oprah. She has the star and money power to make any movie that she wants, and she produces "Precious".

Did you just SERIOUSLY ask me where the cocaine and drug problems originate or are you kidding with me?

I did.

I think the facts will prove that your breakdown is actually broken down.I'm fully aware of Germany's requirements to payback the Allies at the Treaty of Versailles after WWI.That amount would break down to about 780 billion USD 2011. As of 2009,the U.S. deficit was 1.4 trillion USD And President Obama's handling of this scenario,and the incredible accomplishments of President Obama are nothing short of historic:

Until the U.S. Dollar becomes 1 trillionth of what it is now, there is no comparison between the economy of Germany after WWI and the U.S. economy now. I don't see people burning their money for heat because the cost of heating oil is worth more then the dollar, or it being cheaper to wallpaper your house with the dollar as opposed to buying actual wallpaper. So no, his handling of it is not historic, especially considering that he is doing what Bush did (TARP II).

Not only that, but besides economics, he pushed for the PATRIOT Act renewal, refuses to close down Guantanamo Bay, is pushing for military tribunal for prisoners there, and so on. He is, with few exceptions, some of them major, a Bush clone.

And uh...there's a difference between wingnut opposition groups Left and Right and RECORD LEVELS of reactionary nutcase action,gun and ammo runs,stupidities like Birthers and Deathers,etc.On top of that? When there was previous concerns about Presidents reenacting slavery or reparations or swigning ironfisted blows at our freedoms prior to Obama? The times they were TRUE,they were regarding White Presidents WHO DID DO SUCH A THING or ALLOWED such a thing or similar things and HAD A HISTORY OF DOING SUCH A THING.I'm very,very well informed and would be more than happy to engage you and anybody else on any aspect of history on this matter.I find these discussions to be stimulating and I don't look at them as adversarial exercises.

I'm not at all sure what you are refering to here, perhaps due to typos.

That's a good thing,actually.We Black folks aren't monolithic,and most folks aren't monolothic.However,there are differences borne of personality and personal life experiences and then there are differences borne of knowledge regarding specific facts.I can only be unequivocal about the latter.The factual statements I made are exactly that: factual.You have the choice and the right to accept whether or not you believe them,but their rigorous accuracy is beyond reproach.

Your "factual" statments are interpretations of data which can have alternate conclusions, as well as regurgitations of what others (researchers) have said. Not necessarily all bad, but still can be subject to flaws.

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